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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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She understands AOL's probability for success once this is ripe is so remote they will be unable to find a lawyer to work only on a commissions basis.

I very much enjoy the fact that the scab unions biggest mouthpieces think they know more than....oh,,,,I don't know....

We are up to 5 federal judges who say it is ripe, plus the attorneys for AMR, APA,LCC and AOL.

Best hope the judge takes it easy on you and issues the injunction.
Hey listen up you scab union supporting POS....you held your own wages down for the last 7 years....thanks for the occasional profit sharing check, and the $200,000 grand more I made than my east counterpart. Your #### wages really helped out during those tough times when oil was $160/bl.

The West is not in any hole at all...but uscaba sure is....the way I see it one of 3 things will come out of Silver's court.

1. dismissed...uscaba is screwed. The company does not do Jack til single carrier status, and the APA takes over and flushes the usapa turd right out of the New American.

2. Injunction granted...ustupid is screwed, but this is the best option for them. At least they can try to get an appeal through before single carrier status.

3. 3 parties enter MB process. Oh man is uscaba screwed. As a party the West can guarantee an impasse and force arbitration. I don't know if you have been informed lately, but the Nic is the only accepted system seniority list at LCC. As a matter of fact, it has been stated by the company in every litigation to date that they would never negotiate a different SLI than the Nic, so, it appears that at the snapshot of Aug 2013 POR, the only list uscaba would ever have in a stand alone LCC was the Nic. Uscaba had absolutely no means to impose a list, and even less to negotiate away from the Nic, it was an inescapable fact at a stand alone LCC that the Nic is the combined list.

That is what is meant by final and binding.

Now go lick your wounds, wait and see if Silver orders the injunction, cause if she does not, and we end up in a three way, you will be here in 3 years wondering how the Fudge Collelo ended up 300 numbers junior to Odell and the 517 now have a West pilot and and 3 APA pilots between each and every one of them.

You have no DFR if it does not go DOH, and it won't. There are 3
wow, that is all I can say.
Yes. We'll mark your vote in favor of settlement. Glad you are back and feeling well again.

I offered a settlement some time ago in this very board.

One for one integration from the top, plus refund of all West dues paid to usapa, plus &10k per Rico defendant.

I suggest you take it before we include system bump and flush.

Oh, where is that emoticons thingy?? 🙂
No, I think the endgame will either be a settlement with the plaintiff withdrawing their suit or a dismissal on ripeness.
I think the judge would prefer a withdrawal because nobody can appeal that to the 9th.
Agree they are being given the chance to settle. If I were Marty I would be afraid of "Ripe, not guilty, by reason of ratification, inter alia.
What "wounds" would those be? Seriously: Are you drunk/high/or what?

You don't get it do you?

Okay I will spell it out for you.

After 7 years of working on bankruptcy wages to stop the Nic, the reality is the Nic has gone nowhere. Not implemented, but never abrogated.

I sincerely admire your (and I do mean your personal..i.e. EastUS's) integrity to fight for something you see as a wrong ( no matter how misplaced you belief is) and sacrifice personal benefit in the form of increased wages to support that goal.

The wound is the incredible sums of wages the east has voluntarily forgone and redistributed amongst yourself completely unnecessarily to try and take from the West and benefit just a very few on the east.

And in the end...all for naught.
3. 3 parties enter MB process. Oh man is uscaba screwed. As a party the West can guarantee an impasse and force arbitration.
You do realize that the APA boys would be affected by this stunt. I thought it was one list going in, you guys can't seem to figure out which angle you want to work.
Freedom to negotiate does not mean that you can ignore or negotiate around federal law. Do you not understand that?

NMB, RLA, DFR all supersede any MOU, T/A contract that a union might try and negotiate.

The MOU does not allow usapa to exist after the NMB rules. The MOU does not relieve usapa of any DFR burden.

Clear is the one riding shotgun in this......

And in the end...all for naught.

I appreciate your kind thoughts. For what 2 cents or less it's worth, coming from me; I've necessarily had to respect your group's ability to stick together throughout all this mess. That impressed me. The supposed "spartan"/"knights"/etc methodology for that...not-so-much, but no matter.

We clearly have enormous philosophical differences regarding the real, living-life "value" of money. Past a level of reasonably comfortable survival for one's self and loved ones...well...all money much amounts to is toys and vanity. You just can't ever "buy" a peaceful night's sleep, but you can earn it. I'd suggest for both of our hugely antagonistic sides here, with whatever ending's to be, that no endeavor's EVER for naught, if one truly believes it to be the right thing to do, east/west/whomever.
I don't think I would want to enter into a 3 way as the smallest airline with 1 crew base and no big airplanes and least LOS arbitrators or not. Oh, I forgot you had the nic at on time.
Maybe GE or Mitsubishi or Honda could come and speak. Gee, what does it matter what they say. Silver is obligated to enforce the 2005 TA as it is written. And she will regardless of any peanut gallery commentary.
You are beginning to understand grasshopper.

Enforce the 2005 TA as written. The TA that says the seniority will be the arbitrated list.

The arbitrated list is the Nicolau. Glad you finally admit the reality. Judge Silver will enforce the TA meaning the Nicolau award.
Agree they are being given the chance to settle. If I were Marty I would be afraid of "Ripe, not guilty, by reason of ratification, inter alia.
So usapa has the west on the ropes and our only chance is to give up?

Should we except DOH and the C&R as written now before you start lowering them or taking them away?

I don't think I would want to enter into a 3 way as the smallest airline with 1 crew base and no big airplanes and least LOS arbitrators or not. Oh, I forgot you had the nic at on time.
Smallest airline with one base? Where do you work?

I work for US airways. There are 4 bases. My airplanes says us airways on it. My uniform has us airways wings on it. My CEO is Doug Parker. Who is your CEO?

My airline has 26 WB airplanes. How many does your airline have?

I pay extortion dues to a fake union called usapa. Who do you pay dues to? Unless usapa is willing to refund the west pilots all of the money usapa has collected I unfortunately an a usapa member. Are you?

My career expectations are based on an airline called us airways merging with an airline called American. Who are you merging with?

If you work for us airways you and I have the exact same assets going into this merger. We have the exact same contract. If you were furloughed in 2005 you are going to less seniority than I do.
Did you forget about the representation vote? You remember, the 200+ cards?

You're an idiot.

Read the MOU, or get someone who can read it to you.
What is the problem question to difficult for you? They really are easy to answer.

Technical questions? Answer carefully.

Who represented the east pilots during the us AAA/AWA merger?

When we all become APA who will represent the American pilots during the seniority integration?

When you figure out the correct answer to those questions you can answer your own question about M/B being window dressing.

Would you like to try answering the questions instead of insulting me?
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