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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Please keep in mind that the 4 year recall term only applies to those that are actually furloughed to the street. If you have been displaced to another station, and your former station remains open, your recall rights don't expire. So all of those that have been furloughed from LAS over the years, will have the option to return at some point prior to any out of station transfers or new hires.
Even if a guy was furloughed from LAS, and took a position in PHX, then transferred to CLT, he would still retain his recall rights to LAS as long as he filled out his papers correctly when he was displaced out of LAS. This is a key factor that some people drop the ball on. You must ALWAYS list your home station is the primary one for recall. Some of us that had stations outsourced even made sure to put our current station for recall. This way you are covered, and can just put in a transfer to another station. only when and if they call you for your home station, and you turn it down do your recall rights end.
I think for the short term, that being AFTER the merger is COMPLETED, things will stay the same or therre will be slight reductions. One huge factor for furloughs is that any furlough that happens after we're one big happy family may see many AA agents get furloughed prior to anyone from US. I believe AA has actually hired recently.
That's assuming the the AA & US seniority lists are integrated. AA has about 25+ flights with 100 FSA working them. US, I think, has about 18 flights with more than 100+ FSA working them. AA management has told the TWU union @ LAS they are overstaffed. I'm ASSUMING once US management sees how AA management runs their operation, the layoffs will be on the US side.
US has 28 flights I think, not 18, and also staffs cargo. I don't forsee any furloughs as a result of the merger (at least in LAS) until after we become one workgroup, at which point AA will have the junior agents.
US has 28 flights I think, not 18, and also staffs cargo. I don't forsee any furloughs as a result of the merger (at least in LAS) until after we become one workgroup, at which point AA will have the junior agents.

87 Clerks and 10 Crew Chiefs in LAS.Crew Chief seniority is '75 and '90. FT is '79 and '98 respectively and PT is '84 and '08.

No system flush either.
AA and US together in LAS would serve nine cities: ORD, DFW, LAX, MIA, JFK, PHX, PHL, CLT, & DCA. I have to wonder what their plans are for LAS post-merger.
I gotta wonder that myself along with other cities close to existing hubs. Does the combined airline need as many JFK/MIA/ORD/CLT/PHL - LAS flights with both PHX and LAX so close? Especially with DFW as a feeder, as well? Same could be asked about those cities being served by PHL-JFK/BOS, BWI, PIT, CLE, CVG, etc.? Let's not forget that many mergers are about "rationalizing" supply (remove goods or services) to force higher prices, so I would expect some cuts in flights, but I don't think anyone knows the routes and the degree.
US has 28 flights I think, not 18, and also staffs cargo. I don't forsee any furloughs as a result of the merger (at least in LAS) until after we become one workgroup, at which point AA will have the junior agents.

18 Mainline I believe. 1 DCA. 6 PHX. 6 PHL. 5 CLT. I'm just remembering off the top of my head. The rest are operated by United Express/Star Alliance members? Correct me, if I'm mistaken.
I gotta wonder that myself along with other cities close to existing hubs. Does the combined airline need as many JFK/MIA/ORD/CLT/PHL - LAS flights with both PHX and LAX so close? Especially with DFW as a feeder, as well? Same could be asked about those cities being served by PHL-JFK/BOS, BWI, PIT, CLE, CVG, etc.? Let's not forget that many mergers are about "rationalizing" supply (remove goods or services) to force higher prices, so I would expect some cuts in flights, but I don't think anyone knows the routes and the degree.
from bwi AA flies to dfw all mainline and to mia all mainline to jfk and ord the ERJs american eagle
US 2 mainline jets daily to phl the rest commuters then all mainline to clt and phx
i wonder after the merger if US will keep the 2 phx flights as they do real well or transfer them to DFW
Good question robbedagain. Im quite sure there will be on or two hub casualties. It will take time though.
For instance, delta just announced today how it will eliminate mem as a hub and there will be a resulting 250 job loss come september 1.
Of course, the party line is that "we need all hubs".
Bwi day las san syr pit...which hub will be gone next as the amr hubs are now factored in?
That's assuming the the AA & US seniority lists are integrated. AA has about 25+ flights with 100 FSA working them. US, I think, has about 18 flights with more than 100+ FSA working them. AA management has told the TWU union @ LAS they are overstaffed. I'm ASSUMING once US management sees how AA management runs their operation, the layoffs will be on the US side.
The IAM and TWU all ready have negotiated seniority, its date of classification.
But the new AA can't use it UNTIL both FSA from both airlines are under ONE contract. I believe its #6 in the agreement. So I ASSUME once more US FSA will go before AA FSA if say PHX flts are cut from the LAS schedule and vice versa with AA FSA if DFW flts are cut from the same schedule.
Yes it says they cant do it till a JCBA is reached, but they can sign a helping hand agreement which US and HP did and which let each other work flights.
Yes it says they cant do it till a JCBA is reached, but they can sign a helping hand agreement which US and HP did and which let each other work flights.
OMG, Gosh I hope they don't sign helping hand agreements without getting any $$$ in return. Dopes screwed up at United and US AIRWAYS signing dopey helping hands making mergers more seamless but not getting squat for the members. regards,
Yes it says they cant do it till a JCBA is reached, but they can sign a helping hand agreement which US and HP did and which let each other work flights.

The US/HP helping hands agreement was a disaster. In LAS it basically meant the US guys going home and HP guys cleaning up the mess they left behind. I'm gonna be pissed royally if that happens again.
The US/HP helping hands agreement was a disaster. In LAS it basically meant the US guys going home and HP guys cleaning up the mess they left behind. I'm gonna be pissed royally if that happens again.
If was anything like the CLT flights I get with locals in forward and aft bins mixed-in with connects forward and aft, and the CAGs buried behind other gate checks with tight connections, I can feel your pain. I don't understand why it is so difficult to separate the locals and connects, as it is too often a bag salad in forward and aft bins.
If was anything like the CLT flights I get with locals in forward and aft bins mixed-in with connects forward and aft, and the CAGs buried behind other gate checks with tight connections, I can feel your pain. I don't understand why it is so difficult to separate the locals and connects, as it is too often a bag salad in forward and aft bins.

Wait until you sample the delights of a junk loaded MIA inbound.Gate bags loaded in the aft,curtains never secured,bags everywhere,400lb electric wheelchairs not on offload message,water and lavs NEVER serviced.

Good times.But MIA is the first station to #### and send nastygrams when they don't receive a properly sorted arrival.

Basically MIA is bloody awful.
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