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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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agree there orgac im a believer in learnin from past mistakes... i sure hope the iam leaders with the federal mediator assistance are making progress....
Do WE have any leaks yet about what's going on in DCA with OUR N/C ? If any you Brothers are checking AirlineForum for the pulse of the focused members? Let AH know his offer from DP/LCC to M&R is another insult to Their and Our intelligence. We ALL deserve better and LCC needs to get serious or it's time to ask NMB for F/S to be RELEASED from this TEMPE TOWN HUSTLE. Solidarity ! from the L.Coast.
From what I've heard, it's getting to the point where leaks would be bad. Things are getting to the critical point, and giving the company a reason to say "Sorry, but you broke the NDA" would be quite damaging. Leaks or not, the simple fact is that we're going to see the contract when we see the contract. Hearing what might or might not be in it before then really doesn't accomplish anything. I would recommend rereading the CURRENT contract. We've had it for five years now, so it shouldn't be too hard to become intimately familiar with most of it. That will prepare you to analyze what's in the new one once it's presented.
Really ! necigrad . I have been reading CBA for 30+ yrs. Brother. WE had what USAir Brothers and Sisters on the R. Coast referred to as The Platinum CBA with PSA Inc.. Our current CBA is as many describe a POS. I have read it many times and as you should no has not changed much since 1999. So, if any side should be held to NDA it's not US . WE are the UNION the AGC's and the NC are our eyes and ears to inform US. Leaking is required if one understands the Politics of where OUR Negotiations are at with IAM,LCC, and NMB.I'AM PREPARED as are many others.
I for one do not want to hear any leaks coming from these talks ...... I will wait patiently giving my full support to my union as we await resolution of this issue .
leaking would give us the members an insight as to whats going on too...
Really ! necigrad . I have been reading CBA for 30+ yrs. Brother. WE had what USAir Brothers and Sisters on the R. Coast referred to as The Platinum CBA with PSA Inc.. Our current CBA is as many describe a POS. I have read it many times and as you should no has not changed much since 1999. So, if any side should be held to NDA it's not US . WE are the UNION the AGC's and the NC are our eyes and ears to inform US. Leaking is required if one understands the Politics of where OUR Negotiations are at with IAM,LCC, and NMB.I'AM PREPARED as are many others.
A nda usually only covers company's financials, not what transpires during talks. The reason why you don't hear anything is because negotiations are fluid and change all the time. The union doesn't want to say this happened and then it doesn't happen or it changes. They don't want misinformation to occur.
Really ! necigrad . I have been reading CBA for 30+ yrs. Brother. WE had what USAir Brothers and Sisters on the R. Coast referred to as The Platinum CBA with PSA Inc.. Our current CBA is as many describe a POS. I have read it many times and as you should no has not changed much since 1999. So, if any side should be held to NDA it's not US . WE are the UNION the AGC's and the NC are our eyes and ears to inform US. Leaking is required if one understands the Politics of where OUR Negotiations are at with IAM,LCC, and NMB.I'AM PREPARED as are many others.

Just to cover the bases, don't take what I said the wrong way, I am speaking generically.

leaking would give us the members an insight as to whats going on too...

True, but serious question. What, exactly, will hearing this informantion do different then hearing about it officially in one month or three? Nothing, it's the same. We all want to see, but we just need patience.

A nda usually only covers company's financials, not what transpires during talks. The reason why you don't hear anything is because negotiations are fluid and change all the time. The union doesn't want to say this happened and then it doesn't happen or it changes. They don't want misinformation to occur.

I thought there was an NDA for EVERYTHING. Also, I FULLY support the logic you present about people hearing about stuff that doesn't happen. I can guarantee that if the NC tells Freedom that they got us $28/hour, and then they give $1/hour of that up for two weeks vacation Freedom will be yelling and and screaming about how they lied.
When I was on the M&R NC we only had to sign an NDA for the confidential financial data.

I wrote daily updates on what happened for the day.
something that's needs to be noted here as well, the company is in there as the current USAirways, not the New American and certainly not as the worlds largest airline. Imo the best we can hope for is a short term agreement with better seniority and scope protection going into the merger and a slight upgrade in money to do it.just my.02
Sorry to go off topic but I have a question, I am sure it may have been discussed but there are sure a lot of pages to fleet discussions. I had heard that if MTC were to strike that fleet would be encouraged not to cross the line, but if fleet were to strike that MTC would not be obligated to honor the line, is that true?
LD, I have not seen it discussed at all, I can't imagine they would be able to strike.
In fact I believe I read in their thread that the release was not granted.
No thats not true.

Both CBAs have language that no one can be disciplined for not crossing a sanctioned picket line.

The AFA honored the IAM M&R Strike in Oct of 92, the court ordered them back to work and later on the AFA won an arbitration that they could honor the strike.

If M&R struck or Fleet both groups of the IAM would be told to honor the picket line.
For I would like to see , a lower limit on the amount of flights required to insource flights.

That's number one on my list followed by increased compensation of course . Under no circumstance am I willing to let go of more stations .

I will vote no on any contract that takes more work away from fleet , that specifically includes catering in PHL.
do you know if it is true the release was denied to m&r?
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