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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Freedom to negotiate does not mean that you can ignore or negotiate around federal law. Do you not understand that?

NMB, RLA, DFR all supersede any MOU, T/A contract that a union might try and negotiate.

The MOU does not allow usapa to exist after the NMB rules. The MOU does not relieve usapa of any DFR burden.

Which law specifically?

You still think Nic was federal law? :lol:
cleardirect, on 12 May 2013 - 08:56 AM, said: Someone better take away sharp objects from you after Tuesday.

Oh, you meant remove sharp objects from Westoffs. I think Res already slit his/her wrist. I know CD pissed his/her pant at the least.

Aw Heck...We should probably just let 'em enjoy their time in Fantasyland Hawk. Kids will be kids, after all.

Below is the video of the latest PHX bid's equipment upgrades.

Have fun, little "spartans"! 🙂

Marty wants his almost 2 million, you better have a few fund raisers, more westies have pulled out and are fed up with AOL. (no surprise), all that wasted money, you youngsters new new legal counsel. DOH, the solution for all times.
Marty wants his almost 2 million, you better have a few fund raisers, more westies have pulled out and are fed up with AOL. (no surprise), all that wasted money, you youngsters new new legal counsel. DOH, the solution for all times.
It's probably not too late to have a bake sale on the courthouse steps for the next hearing. Gonna take a lot of home made carrot cakes to pay that bill.
Freedom to negotiate does not mean that you can ignore or negotiate around federal law. Do you not understand that?

NMB, RLA, DFR all supersede any MOU, T/A contract that a union might try and negotiate.

The MOU does not allow usapa to exist after the NMB rules. The MOU does not relieve usapa of any DFR burden.
Federal law supports a unions right to negotiate agreements with companies. The law is there to prevent interference from the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. Otherwise, we'd have politicians manipulating outcomes to benefit the highest bidder....I mean campaign contributor!
The union has a 'wide range of reasonableness' to work within. That's why a DFR lawsuit is very difficult to win.
I think you have it all backwards. The law is there to shield the unions, not the other way around.
Freedom to negotiate does not mean that you can ignore or negotiate around federal law. Do you not understand that?

NMB, RLA, DFR all supersede any MOU, T/A contract that a union might try and negotiate.

The MOU does not allow usapa to exist after the NMB rules. The MOU does not relieve usapa of any DFR burden.

USAPA and APA will agree on a seniority list, similar to the way Southwest and Air Tran did, under the McCaskill-Bond laws. It will not go to arbitration. This will take at least a few years with all operations run separately. At that time you can have your DFR 111 suit. Meanwhile, with attrition, the East will be hiring quite extensively.
Do you think an arbitration panel would ignore and nullify final and binding arbitration?

The cornerstone of their living?

Just because you repeat binding arbitration for 7 years when it never bound, means you are wrong. Read what the judge said. She said it doesn t have to be used. Snap this is another spinner, with no truth to anything.
It is high time to serve the company with the DOH list, and they accept it. I am over compromising with a group who effectively held our pay down willfully and sued us daily. Every other group on the property went DOH in this merger. We are next or there is a DFR.
The West was warned at WYE River. They can now fight their way out of the hole they dug. Remember this when you want to negotiate- they wanted to put guys with 17 yrs of uninterrupted service below new hires. And then they screamed foul when they couldn t pretty much rape all of us.
United, Continental seniority transcripts, My 15, 2013.


2 Called for examination by counsel for the
3 United Pilots, having been duly sworn, was examined
4 and testified as follows:
7 Q Good morning, Jeff.
8 Would you please state your name for the
9 record?
10 A Jeffery, J-E-F-F-E-R-Y. Ruark, R-U-A-R-K. (United Pilot)
Q In addition to flying for United, have you
2 done ALPA work over the years?
3 A I have. My first job at ALPA was an LEC
4 rep out in the training center.
5 I was a secretary/treasurer.
6 Following that two-year stint, I became a
7 member of the Merger Committee. That Merger
8 Committee, we actually looked at the integration
9 with America West. That failed.
10 Shortly thereafter, there --
11 Q When you say it failed, the Company
12 didn't -- the companies didn't merge?
13 A The companies didn't merge.
14 We had some initial talks. We met the
15 America West pilot group, and it just kind of
16 fizzled out within about a weeks time.
17 Q Two days in Tucson, as I recall.
18 A Pretty much.
"A This slide, you know, it talks about the
2 former Merger Policy that led to the problems with
3 US Airways and America West.
4 Q We have heard a fair amount about that;
5 correct.
6 A Yes, absolutely.
7 And, again, I'm not going to dwell on
8 this, but it kind of summarizes some of the
9 testimony you have heard from other pilots that
10 appeared in this past week.
11 ALPA Merger Policy was changed as a result
12 of dissatisfaction at US Airways. This was
13 explained on Sunday by Captain Dave Smith.
14 Now, as a result of that dissatisfaction,
15 one of the important things that changed, as I said
16 before on the previous slide, is Merger Policy now
17 takes longevity into account."
Just because you repeat binding arbitration for 7 years when it never bound, means you are wrong. Read what the judge said. She said it doesn t have to be used. Snap this is another spinner, with no truth to anything.
It is high time to serve the company with the DOH list, and they accept it. I am over compromising with a group who effectively held our pay down willfully and sued us daily. Every other group on the property went DOH in this merger. We are next or there is a DFR.
The West was warned at WYE River. They can now fight their way out of the hole they dug. Remember this when you want to negotiate- they wanted to put guys with 17 yrs of uninterrupted service below new hires. And then they screamed foul when they couldn t pretty much rape all of us.
Are there any west pilots that don't understand this thing is over? DOH baby, you don't want to miss out on any more attrition. You AOL kids have done so much damage to your pilot group, pay Marty off and wake up. PS luv reading Vasoline's and Doyal's comments, they understand it's over.
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