And the beat goes on... with character assasinations and back and forth chattering about who's to blame for our current state of affairs. I suggest the discussion be centered around how we can build solidarity,repair the damage of past mistakes and do what is necessary to improve our collective future. Our NC is in Section 6 negotiations. Something that hasn't happened for a long time with our group. IMO... we need to seize the opportunity by focusing on our future and not the past. It's time to put aside past differences and look forward. Our NC is across the table from the same party of the past. One who has no regard or appreciation for past sacrifices, on time performance, hard work, dedication or working through the sleet, rain, heat etc... Anyone who believes this recognition will transpire, on the company's part in negotiations, is being quite naive. With that being said... we owe our NC our support in negotiations. In the meantime, I would like to read posts pertaining to our future and not the past.
obviously you are correct , they will not care how hard we work ,or how hard we have worked these last several years in brining our company national recognition as an on time carrier that DOESN'T miss bags ..
What they WILL however care about are two things ...
1. worker unrest .
2. Public perception .....
i'd like to take a second to speak to choice NUMBER TWO !!!!!!!! !
Maybe the company guys at the table have too much money ...( althou I doubt it because this is after all US Airways LOL )
but i'm willing to bet that for whatever reason they are FAR out of touch with the American mainstream ...Am I saying today that the American public cares about Union workers ? no , of course not that would be absurd ... but what I AM saying is that the AMERICAN PUBLIC cares about what I like to call JOB CHURN ... the act of taking decent paying jobs and substituting them with crap , no wage , no benefits paying jobs ...
and as much as I love my company , it is GUILTY of doing such things ....There is not a day that goes by where more Americans are getting reduced , torn down , recycled in the bad way in this job market ...and I tell you there is MUCH pent up rage against this new form of degradation ...
AMERICANS ARE ANGRY . ............they are angry against those who sell them out for increased gains (such as what US Airways has done )
HOW DARE YOU try to take up the name AMERICAN without paying your due to AMERICANS ....when I say as BAGGAGE HANDLERS that we are powerful , I MEAN it ... we are the guys who are always beat up and trampled upon , WE are the ones who in this countries eyes would most Represent the majority of working Americans , people who have honestly devoted their lives to a single company , only to be TRAMPED UPON and thrown out like yesterdays trash ....
If US airways thinks this whole jaunt over "racism" is bad ... wait till you see the backlash from CHURN .....