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Analyst Jamie Baker says AA won't cut labor costs as much as Horton would like

Good Luck to you my friend. What do you have about a 1997 seniority date? Currently barely protected by the 9/24/1998 security date. Are you in favor of a DFW red circle like some of your fellow workers on here are preaching?

I made it clear I will not be drawn into this line vs overhaul debate as I have friends on both sides and you know me well enough to know I am for seniority rule and will not waffle on what I believe.

That is just some fairy tale justification for what has happened. Not factual by any means. We simlpy do not know.

Well you can say what you want but I believe and have been saying all the way back to the T/A that the company would file bankruptcy in early 2012 thanks to the Pilots it got moved up to 2011 but make no mistake the B/K was coming no matter what we or they did unless all three group once again gave up large concessions. I believe this was the postion of every analyst I read save one or two, so you can say fairy tale if you want but the smart money was with me.

And just so were clear I was not trying to justfy anything my postion was and is that this company was going to file for B/K and I for one was not going to vote to give them another dime they would have to take it. As far back as the Brady Theater even before the threat of B/K I am on tape saying the same exact thing

I will keep pointing out what I see as flawed thinking or bluntly plain ignorance by a large group of people, that tend to blame others for their own weakness.

Well like it or not the guys in Tulsa and Title 2 bare a larger portion of the blame than others because they failed to act to change the twu and now the waters touching their nuts and there fearing the end of the gravy train, well seeds where sewn now will see what we reap. As for me I say bring it on time to sh#t or get off the pot, hell with your seniority all you had to do was get a license and you would not have to worry but there is that failed to act thing again, well good luck to all of us,
Just as I told everyone we would not get a better deal voting NO.

I will now shut up and wait for the next I told you so moment to arrive. This one will not take as long to come true though.

Cannot argue with the experts! Especially those dealing with such strong emotions!

So sad

Good Luck, You are going to need it.