- Feb 17, 2008
- 2,136
- 2,355
Cargo,Witnessed the 08 revolution first hand. A true example of the results a solidified membership can achieve. There are some posters on here who have little faith or hope in the IAM achieving an industry leading contract. They predict nothing better than what AA got under bankruptcy with a MOU. I'm sure the company wishes the majority of our membership had such low expectations. I have to believe one who sets the expectation bar so low would vote for any sub par agreement; then turn around and blame it on the union and the NC. Luckily, IMO... members such as the fore mentioned are a minority. I remain convinced the vast majority of the membership has had their fill of sub par concessionary contracts. I remain convinced the vast majority will wait it out and do whatever is necessary to achieve a respectable contract. The NC is only as strong as the dogged determination and solidarity of the members they represent. Let's learn something from the 08 election of District Officers and our Sisters and Brothers at UA.
Your opinion mirrors mine. I would like to add one more observation... the F/A's voted down at least two Tentatives, using this same resolve strategy. The company depends on guys like freedom that will take whatever scraps they toss on the ground, even if it means compromising other members!
The Industry is poised for an unprecedented era of world growth, and profits. Accepting an agreement that does not reflect this... would be foolish for Fleet!