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Article 4 Industry Comparable Pay rate

Overspun FYI:
The twu atd members paid:
Don Videtich     approx  1 million dollars in salary over 8 years as International ATD Rep 
Bobby Gless     approx   1.5 million dollars in salary over 10 years as International ATD Rep
Jim Little            Approx   2 million dollars in salary over 13 years as International President
+ salary and years are only approximate to make a point.
This salary does not include expense accounts, leased cars,TWU ATD pension contribution, or misc expenditures.
For all that we got.............CONCESSIONS!!
Great return on our investment!!!
back to you overspun
Chuck Schalk said:
Overspun FYI:
The twu atd members paid:
Don Videtich     approx  1 million dollars in salary over 8 years as International ATD Rep 
Bobby Gless     approx   1.5 million dollars in salary over 10 years as International ATD Rep
Jim Little            Approx   2 million dollars in salary over 13 years as International President
+ salary and years are only approximate to make a point.
This salary does not include expense accounts, leased cars,TWU ATD pension contribution, or misc expenditures.
For all that we got.............CONCESSIONS!!
Great return on our investment!!!
back to you overspun
If you know the numbers and can prove them, you should of let the O/S put in his two cents then dropped the bomb. Giving him even a little help just gives him more to spin.
Lets just see if he comes back with his version of numbers.
We all are waiting O/S so tell us which law firm and how much the TWU pays them each yr?
Tell us just how much the Officers of the TWU ATD make each yr?
Tell us how much each member has not suffered under this bs union.
Chuck Schalk said:
Overspun,  how much does a twu international reps recieve as a buyout of their TWU International pension after they are let go as reps?   How much of our union dues goes to that?   you know, so tell everyone
I'd like to know the answer to that and I'm sure a lot of others would to. Even loyalists should want to know where their money is going. 
I too would want to know that.  If this answer cannot be found or givin by the international secretary or treasurer when asked then they are hiding something.  There should be record of it somewhere, if not, then something is wrong and needs to be changed.  I sure hope you guys that were so pro TWU before are starting to see the light, writing on the wall,  and getting a clue by now.  Time for change...
Chuck Schalk said:
Overspun FYI:
The twu atd members paid:
Don Videtich     approx  1 million dollars in salary over 8 years as International ATD Rep 
Bobby Gless     approx   1.5 million dollars in salary over 10 years as International ATD Rep
Jim Little            Approx   2 million dollars in salary over 13 years as International President
+ salary and years are only approximate to make a point.
This salary does not include expense accounts, leased cars,TWU ATD pension contribution, or misc expenditures.
For all that we got.............CONCESSIONS!!
Great return on our investment!!!
back to you overspun
And OV got a one time $500K payment when he retired on top of his annual $150K a year salary. That after he oversaw the loss of almost all jobs at NWA, all of AS overhaul jobs, and the loss of UAL members to the IBT after they saw through AMFA's BS.
So for OV's six some odd years overseeing the largest AMT union (at one time) getting paid over $1M in salary not including benefits plus $500K in a one time payment the AMFA members got...NO JOB!!!.
Back to you Chuck
Overspeed said:
And OV got a one time $500K payment when he retired on top of his annual $150K a year salary. That after he oversaw the loss of almost all jobs at NWA, all of AS overhaul jobs, and the loss of UAL members to the IBT after they saw through AMFA's BS.
So for OV's six some odd years overseeing the largest AMT union (at one time) getting paid over $1M in salary not including benefits plus $500K in a one time payment the AMFA members got...NO JOB!!!.
Back to you Chuck
You can come back with the same old stuff we have heard many times before.
It's OLD news, tell us the answers to the questions asked.
What are the monetary values each member of the TWU Intl. gets when He/she leaves the TWU? How much does each Intl. officer make each yr?
You can spin this stuff just so many times and its just old. What did the legal team at the TWU get paid each yr?
What is the spend and don't count the money aa paid for your concessions.
The TWU has sucked three times the money from its members I would say.
Chuck did some of your work so all we are asking is for you to expand on the numbers and just give us the facts. You can do that can't you?
You are good at bashing AMFA and the OLD leader, OV Delle-Femene.
Tell us what J. Little got each yr and what he gets when he retires????
How about Bobby Gless? Don Vedeitich, and the rest of the ADT?
Stand by your leaders and give US their rates, we want answers O/S Not spin.
DON"T Tell us about AMFA. Those of us who support the change know all that already and are ok with it.
AMFA at AA in 2014
You can come back with the same old stuff we have heard many times before.
It's OLD news, tell us the answers to the questions asked.
What are the monetary values each member of the TWU Intl. gets when He/she leaves the TWU? How much does each Intl. officer make each yr?
You can spin this stuff just so many times and its just old. What did the legal team at the TWU get paid each yr?
What is the spend and don't count the money aa paid for your concessions.
The TWU has sucked three times the money from its members I would say.
Chuck did some of your work so all we are asking is for you to expand on the numbers and just give us the facts. You can do that can't you?
You are good at bashing AMFA and the OLD leader, OV Delle-Femene.
Tell us what J. Little got each yr and what he gets when he retires????
How about Bobby Gless? Don Vedeitich, and the rest of the ADT?
Stand by your leaders and give US their rates, we want answers O/S Not spin.
DON"T Tell us about AMFA. Those of us who support the change know all that already and are ok with it.
AMFA at AA in 2014
TWU salaries here http://www.unionfacts.com/union/Transport_Workers#leaders
AMFA salaries here http://www.unionfacts.com/union/Aircraft_Mechanics_Association#leaders
TWU 111,000 members and AMFA 3,000 members. TWU Pres makes two times the salary for representing over 30 times the members.
"Old stuff"? Well that seems interesting since you only bring up the past with the TWU. If the past is any indicator of the future then AMFA has lost almost all their members so is that what should we expect? You say that the TWU's past has shown a history of concessions so can I say that's "old stuff" stop bringing it up?
Overspeed said:
TWU salaries here http://www.unionfacts.com/union/Transport_Workers#leaders
AMFA salaries here http://www.unionfacts.com/union/Aircraft_Mechanics_Association#leaders
TWU 111,000 members and AMFA 3,000 members. TWU Pres makes two times the salary for representing over 30 times the members.
"Old stuff"? Well that seems interesting since you only bring up the past with the TWU. If the past is any indicator of the future then AMFA has lost almost all their members so is that what should we expect? You say that the TWU's past has shown a history of concessions so can I say that's "old stuff" stop bringing it up?
the question is not about salaries, it is about the TWU International reps pension they recieve credit for every year they serve with the TWU on top of the AA pension.
FYI:  The TWU pension recieves an automatic 5% raise every year to keep up with inflation, it is in their contract.
what did we get?  a frozen pension and sub par 401K match
now back to the original question:
1- what does a TWU international rep recieve per month in pension for 10 years of service 
2- what does a twu international rep recieve if he chooses to take a buyout of the pension after 10 years?
3- what is the pension formula for this and what amount of salary is used to calculate pension?
simple, just answer the question man of knowledge
Overspun, one last time with this 5ook thing with O V dell F.
O V worked many years without a paycheck organizing and later starting AMFA and why because he believed in the cause so much. The AMFA constitution at the time stipulated that the national officers would be provided a pension.  Since dell worked many years under the constitution he was entitled to a pension.  AMFA purchased a 500k annuity to cover his pension payments.  He did not personally recieve 500k, that money stays with AMFA.
Note: the AMFA constitution has been changed reagrding Officer pensions.
so enough with the 500K misinformation as usual.
Now, how manyTWU shop stewards, or elected TWU reps do anything on their own time for the good of the cause?..............Case and point,  What TWU rep stayed engaged in the fight after they did not get     re-elected or removed by the TWU Int'l recently?  NONE............I guess money is a motivator
back to you Overdone........




  • Gross Salary: $252,811.00
  • Allowances: $0.00
  • Official Business: $855.0
we should be concerned when our union spends all they take in and then some.  The TWU has succesfully taken their assets from 60 million dollars in 2002 down to 25 million currently. I am so glad they spent our money securing our careers.   
25 million dollars of total assets divided by 111,000 total members = 225 dollars per TWU member

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