Chuck Schalk said:
thus far, no TWU supporter has given us supporting evidence that the TWU has enhanced our careers over the last 20 years. Anything that we kept (pension for one) or got from AA we paid for through concessions. in 2003, I was there at the so called negotiations when TWU Rep Bob Gless was in charge of M&R negotiations. They put a sheet up on the screen and it showed what the values were of our contract. example: if we gave up a weeks vacation that was worth x amount of dollars, if we gave up overtime pay not to exceed time and half at anytime was worth x amount of dollars, how much of a pay cut for each percentage would be worth x amount of dollars. It was clearly stated that if you wanted to keep something then you had to offset it by giving something else up. That is what you call negotiations?
many leaders at the table were saying to protect the pension, so we had to give concessions to keep it. the only reason why we had it longer is because we paid for it!
the theory that the TWU had anything to do with keeping the pension after 2003 is incorrect.
lets go back again, what has the TWU done to enhance our careers in M&R?
start with #1.......
Thus far no supporter of ANY major legacy airline union has been able to cite me any example of gains outside of carriers who did not either cease existence and lost all or went through the BK process and still survive today? Be that in alphabetical order. AFA, ALPA, AMFA, APA, APFA, CWA, IAM, IBT, TWU and others. As well as any non union counterparts. Braniff, Eastern, Pan Am, TWA, Continental, Northwest, Usair, United, Delta and American Airlines. 7 names down out of 10 in the musical chairs called the Airline Industry.
So who has done well then? Southwest Airlines. Not really a legacy airline but an airline that has been consistently PROFITABLE. Being profitable is what can get the people who work for them more and they have gotten more. Now some like to compare UPS and Fedex into the mix. #1 they never competed against a dozen other competitors and #2 they fly boxes not people.
Now onto the Pension. Did we pay to keep it in 03? YES!!! Of course we did. Should we have? That's up to you to decide? Has any of the readers ever done the math on what your pension would have been if it had been frozen in 03? What if they had gone BK and it was then thrown on the PBGC for pennies on the dollar? We have some former Eastern and TWA people who work with us who would LOVE to have what we still do. They've told me what the PBGC has said they'll be getting when they retire. It's not pretty.
Yes if Tulsa had far less work then the line guys would be making more money, absolutely. And the fact is even though posters will say otherwise the two groups can't stand each other. I've been reading the posts on here for years. So it comes down to money, not people or jobs just money. The American Capitalist in all of us. If I can get rid of everyone else I will have more for ME. So then who's above you who wants you out the door next?
"By any objective standard, these terms, however difficult, are better than any negotiated in bankruptcy for a mechanic and related group since 9/11. More jobs, preservation of existing pension benefits, the lowest outsourcing in the industry, and pay raises two times that secured by other unions dealing with bankruptcy. Our members deserve better than what the Company has offered, but our Union has clearly made the best of a bad situation."