I expect several things to happen.
A pay raise of some kind to bring us up to industry average.
The end of prefunding our retirement medical.
A change in our pension funding formula. Freeze it, turn it over, employee contribution, etc..
Other benefits is up in the air right now.
I hope they do not touch our vacation again.
We gave a week back in 03. Many of us got that week back last year and more are getting it back this year.
Shift Diff. License premiums, CC pay rates hopefully will stay the same or improve.
More holidays is a possibility but I doubt a 2.5 x pay rate.
As far as work rule changes???? That is the million dollar question.
Our medical will be hit. How much we pay will probably increase noticeably.
Keeping overhaul as we know it today will probably change. I see AA keeping overhaul
in house, but will AFW be around? There is going to be major changes in work rules in both overhaul and line stations. How many class 2 stations will be around remains to be seen. I see LGA being down graded to a class 2 station.
We will all know next month what AA will propose to the union.
Until then, Merry Christmas. I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year but.........