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Article 4 Industry Comparable Pay rate

Overspeed said:
Remember the TWU represents over 100,000 members and AMFA represents less than 5,000. The TWU got a great deal.
Is that all you have?   Great O/S keep posting!!!
Overspeed said:
TWU salaries here http://www.unionfacts.com/union/Transport_Workers#leaders
AMFA salaries here http://www.unionfacts.com/union/Aircraft_Mechanics_Association#leaders
TWU 111,000 members and AMFA 3,000 members. TWU Pres makes two times the salary for representing over 30 times the members.
"Old stuff"? Well that seems interesting since you only bring up the past with the TWU. If the past is any indicator of the future then AMFA has lost almost all their members so is that what should we expect? You say that the TWU's past has shown a history of concessions so can I say that's "old stuff" stop bringing it up?
The only thing the TWU represents is the parasite posers at the international level.  Remember Jimmy Little's resume' debacle?  You would think after being exposed the way he was, what with the mail order diploma, and the BS story about being a teacher in New York - Little Jim would step down!  But no, the prideful troll didn't miss a beat - business as usual. 
The TWU hasn't got the job done for AMTs at AA for the almost 30 years I have been here.  Time after time, one crappy contract after another.  The TWU international picks and chooses the title groups it really cares about, and AMTs at AA have always come out on the losing end of the deal.  Take a look at the sim techs as an example, 25 years ago A&P mechs at AA made about $5.00 more per hour than a sim tech, now - a sim tech makes about $5.00 more per hour than an A&P.  Another favorite is the Dispatchers, closing in on $15.00 ph more than an A&P - not bad for two weeks at night school for a job that could be handled by a cell phone app.  Yeah, I've had enough of the TWU.  AMTs at AA need a change, and the AMFA is the best choice!
Chuck Schalk said:
Overspun, one last time with this 5ook thing with O V dell F.
O V worked many years without a paycheck organizing and later starting AMFA and why because he believed in the cause so much. The AMFA constitution at the time stipulated that the national officers would be provided a pension.  Since dell worked many years under the constitution he was entitled to a pension.  AMFA purchased a 500k annuity to cover his pension payments.  He did not personally recieve 500k, that money stays with AMFA.
Note: the AMFA constitution has been changed reagrding Officer pensions.
so enough with the 500K misinformation as usual.
Now, how manyTWU shop stewards, or elected TWU reps do anything on their own time for the good of the cause?..............Case and point,  What TWU rep stayed engaged in the fight after they did not get     re-elected or removed by the TWU Int'l recently?  NONE............I guess money is a motivator
back to you Overdone........
From what I have heard from several ex-TWU staffers here they were kicked out or resigned because they were cut off.
Overspeed said:
From what I have heard from several ex-TWU staffers here they were kicked out or resigned because they were cut off.
Exactly, they were only there for their paycheck not for representation or becuase they believe in the cause.  
Chuck Schalk said:
Exactly, they were only there for their paycheck not for representation or becuase they believe in the cause.  
not one of them ex-twu ers are raising the TWU flag saying folllow me.   Our ex deputy director is quiet as a mouse no rah rah TWU speeches yet.....
Chuck Schalk said:
Exactly, they were only there for their paycheck not for representation or becuase they believe in the cause.  
Cut off meaning they were never invited to meetings and their work was ignored. Nothing to do with pay.
Speaking of salary and wages, did you vote on the bylaw changes that gave the Local 591 officers huge raises? I didn't. What about cutting a deal with management to get their pay covered by AA while they are no where to be found? Yep, didn't vote on that either.
I thought 
Overspeed said:
Cut off meaning they were never invited to meetings and their work was ignored. Nothing to do with pay.
Speaking of salary and wages, did you vote on the bylaw changes that gave the Local 591 officers huge raises? I didn't. What about cutting a deal with management to get their pay covered by AA while they are no where to be found? Yep, didn't vote on that either.
I thought you were referring to the Locl 514 officers
Overspeed said:
Cut off meaning they were never invited to meetings and their work was ignored. Nothing to do with pay.
Speaking of salary and wages, did you vote on the bylaw changes that gave the Local 591 officers huge raises? I didn't. What about cutting a deal with management to get their pay covered by AA while they are no where to be found? Yep, didn't vote on that either.
are you for real.......their work was ignored......what work?
don't make me ask my question again....
Chuck Schalk said:
are you for real.......their work was ignored......what work?
don't make me ask my question again....
Why is there air?
Doesn't really matter any way. We have new people but same old scams. Disappearing officers, no action, and still blaming the Int'l.
Once again guys O/S is a dumb-A$$, let him keep posting all he wants too, he's a great promoter for the tw, Or rather the AMFA drive at AA, keep posting Overspeed pls keep posting, your doing great!!!
Bob Owens said:
Hmm, using your logic then our salaries should be much higher. After all Gary represents four times more members than President Videtich did.
I believe the staff position is now held by Doyle not GP. GP represents less than half of what the ATD M&R staff representative is responsible for. You really don't know what is going on around you do you?
Overspeed said:
I believe the staff position is now held by Doyle not GP. GP represents less than half of what the ATD M&R staff representative is responsible for. You really don't know what is going on around you do you?
He does know what is going on O/S, and much more than you do, period...
Overspeed said:
Doesn't really matter any way. We have new people but same old scams. Disappearing officers, no action, and still blaming the Int'l.
For you to put into words what all of us have been saying for yrs is just priceless.
So if we have the same Ole SCAMS then it must be the culture of the TWU.
If what you say is, "Truly how you feel"  then Support us, lets bring a VOTE here at AA.
You have the right to Vote for the TWU that You support but why are you trying to deny us our chance to VOTE. 

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