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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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That is correct 700! What was your point? Actually, brickner got involved after frieberger brought back the pathetic 1996 agreement with thiedes help and after he got egged and tables flipped over with his moronic 1998 ta. Watching the phl video where he came close to getting his arse kicked at the phl expanation meeting of 1998 was something i wont forget.
I never liked Bill, him and I got into during negotiations at CCY in the Board of Directors Conference Room, O'Driscoll had to get in between us.

And you cant expect a first agreement to get everything back you let them take from you.
the 99 agreement that was under chandly i think it was... how effective was he prior to getting that agreement
Chandlee served undet brickner on that one. Thiede was retiring and i dont believe and district president signed it. If so it was thiede. Miklavic was lead. Maccarone was the strongest and a great labor guy.
Macarone... joe mac i remember him from my days when i worked in boston from 99 to 2000 he was a terrific labor guy
Joe Mac, was assigned to CLT after they kicked Gerry Moore to the curb, Joe Mac was a great guy, strong union man.
Brothers and Sisters,
Our past history as Fleet Service represented employees has been tumulturous. I feel it is counter productive, at this important point, in our contract negotiations and careers to dwell on the past. Let us come to an understanding and respect that dissenting opinion and subsequent actions taken are part of the democratic process. IMO... it builds solidarity. In the end; when all opinions have been voiced... the membership decides what is best for them. We have heard and witnessed varying opinions and facts regarding our represented history as Fleet Service agents, the union leadership, etc... Imo... the common thread seems to be what course we should take for the betterment of the membership. I ask that we keep this in mind as our NC enters into another round of contract negotiations with the company. I ask that we focus more on our futures and less on our past. We should learn from the past; be willing to put it behind us and apply it to our future. There has never been a more critical time to stand solidified and united. I will now step down from my soap box. Thank You!
I wasn't fond of Gerry myself. A few in my station got into a heated discussion with him when he was trying to sell us on our first contract. Told him that it was nothing more than the current PPG with some signatures and dues attached to it. At the time it gave the company the right to outsource most of the smaller stations. Kind of moronic given that he was out of GSO at the time.
An update on industry happenings presents even more clear evidence that non-section 6 transition talks are fruitless and a company stall.
The ibt said yesterday that it had exhausted transition talks and instead will file section 6. The iam did the same thing last month.
The difference was that the ibt finished its previous section 6 talks with an immediate 10% wage hike, no furlough, guaranteed $75,000 buyout, and free health care before it would agree to punt to transition talks.
We must stand firm as any talk that produces a "mini contract" and gets sold by branding "now isnt the time" will guarantee great pain for our membership for many years to come.
If the company doesnt bother committing to enhancing scope to protect all our current stations (without drop dead dates), and offer a wage that is north of the terrible bankrupt contract it gave the twu, then why bother making the merger more seamless? regards,
i believe that talks are to resume in a week or so on or about june 10 in dfw but someone can confirm that but none the less we should get enhanced protection and wages north of where we are at..
And it continues ... http://www.airlineforums.com/topic/55651-june-2013-fleet-discussion/
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