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Article 4 Industry Comparable Pay rate

Overspeed said:
Chuck read the 2008 LM2. Delle was PAID out the money as a lump sum to purchase an annuity. You are way wrong on this one. The money can't stay with AMFA if the check has been cashed as Delle walked. Does anyone at AMFA get a lump sum pension pay out? No. AMFA scammed the membership after the killed the pensions of all their members at NWA and thousands more at UAL and AS that lost their jobs forever.
AMFA didn't scam anyone. You obviously cannot interpret the LM-2.
The $500k annuity was listed as a disbursement to Del because the annuity was for him alone. He WAS NOT PAID $500k, the annuity was purchased by the association for him in accordance with the AMFA constitution which the entire membership voted on..
Further the National Directors salary is clearly listed in the AMFA constitution, and had he been "PAID" $500k as you state, it would've resulted in criminal charges as that would've been a clear violation of AMFAs constitution.
Nice Try
ThirdSeatHero said:
AMFA didn't scam anyone. You obviously cannot interpret the LM-2.
The $500k annuity was listed as a disbursement to Del because the annuity was for him alone. He WAS NOT PAID $500k, the annuity was purchased by the association for him in accordance with the AMFA constitution which the entire membership voted on..
Further the National Directors salary is clearly listed in the AMFA constitution, and had he been "PAID" $500k as you state, it would've resulted in criminal charges as that would've been a clear violation of AMFAs constitution.
Nice Try
Scam. Still nobody else gets it. Can you produce this vote results. The AS members I spoke with said there was no vote.

Why would you list it as a disbursement to him and not as a benefit expense?

Where are the minutes explaining as such?
I think some may be too busy to click the link. Lets post the article here.
Note: Delfamine sure ate pretty good over the years.
riday, April 17, 2009
Is Your ex-AMFA Leadership worth $500,000?
According to the 2008 LM-2 that AMFA filed with the Department of Labor, AMFA paid Director Olivio V. Delle-Femine $560,394. Wow!
This brings to mind a couple of questions.
What did Mr. Delle-Femine do to deserve five-times the average salary of an employed Mechanic?
At a recent Local 14 meeting it was explained that part of this compensation included an annuity to cover his retirement. What?! Over a half-million dollars for a retirement! At a time when mechanics are losing their pensions in bankruptcy, how the AMFA can justify spending this kind of money on a pension plan for an individual? The AMFA's membership is in steep decline, Northwest Airlines is gone, United Airlines is gone, and yet they feel the need to spend the hard earned dues money for a retired Director of the Association.
The annual dues for membership in the AMFA at Alaska are around $700. Coincidentally, if you took the dues paid by the members at Alaska Airlines for one year, it still wouldn't be enough to pay for the annuity. Since the AMFA's membership is declining, how can they justify this kind of expenditure?
Where in the AMFA constitution does it spell out this perk? How did this happen? But here is a bigger question…
Why aren't you guys pissed about this? The association is under attack and the leadership is spending money like it is going out of style.
Under the heading of Assets and Liabilities, the AMFA lists net assets of $734,022 at the beginning of the reporting period and a total of -$479,433 in net assets at the end of the reporting period. For those of you without a calculator, that's a loss of $1,213,455.
Again I ask, when you are losing this kind of money, how can you justify spending these exorbitant amounts?
The only explanation that I can come up with is that the AMFA leadership is out of touch with its membership.
This is another reason we need change. Change for the better. Change for a real future.
Overspeed said:
Scam. Still nobody else gets it. Can you produce this vote results. The AS members I spoke with said there was no vote.

Why would you list it as a disbursement to him and not as a benefit expense?

Where are the minutes explaining as such?
AMFA members always vote on their constitution.
Del retired effective Jan 1, 2008.

At that time the 2004 constitution was still in effect, and his annuity was quite clearly covered under Article:XIV Section:9 Para: E
E) A retirement plan equal to the highest paying retire-ment plan of any active member in this Association shall be provided to any National officer lacking such a plan from a represented airline. For National officers lacking an AMFA employer retirement plan, the Association may self fund a retirement account, untouchable for any other purpose unless so voted by National Convention delegates, rather than funding with an insurance company.
Overspeed said:
I think some may be too busy to click the link. Lets post the article here.
Note: Delfamine sure ate pretty good over the years.
riday, April 17, 2009
Is Your ex-AMFA Leadership worth $500,000?
According to the 2008 LM-2 that AMFA filed with the Department of Labor, AMFA paid Director Olivio V. Delle-Femine $560,394. Wow!
This brings to mind a couple of questions.
What did Mr. Delle-Femine do to deserve five-times the average salary of an employed Mechanic?
At a recent Local 14 meeting it was explained that part of this compensation included an annuity to cover his retirement. What?! Over a half-million dollars for a retirement! At a time when mechanics are losing their pensions in bankruptcy, how the AMFA can justify spending this kind of money on a pension plan for an individual? The AMFA's membership is in steep decline, Northwest Airlines is gone, United Airlines is gone, and yet they feel the need to spend the hard earned dues money for a retired Director of the Association.
The annual dues for membership in the AMFA at Alaska are around $700. Coincidentally, if you took the dues paid by the members at Alaska Airlines for one year, it still wouldn't be enough to pay for the annuity. Since the AMFA's membership is declining, how can they justify this kind of expenditure?
Where in the AMFA constitution does it spell out this perk? How did this happen? But here is a bigger question…
Why aren't you guys pissed about this? The association is under attack and the leadership is spending money like it is going out of style.
Under the heading of Assets and Liabilities, the AMFA lists net assets of $734,022 at the beginning of the reporting period and a total of -$479,433 in net assets at the end of the reporting period. For those of you without a calculator, that's a loss of $1,213,455.
Again I ask, when you are losing this kind of money, how can you justify spending these exorbitant amounts?
The only explanation that I can come up with is that the AMFA leadership is out of touch with its membership.
This is another reason we need change. Change for the better. Change for a real future.
You start with the ridiculous rant that Del was PAID $500k , and then go on to post an article clearly stating the money funded an ANNUITY.
Congratulations on disproving your own post.
ThirdSeatHero said:
You start with the ridiculous rant that Del was PAID $500k , and then go on to post an article clearly stating the money funded an ANNUITY.
Congratulations on disproving your own post.
No I am posting what an AS guy said on their forum. Not a ridiculous rant. Fact is the guy trashed the careers of 80% of his members! lined the pockets of Seham, and the McCormick group in the process. What about AMFAs rerun of its recent officer elections after the DOL started investigating election irregularities by incumbents? The point is AMFA's dirty. The screw their members and protect their officers.
ThirdSeatHero said:
AMFA members always vote on their constitution.
Del retired effective Jan 1, 2008.
At that time the 2004 constitution was still in effect, and his annuity was quite clearly covered under Article:XIV Section:9 Para: E
E) A retirement plan equal to the highest paying retire-ment plan of any active member in this Association shall be provided to any National officer lacking such a plan from a represented airline. For National officers lacking an AMFA employer retirement plan, the Association may self fund a retirement account, untouchable for any other purpose unless so voted by National Convention delegates, rather than funding with an insurance company.
Did he deduct the loss of the 80% of his memberships pension he lost? No. He took care of himself. The champion of professional mechanics whose motto includes integrity showed he has none. Scammer in chief Delle
Issue 11
A Publication of the Air Line Pilots Association, Intl.

April 15, 2008

Raiders, Not Union Builders

If you make the decision to go with USAPA, you should know that you’re hiring Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen (SSM&P) as the chief advisors and legal team to run your union. SSM&P is good at one thing, and running a union isn’t it.

SSM&P specializes in raiding unions when the membership is emotional over a contract, an arbitration award, or a bankruptcy. They’ll tell the group whatever they need to hear in order to win them over. For the East pilots, it’s how they’ll change the Nicolau award. For the West pilots . . . well, let’s just say Seham couldn’t stand the heat of the desert and didn’t have anything to tell them other than to complain about being recorded and to distort what he had previously said.

In this respect, Seham denied in PHX that he ever said anything about making a “cost neutral” agreement with the Company. However, the tape of the PHL meeting shows that Seham told the group that one of the first agreements USAPA would make with the Company would be to reorder the seniority list, a deal the Company would be happy to make because it would be “cost neutral.”

Aside from the lie about having used the term, the claim shows incredible naiveté. No company ever views a major accommodation to a union as “cost neutral”—particularly one that will inevitably lead to litigation. Anyone who believes that the Company will perform this “cost neutral” favor for free, particularly in the present environment, is obviously not connected to reality. And, to make matters worse, USAPA made it clear in PHX that it did not have a “Plan B” in the event the Company either was unwilling to make Seham’s “cost neutral” accommodation or insisted on a contractual concession in exchange.

The lack of candor exhibited in PHX is typical of a group of advisors who are skilled at attacking unions but have established a miserable record when it comes to representing them. They claim to be professional negotiators, but not a single member of the firm has ever negotiated a pilot agreement. They claim to be union lawyers, but under their counsel, various airline managements have hired scabs, threatened union workers, and sought to deprive them of hard-earned wages and benefits in bankruptcy.

SSM&P helped bring the B-scale into the industry and, while representing unions, lost cases that gravely undermined your right to strike and negotiate. They have been fired by the APA and the PFAA, and over the past five years, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), their primary labor client, has been reduced from 17,000 to approximately 3,000 dues-paying members. Simply put, SSM&P’s record in no way supports its claim to your trust.

The mechanics of United Airlines voted overwhelmingly to oust AMFA on March 31, 2008. Should the pilots of US Airways step up to restore this loss of revenue for the Seham firm? Or should you reflect on why it is that yet another group of workers has concluded it is important to be part of the labor movement and left Seham and his clients behind?

Will you be the next group of employees who quickly come to the realization that Seham-style company unionism doesn’t work? The reason ALPA has provided you with all of this information is that the other 56,000 pilots of this union hope the answer to those questions will be no.
ThirdSeatHero said:
AMFA didn't scam anyone. You obviously cannot interpret the LM-2.
The $500k annuity was listed as a disbursement to Del because the annuity was for him alone. He WAS NOT PAID $500k, the annuity was purchased by the association for him in accordance with the AMFA constitution which the entire membership voted on..
Further the National Directors salary is clearly listed in the AMFA constitution, and had he been "PAID" $500k as you state, it would've resulted in criminal charges as that would've been a clear violation of AMFAs constitution.
Nice Try
Bet the UAL members who Delle "fought" for would have voted no on that annuity if they would have had the chance. Instead they just had enough after he stated that after getting his butt handed to him at NWA it was easier to roll over on his members and secure his own deal before the treasury ran out.

BTW, will Key, Nowak, or any other officer be getting the Delle deal? No because it has since been removed. Nice going Delle, out did the IBT on pension scams on that one!
Wow, look at all your posts Overspeed.  I detect desperation.  Attacking a guy that retired 5 years ago.  I find it amazing you have the audacity to bring up the subject of overpaid union leadership.  Considering all the overpaid TWU International D-bags sucking up our union dues for nothing in return except communist, unsolicited mailings.  Delle isn't behind this drive, we the AMTs of AA are!  You claim to be based at DFW which I doubt, you ought to know this, instead of harping on your outdated TWU talking points.  I could walk through any breakroom here at DFW, and probably get over 90% of the AMTs to resign an AMFA authorization card.  Point is, your TWU reign of terror against AA AMTs is coming to an end.  There is a special place in Hell for you, and your TWU International parasites.
Vortilon said:
Wow, look at all your posts Overspeed.  I detect desperation.  Attacking a guy that retired 5 years ago.  I find it amazing you have the audacity to bring up the subject of overpaid union leadership.  Considering all the overpaid TWU International D-bags sucking up our union dues for nothing in return except communist, unsolicited mailings.  Delle isn't behind this drive, we the AMTs of AA are!  You claim to be based at DFW which I doubt, you ought to know this, instead of harping on your outdated TWU talking points.  I could walk through any breakroom here at DFW, and probably get over 90% of the AMTs to resign an AMFA authorization card.  Point is, your TWU reign of terror against AA AMTs is coming to an end.  There is a special place in Hell for you, and your TWU International parasites.
I'm confident there will be no AMFA vote. People know what happened at NWA and how UAL kicked them to the curb. AMFA had their chance to show the world what a "tough" union can do and they failed miserably. Ten years later and almost back to PO Box in Laconia like they were twenty years ago. AMFA didn't spend much the last drive because they had very little cash and won't this time either. They have all their capital taking on Kelley at SWA. He wants a "cost neutral" contract over there. Reading Delle's comments of how they rolled over in BK court with UAL I am very much interested how well they do with a tough talking CEO at a profitable airline.
I am sure single carrier status is not far off which will throw a huge wrench in the drive because now you will have to pull in US M&R which wrote in what..8 votes during the IBT election. AMFA is a lost cause and will never happen. Get over it and work with what you have now. GP and the 591 board deserve a shot. Sad to say but I have more confidence in them succeeding then AMF does any day.
And brother, Seham is still there screwing the AMFA membership over with high legal fees and a poor record in "professional" negotiations and arbitration. He was dropped by SWAPA, USAPA, ALPA, and the APA. That means he and his law firm must be doing a crappy job. He and his law firm woudl appear to be more of a parasite than anyone using your definition. AMFA members have supplied his daddy with enough funds to pay for his law school to perpetuate the family business which seems to be doing a shake down job most mafia bosses would be jealous of.
Overspeed said:
I'm confident there will be no AMFA vote. People know what happened at NWA and how UAL kicked them to the curb. AMFA had their chance to show the world what a "tough" union can do and they failed miserably. Ten years later and almost back to PO Box in Laconia like they were twenty years ago. AMFA didn't spend much the last drive because they had very little cash and won't this time either. They have all their capital taking on Kelley at SWA. He wants a "cost neutral" contract over there. Reading Delle's comments of how they rolled over in BK court with UAL I am very much interested how well they do with a tough talking CEO at a profitable airline.

Actually Kelly said that they want to become an "Ultra Low Cost Carrier" That doesn't sound like "Cost Neutral to me.
I am sure single carrier status is not far off which will throw a huge wrench in the drive because now you will have to pull in US M&R which wrote in what..8 votes during the IBT election. AMFA is a lost cause and will never happen. Get over it and work with what you have now. GP and the 591 board deserve a shot. Sad to say but I have more confidence in them succeeding then AMF does any day.
And brother, Seham is still there screwing the AMFA membership over with high legal fees and a poor record in "professional" negotiations and arbitration. He was dropped by SWAPA, USAPA, ALPA, and the APA. That means he and his law firm must be doing a crappy job. He and his law firm woudl appear to be more of a parasite than anyone using your definition. AMFA members have supplied his daddy with enough funds to pay for his law school to perpetuate the family business which seems to be doing a shake down job most mafia bosses would be jealous of.
During this presentation, the Company advised your Committee that Gary Kelly’s request to the Company negotiating committee is that "we want to be an Ultra Low Cost Carrier." Rest assured, your Committee will stand firm against any attempts by the Company to negotiate your compensation and work rules down to Ultra Low Cost Carrier levels.

In my view, the Seham law firm is the only current major weakness of AMFA, and if the AA AMTs vote to join AMFA, they'll have the numbers to fire Seham and hire other counsel.   
Preaching against AMFA because of its current legal counsel smells of desperation - rather ignorant desperation - if you ask me.
C'mon Overspeed, now you're attacking the lawyers.  Really?  You say give Gary P. a chance, even he could have a chance with the AMFA.  The thing about the AMFA is that if the leadership fails, they get voted out.  No cushy International type positions to hand out as rewards for screwing the membership.  Sounds a lot better to most of us AMTs!
FWAAA said:
In my view, the Seham law firm is the only current major weakness of AMFA, and if the AA AMTs vote to join AMFA, they'll have the numbers to fire Seham and hire other counsel.   
Preaching against AMFA because of its current legal counsel smells of desperation - rather ignorant desperation - if you ask me.
Desperation? Hardly. Point is you are so deperate to rid yourselves of the "terrible TWU" that you would take a union that is so flawed and has such an awful track record. If you ask me, going to AMFA will finish the job Carty started in 2003 with the concessions, destroying the organized labor at AA.

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