Overspeed said:
Overhaul is shrinking but not out of existence and you know it.
I'm not pitting overhaul versus line I'm saying we are one unionized work force and it is wrong to sacrifice overhaul for line. There has to be a better way than the way AMFA rolled on overhaul workers.
The SRP job was started as a result of the outsourcing that was growing industry wide in the early 90s.
You admit that O/H is shrinking as a result of outsourcing by companies. AA was the last to get on board with it but it's happening every day now. More and more jobs are being sent away to South America and other places that was done here in the states.
SO The SRP was started because of it. So are you saying that the TWU created/negotiated jobs for non licensed mechanics which does away with the A&P??
The line guys are A&Ps so you sacrifice the A&P for O/H. That is the point, this why we want the TWU gone. The TWU will take jobs give them to NON licensed mechanics, only to keep union dues coming in.
I don't wish for anyone to loose their job, but if the TWU didn't have the power to save the A&P then it's not
AMFA's fault either that jobs went away. Just because the AMFA didn't bargain away A&P jobs to non licensed mechanics shows us that they are looking out for the A&P and that is what we are paying them to do with our dues.
O/H and line both deserve to be represented by a union which will not bend over, setting the future of our class and craft back yrs. When more and more jobs are being shifted to MRO's or non licensed mechanics that jeopardises our wage earning potential.
When guys are laid off and go to work at MRO's for half the money they were being paid at a carrier, That sets the standard for our class and craft back yrs. This shows companies that some will work for less, that is why they offer less. The TWU is a business, and the TWU just wants its dues in order for the leaders to get theirs. They say we have more people employed and represented by the TWU. (just because of concessions) lower paying jobs.
Unions were setup to better the working mans wages NOT to set them back.
If the company turns Tulsa or any other base into a MRO paying lower wages will you still be saying we saved jobs? Just as long as the TWU represents the workers the TWU leaders don't care one way or the other. (it's all about the dues) If the MRO wasn't so much of a draw due to lower wages then why are there so many and more starting every day????
The companies are willing to sacrifice american jobs to save cost.
The TWU is willing to sacrifice my paycheck to save itself.
One of you TWU supporters is going to attempt to spin the elitist factor from what I said but that is far from my point. I don't have all the answers. Some jobs were set up that did not require an A&P. The shop machinists, welders and component shop mechanics and others required jobs at the base station,
are important. The company sets those stations in places that are generally company friendly and at less of an environmental cost. So wages can be lower. The line guys then should receive cost of living allowances like GEO pay. But when the TWU preaches that we are all one union, I either move to a base station or get another job/work O/T.
That is not what I or many other A&P's want to do spend more time away from family, the job in itself keeps most away at important times. (weekends/holidays/shifts)
It's NOT about the line vers the base its just simple economics.
The TWU's Intl. guys (gless/Don V./Drummand, got theirs and now a new batch is in place to get their money. When do we get ours????
AMFA at AA 2014