Are you saying that the West pilots should now incur loses so that East pilots can recapture what they lost in those BK years? I would have expected you to favor a unified attempt to better all the members lot in life rather than taking from one part of the group so as to give to the other part.
I'm not the "noble" one, my friend. That's your title. B)
The east has already commenced with taking from themselves to share with the other...ex. "profit sharing"...East provisons.
I'm all for unifying folks. This merger of groups happens to be one hell of a challenge being that most share the same unions, with one airline inherently more populated with more senior employees than the other. In the case of AWA labor, their leadership had not negotiated decent contracts, or fought to improve their wages and working conditions in the past as evidenced by their current contracts being in the catagory, in wages and benefits, more at the bottom of the heep. Their turnover is quite high in certain groups.
On the flip side, the East contracts, pre-bk and coming from primarily the same national unions, have negotiated in the past lucrative agreements that created low turnover and an dedicated/loyal workforce that is inherent of having good negotiated contracts that sets the "bar" higher for the industry...
IMO, the West union leadership, along with their members have negotiated poorly and kept their expectation low and the "bar" low. I see it as the West labor now wanting to capitilize and take a 'win-fall' if you will, on the decades of long negotiatons by the East unions to secure good livable agreements by which the members of the East bought and paid for.
As with East f/a contract, even with all the concessions $246 million, there are still many provisons of the East contract that is so much better than the West. And they know it.
Unfortuantely, becaue the scales are not even, the company will force one group to give to the other...I see it that once again, the East will be giving to the west, just to get them to "par" with the current east bad as they are.