Good question robbedagain. Im quite sure there will be on or two hub casualties. It will take time though.
For instance, delta just announced today how it will eliminate mem as a hub and there will be a resulting 250 job loss come september 1.
Of course, the party line is that "we need all hubs".
Bwi day las san syr pit...which hub will be gone next as the amr hubs are now factored in?
Good question. BTW, does anyone really believe the "no hubs will close" line, or does it just make people feel a little better in the interim?
MEM has been going through a death by 1000 cuts for awhile now. This latest blow while sad, isn't surprising...
Yes it says they cant do it till a JCBA is reached, but they can sign a helping hand agreement which US and HP did and which let each other work flights.
Helping hands type agreements usually don't end well... Much better to expedite the JCBA process (as much as possible, anyway)...