Proof to my point that there are indeed those interested in the discussion freedom foments.
you get what you pay bec you voted to have a junky contract... you say you feel for those who have sacrifice how about those you back stabbed and tossed out the door they had families they support but you chose to stab them in the heart by voting for the 08 garbage just to get that raise immediatelyyour right , let's NOT go there again ....
instead let's talk about the men and women of fleet who labor day AFTER DAY ... 24/7 to maintain the high levels of service that US Airways is now known for ...
people who give their ALL , who go the EXTRA mile , day in and day out because it is a point of personal PRIDE when they do their jobs ...
and let us not forget the personal scraficice that I have seen FAR TOO MANY TIMES , when those men and women who give their all are injured on the job ... breaks my heart because they have families to support ...
What you pay for is what you get , and in my opinion we have been giving far more than what we have gotten over the last few years ...
Service starts and ends on the ramp .... planes push on time because WE push them on time ... bags get to their destination because WE go the extra mile to ensure that they do , EVEN when it's not our responsibility to do so ( another driver drops a bag , I am NOT responsible for picking it up , checking it , but I and others do , day after day because we CARE what happens to this company , we CARE about our image and we CARE about our passengers ..)
you get what you pay bec you voted to have a junky contract... you say you feel for those who have sacrifice how about those you back stabbed and tossed out the door they had families they support but you chose to stab them in the heart by voting for the 08 garbage just to get that raise immediately
Your angry ... and you have every right to be ...
blame me and the rest of the union as much as you like , but it was the COMPANY that choose to shut your station down ...
it was US AIRWAYS that made the decision to take your lower middle class AMERICAN job and outsource it to the lowest bidder possible ...
A scene that is repeated FAR too many times in this country now a days ... it's no lie when I say that people are literally SICK of what's been happening to people like you , people like them , OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN ...
We often speak of having blood on our hands in this forum .... Well US AIRWAYS had best remember that out of all of us , they have the most ... they are dripping with it ...
Freedom it happened because you voted for this pos contract that let them do it. I can see how proud you are.
no you were not consulted, you just voted for the contract that allowed it to happen. A contract brought to you in part by that well known bulldog RR
Nope, you misunderstood me, or I didn't explain it well enough. I get frustrated when I read a comment and I have no idea what it's about. When someone replies to Freedom the question or comment from Freedom becomes relevant contextually. If Freedom said "PHX carried the TA to passage" and someone replied "That's how PHX screwed everyone else over" the comment to Freedom makes sense. Without seeing Freedoms comment I'd be left wondering why someone thinks PHX screwed everyone else over.
For the record, I agree that PHX was not the only ones voting for the TA, so let's not go THERE again!