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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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I’ll assure you freedom… is smiling and celebrating in the background… even the discussions here regarding his discussions consume bandwidth and even more unproductive chatter… and he hasn’t even posted! (At least not as freedom anyway)

Brave words from our thread's foremost Anonymous User. More likely he's brooding that his passionate exhortations have again (and again and again) fallen on deaf, or rather more reasoned ears. I'm surprised you haven't picked up on freedom's cycle yet. It's the same every time. He posts something asinine. Several people respond. He works himself into a higher pitch and starts making less sense the more he tries to prove his point. He is eventually shouted down and shut up by the forum, disappears for a while to conceivably lick his wounds and then after a period pops up and says something asinine and the process repeats.

My suggestion is this... habitual troll behavior should place the offending poster in a mutually ignored status by the rest of us! Of course… that would no FUN! I think most folks come in here to blow off steam… and play charades.

Exactly. It's interactive entertainment on an open forum for anonymous people. None of us would come here if it weren't for their getting their kicks from it in one way or another now would they? We'll see how long your mutually-ignoring status works.

Finally, there are some that like to “toy” with everyone else in a mind game… they know they/he are!

"Toying" is the correct term in that on these boards it's hardly any challenge at all.

Why? Because if I put him on ignore I'd be completly confused when people replied to him because I didn't have the contect right. The REPLIS are what I'm intersted in. That and trying to moderate the excrement as well as a user can.

Proof to my point that there are indeed those interested in the discussion freedom foments.
Dang CJ... who pooped in your Cornflakes?

Actually yes... I've seen the "cycle"... so don't be suprised. As for the rest of it... who cares?!
Dang CJ... who pooped in your Cornflakes?

Now what specifically from any of my recent posts indicates to you that I'm upset? Besides having eaten way too much Mexican food for dinner I'm feeling pretty good. No corn flakes though.
Now what specifically from any of my recent posts indicates to you that I'm upset? Besides having eaten way too much Mexican food for dinner I'm feeling pretty good. No corn flakes though.

CJ— Apparently, I strike a chord of resonance with you! Not sure what that's all about?! I'll tell ya what… I'll extend the olive branch… you are obviously a really smart guy. I will concede that we are just stuck with the freedoms of the world… at least in open forums like this one! I will further concede that yes… they will continue to buzz, and swirl around our heads like so many tiny mosquitoes! We can swat um... or just ignore um… but nonetheless, we will still get a bite or two! How are things out west?
any idea as to wether or not we might hear anything today regarding the talks and if so any particular time frame?
good luck cb and the group bwi has ur back as well
The reason I stopped posting isn't that I'm "licking my wounds" , it's simply that I have nothing more to say ...

I think by now our AGC's have read what I've written , so they are aware of everything I've said about RR which is what I set out to do .... inform the membership of my opinion of the leadership . If their unbiased and put the membership before ego and the rampant name calling that occurs on this message board , they will at least ponder what I've said ...
The reason I stopped posting isn't that I'm "licking my wounds" , it's simply that I have nothing more to say ...

I think by now our AGC's have read what I've written , so they are aware of everything I've said about RR which is what I set out to do .... inform the membership of my opinion of the leadership . If their unbiased and put the membership before ego and the rampant name calling that occurs on this message board , they will at least ponder what I've said ...

maybe during your propaganda roll for RR you missed the part about the NC meeting with the company this week in DCA. I find it unlikely that any have the time to be looking at this board.
Agree with you cltrat... do you think we might hear anything today or no or a progress update on the iam web?
Agree with you cltrat... do you think we might hear anything today or no or a progress update on the iam web?
robbed ,I don't think we will heard anything for a few days unless the company brushes them off like last time,or there is some breakthru(very unlikely imo) and I don,t thnk CB will post till after he returns home so it's likely to be quite on the front.
You posted nothing but opinion (yours) about Ron, you didnt back anything up with facts.
GO UNION GO , GO UNION GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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