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AA Management Bonuses - Despite More Losses

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And I suppose theywill bring this forward right after the Force Majeure Grievance.

By the way what ever happened to that? Its only been 4 years!

WE "Pulled together" and "Withdrew Greivances" together.

It has been said this is "Win - Win", I am troubled when looking for our win is this new corporate union philosophy.
WE "Pulled together" and "Withdrew Greivances" together.

It has been said this is "Win - Win", I am troubled when looking for our win is this new corporate union philosophy.
I guess its "Win Win" everytime International officials get two paychecks, one from the union and one from the company.
I guess its "Win Win" everytime International officials get two paychecks, one from the union and one from the company.

I suppose that is correct Bob.

But it seems the union officers receiving paychecks would be at least unethical if not illegal.

But hey, who enforces that law?
I guess its "Win Win" everytime International officials get two paychecks, one from the union and one from the company.
Bob do you have a copy of the vermont plan it seems to have been taken off the twuatd's web site. There is a link to click on an see this plan but it won't pull up anymore. I think some people are getting nervous.
Bob do you have a copy of the vermont plan it seems to have been taken off the twuatd's web site. There is a link to click on an see this plan but it won't pull up anymore. I think some people are getting nervous.

People are getting nervous? In Tulsa?

What for?

Management and the TWU Union Officers are confirming that Tulsa is currently 600 to 1000 men over required head count.

Alot of effort has been made to reduce turn times and cost associated with Overhaul Maintenance. This success has lead to a serious over manned condition and the third party work is lacking behind to fill the void.

Rumor is that AA management will soon take a head count reduction and somehow, some way AA will need get around the job security provision. Last I heard is some third party work will first be hitting MCI and RIF's in Tulsa with option to move to MCI to work on this third party work. This is with hope that most home boys from T-Town will not pack up and move and headcount will be wittled down. Then once the axe has fallen in Tulsa, and the short term third party work at MCI completes, then the MCI base will be closed and the rest is yet to come.

Yeah, folks should be nervous.
Since the warning a couple weeks ago about bringing this back on topic "Management Bonuses" has gone unheeded, its time to put this particular thread to bed.
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