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Attention - AA Mechanics - We Now Have Over 7000 Cards


Aug 20, 2002
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American Airlines mechanic and related group has now crossed the 7000 signed card threshold.

In fact 7008 signed cards are currently on file, with more in the mail and on the way.

To view a PDF file that breaks the card count down by station, click below


The industry wide revolution to gain craft union representation, by the highly skilled technicians of the industry continues to gain momentum. One airline group after another has an election and AMFA wins.

The lies and negative campaign attacks on AMFA by the industrial unions are having little effect these days.

Find an Organizer and Sign Your Card Today!

Thanks for your support.
WOW, all along I thought BINGOBILLY who occasionally posts here was actually JIM LITTLE. But I don't know anymore, maybe CHECKING IT OUT is actually JIM LITTLE!
On 7/27/2003 9:18:56 AM Checking it Out wrote:

Typical amfa hype! You have Inflated numbers in the Past and you continue to do so! Prety soon you will Inflated the Numbers with a big Number to give hope to the Organizers when in fact it is a bluff! Keep up the Half-truths and Lies you are Famous for! No wonder your site and Leadership at Local 12 was overlooked! At Least several of your own understand what you are about!

A signed card means a vote to Eliminate your Job! What a record to be proud of!


Can't defend their own record so they use FEAR!
Does CIO stand for Company Inserted Orally?
Typical amfa hype! You have Inflated numbers in the Past and you continue to do so! Prety soon you will Inflated the Numbers with a big Number to give hope to the Organizers when in fact it is a bluff! Keep up the Half-truths and Lies you are Famous for! No wonder your site and Leadership at Local 12 was overlooked! At Least several of your own understand what you are about!

A signed card means a vote to Eliminate your Job! What a record to be proud of!

I think that Checking It Out must be a close relative of
that Iraqi PR minister that kept denying that the Allied forces were about to take over Bagdad!!??
On 7/27/2003 3:58:39 PM enough already wrote:

I think that Checking It Out must be a close relative of
that Iraqi PR minister that kept denying that the Allied forces were about to take over Bagdad!!??

That's right. The inbedded reporters showing the troops storming the outskirts of the city and the propaganda machine was claiming they were not there.
Scene 1 TWU propaganda minister- There are not any cards even being distributed, much less signed. Those AMFA guys are committing job security suicide, the evil invaders will fail, and the TWU will show the world what company unionism is all about.
Scene 2 TWU propaganda minister- AMFA doesn't represent anybody and they have never had a contract our members would vote for. The AMFA leader has never been elected and his realtor license is about to expire. AMFA now wants to represent ground workers, and flight attendants.
Scene 3 TWU propaganda minister- AMFA members are running a massive organizing campaign to oust AMFA at Northwest. AMFA members have attended the Tulsa Informational Meeting an announced their support of the TWU. Things are so bad at Northwest, the TWU is getting more cards signed at Northwest than any other union in history. The Northwest Mechanics are favoring the TWU "Concessions for Jobs" program at astounding levels. The EVIL AMFA will be removed from the Northwest property soon.
Breaking News from REALITY REPORTING:
There is no such thing a gravity, the TWU sucks so bad they hold us on the planet.
On 7/27/2003 9:18:56 AM Checking it Out wrote:

A signed card means a vote to Eliminate your Job! What a record to be proud of!


Coming from the same person who said that a YES vote is the only way to save your job, even to those with less than 1998 seniority, do you really expect your desperate accusations to carry much weight?
Tell us Checking it Out,

What is the current total TWU members laid-off due to the Industry Leading Concession?

And what is the senioirity date of the most senior RIF'd member?
On 7/30/2003 1:04:05 AM MCI transplant wrote:

Just curious! What are the total number AMT/and related at A.A.????

Go here;


However these numbers overstate the actual number of members. We know that there has not been any new hires but there have been loads of retirements and a few resignations. They probably have very close to 50% already.
