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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Wow! Neato!
That's what's called a Pyrrhic victory, I think.
Like "winning" on ripeness? It's only kept you on loa93 for 4 additional years. And it's pretty clear you're having problems getting the court to agree with your DOH staple plan. Congrats on the big win at the 9th.
That might be true. But now the rule is ensconced in US FARs, too. ICAO could change their rule tonight, but nothing would change for us until the ever swift, sequestered FAA went through their process to change the rule. If ICAO changes in Nov, 2014, look for 18 to 24 months for it to take effect for U.S. crews.

I didn't know that. I was told that it was an ICAO thing not an FAA thing. I know the airline company's are behind doing away with it though, as it increases the number of international pilots required to fly the schedule. The way it is now leaves a lot of pilots being paid to stay home. I would imagine that there is or will be a move by the industry to address the issue simultaneously with the ICAO change so that the change occurs in tandem with both entities. Currently the rule does not apply to SJU or STT flights, so apparently the FAA does not necessarily have a problem with the non-ICAO over-water flying. I guess time will tell.

And it continues http://www.airlineforums.com/topic/55650-june-2013-pilot-discussion/
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