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Any Rove Opinions?

Now it seems Ashcroft gave Gonzolas the ok to give Card a 12hr head start.
Unless somebody can remember which reporter told him, or that reporter comes forward, and its not gigglo Gannon, I really think Rove might get indited. He may not get convicted though, but he did leak classified info. Big no no.

Is it me, or has this administration and the CIA been at it since the begining? And I dont mean Tenet (Total failure, Idiot, We can blame him for everything, but give him a medal). I mean the people who actually work there.
You libs who are looking for something to happen to Karl Rove. Nothing will happen to him. The Repubs control all three houses of Congress. Roberts will be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. At best, a lawsuit might be filed against Rove. Get it yet? The liberal media tries and convicts in the NYT, etc. The liberal lower court lawyers want their teeth into the case to get a conviction. The liberal appellate courts might get the case. The Repubs will take it to the Supreme Court where it will find in their favor. So stop all the whining and political tit for tat. The Dems have no power for now. The media is trying their damndest, but their power is severely diminished with this Administration and with all the Bloggers to keep them on their toes. Now do you get it? This whole issue may get tabled until Bush is out of office. Even Hilliary is going to vote in favor of Roberts confirmation to the Supreme Court. Now why is she doing that??? If you don't know, I'll be glad to render an opinion here. Big clue, look at the whole forest instead of the trees.
novaqt said:
You libs who are looking for something to happen to Karl Rove. Nothing will happen to him. The Repubs control all three houses of Congress. Roberts will be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. At best, a lawsuit might be filed against Rove. Get it yet? The liberal media tries and convicts in the NYT, etc. The liberal lower court lawyers want their teeth into the case to get a conviction. The liberal appellate courts might get the case. The Repubs will take it to the Supreme Court where it will find in their favor. So stop all the whining and political tit for tat. The Dems have no power for now. The media is trying their damndest, but their power is severely diminished with this Administration and with all the Bloggers to keep them on their toes. Now do you get it? This whole issue may get tabled until Bush is out of office. Even Hilliary is going to vote in favor of Roberts confirmation to the Supreme Court. Now why is she doing that??? If you don't know, I'll be glad to render an opinion here. Big clue, look at the whole forest instead of the trees.
Pardon me for laughing, but as I recall, the liberal media dutifully reported every detail of the Lewinsky matter...a "blow by blow" analysis as it were. This was encouraged by the right. All the way up to impeachment. Meanwhile, they are quick to point out that had Clinton paid more attention to Osama, 9/11 might never have happened. But he was awfully busy defending himself against a hard right "special prosecutor". And you talk about the forest and the trees? Gimme a break.
What the hell does Roberts have to do with the Rove scandle? novaqt, your free to express yourself here of course, but it sounds like you just want to stir the pot, while not really saying anything.
novaqt said:
You libs who are looking for something to happen to Karl Rove..

It's interesting that you would assume that anyone who is opposed to revealing national security information to the media for political purposes is a "lib". Aren't they supposed to be "weak" on national security? For the record, I'm a conservative and I think it's just what the law says it is: a crime.

The Repubs control all three houses of Congress.

According to the Constitution, the legislative branch actually only has two 'houses'; the Senate and the House of Representatives. Unless the NeoConservatives snuck another in under the so-called Patriot Act.

The Dems have no power for now.

Despite the Bush Administration's best efforts to the contrary.
novaqt said:
You libs who are looking for something to happen to Karl Rove. Nothing will happen to him. The Repubs control all three houses of Congress. Roberts will be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. At best, a lawsuit might be filed against Rove. Get it yet? The liberal media tries and convicts in the NYT, etc. The liberal lower court lawyers want their teeth into the case to get a conviction. The liberal appellate courts might get the case. The Repubs will take it to the Supreme Court where it will find in their favor. So stop all the whining and political tit for tat. The Dems have no power for now. The media is trying their damndest, but their power is severely diminished with this Administration and with all the Bloggers to keep them on their toes. Now do you get it? This whole issue may get tabled until Bush is out of office. Even Hilliary is going to vote in favor of Roberts confirmation to the Supreme Court. Now why is she doing that??? If you don't know, I'll be glad to render an opinion here. Big clue, look at the whole forest instead of the trees.

It merely seems that 'power' will win every time.

Nixon was riding pretty high at one time, until something more powerful than 'power' came along - truth.

Sure, politics are being played (and the R's should quit bitching about being on the receiving end; they dished it out very well when they were out of power); so what?

The politics and spin may delay, but will not stop the truth from coming out.

Did Rove commit a crime? We don't know yet.

Did he leak? He sure did, and Bush had to back off his 'shoot leakers on sight' policy.

Besides, you don't think Rove went after Wilson without Bush's consent, do you?
So the new juice is that novak's CIA contact told him that his story was wrong (Wilsons wife did not send him to Niger) and that he should not publish her name. Then he double checked her status, and called novak to tell him again that he shouldnt publish her name. He could not tell novak she was covert cause the info was classified. Novak says he wouldnt have published her name if he knew, as if his conatact was telling him not to publish her name for no reason. What an ass*&^%
diogenes said:
Here's a story that cuts through the spin, and says what is really at stake


Thanks for the link. An excellent analysis of the possible consequences of this event.

Whether Novak winds up 'taking one for the team', whether Scooter and Karl are held accountable, whether is goes higher than that, the damage is real and the damage is done. No amount of spin-doctoring will change that.
Looks like Novak is losing it, I think that !@#$ heap really thinks he didn't do anything wrong.
sentrido said:
Looks like Novak is losing it, I think that !@#$ heap really thinks he didn't do anything wrong.

Remember the NeoConservative mantra: "Wrong" is what liberals do, and then only because "... they hate America".

Novak, like Rove, (and Bush for that matter), is incapable of admitting he was wrong and that he has done real damage to national security to achieve a political end.

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