I don't doubt that you will fight to get a payraise in bankruptcy, but I see contract abrogation in your future, and I predict that there are sufficient workers, including mechanics, at AA that the airline won't shut down. Some individuals may choose to leave, but many will stay.
I don't doubt that DL isn't seeing the savings it expected. After all, it's a nonunion shop and can change work rules and pay at its option, limited only by the willingness of its mechanics to work for Delta-dictated terms. Rather telling that the company that enjoys the greatest flexibility with its maintenance workforce is not as pleased with its outsourcing.
I don't think AA will exit bankruptcy with its total labor costs "considerably higher" than DL or UA, but it looks like you agree with Jamie Baker. Now that retro is not going to happen, all those guys who were waiting around to collect it will no doubt leave, right?