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Us Airways Reports April Traffic

Or when we cut the seats by 50% we also cut each of the fare buckets 50%. So we went from selling 30 V seats to 15. Again, relying on the high fare business traveler. Hopefully the "GoFares" will help to bring up the express load factors too.
Stuka Luva said:
@ KT
Ok, fair enough, I'll give that to you. But even you have to admit that the near-continuous negative rhetoric on this message board can get tiresome. 😉
Sure there is some negativity. What do you expect?? The folks at U have been reamed through the buttox for almost 3 years now, since 9/11 and even further back than that. Everyone is living day to day with this "Wait and See" garbage. It gets tiresome, frustrating and down right criminal to keep people and their lives in such a turmoil. It is hard to be positive when your company that you have given your life and years to keeps telling you that you are not important and have to give more when you look into your pocket book and there is nothing else to give.

You are gonna get this in this forum, like it or not. <_<
KTfly, you seem very upset, and it's understandable.

Always remember though that someone else probably has it worse than you do. PSA CSA's come to mind...