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Any Rove Opinions?

Apparently, sitting in front of the moderator during Novaks little hissy fit, is a copy of the infamouse who's who....
desertgal said:
As an outsider ( not for long), (and there are more of me who are reading, but not posting) I am seeing lots of support FOR Teddy, but so far only a couple AGAINST. And one of them seems to be management, so that is the same as FOR Teddy, in my book.
Truly, I want only to understand the 'sins' she is accused of that are bad enuf to merit recall. "She's planning on leaving" don't cut it.
Flyswatter seems to be a drive-by-poster, lob and run.
Anyone else want to provide enlightenment?

God, I just watched the Stewart show with the clip of Novak losing his s$*t!!

Laughed my a$$ off!!!!

Man, these guys really hate being stood up to, don't they?

Are they THAT insecure with their masculinity?!?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld strongly says that leakers should be jailed for breaching national security: "They put people's lives at risk. And I think that the people in any branch of government have an obligation to manage their mouths in a way that does not put people's lives at risk. ... folks that do it and put people's lives at risk ought to be in jail." ("Rumsfeld shows restraint on North Korea, NATO during questioning from senators," The Associated Press, February 13, 2003)

At a town hall meeting at Fort Hood, Texas last year, Rumsfeld stated: "It is beyond my comprehension how a person who has been cleared for the handling of classified information can be so irresponsible and callous to the lives that can be lost." ("Rumsfeld address Fort Hood troops," The Associated Press State & Local Wire, August 21, 2002)
Anyone wanna speculate as to why John Bolton would want to visit Judy Miller(currently in jail)?
sentrido said:
Anyone wanna speculate as to why John Bolton would want to visit Judy Miller(currently in jail)?


OK sentrido, I'll take a "stab"

("rub crystall ball"............)

I see "rodents"..............."a boat".......No WAIT, .......I see the "TITANIC".........I see "Mice"........No WAIT, ......I see "RATS" !!!!!!, .............OK I got it.

"RATS of a SINKING SHIP" :shock: :shock: :shock:

How'd I do ???????

What are the New Hampshire Black Bears? (Please ignore if they are just bears ) 😀
All the leaks have dried up so its basically waiting for the inditments, if any. There is "informed" speculation that miller isnt so much protecting her source as much as not wanting to incriminate herself.
Seatacus said:
What's the latest on this subject? It seems to have fallen off the news radar.


This is the downside of one party running the government, and why I always vote to keep the branches in the hands of different parties.

There is NO WAY this deal is less significant than Whitewater.

Yet because one party controls the administration, the house and the senate, the other party cannot bring an investigation to bear.

And what with the major media being owned by corporations, they aren't going to push, either.

Right now, we bloggers and the independent prosecutor are carrying the water.

Plus, the excutive, legislative and judicial branches are on their traditional vacations now.

AND, you haven't seen or heard tell from Rove lately, have you?

Bet they're hiding him at one of Cheney's undisclosed locations. :lol:
MSNBC is reporting Miller released from jail: Scooter Libby her source.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave..."

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