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"AMP"' level of rEpreSEntaTion....?

What the hell....! Are you pimping a moving target? Misrepresentations create DFR's.....
Section 8. Authorization of Monetary Obligations
All bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of AMP shall be made in the name of the AMP and shall be signed by one of the following three persons: National Director, Assistant National Director, or Secretary-Treasurer. Other than regularly occurring payroll checks, all bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of AMP in excess of $5,000 shall require two of these signatures to lawfully authorize the payment. The Secretary-Treasurer should be the second signatory on all checks over $5,000. The National Director shall be provided each month a summary of non- recurring checks issued in amounts greater than $5,000. The National Director or Secretary-Treasurer, may each, from time to time, transfer such sums of money to administrative accounts, including payroll accounts, petty cash accounts, and such other accounts as may be necessary to meet administrative and current obligations of the Association, and the National Director and Secretary-Treasurer may each designate a surrogate, who shall be bonded in an amount consistent with the amount of funds over which he may have control, to sign checks for and draw upon such administrative accounts. Each Local shall be entitled to 25% annually of the amount of that Local’s dues paid to the National for Local business, if needed, as deemed proper by the Local Officers. This amount can be increased if deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. No Officer, Agent, or employee of the AMP acting singly or jointly with others shall have the power to make any bills payable, notes, checks, drafts, warrants, or negotiable instruments of any description or nature or endorse the same in the name of the AMP or contract or cause to be contracted any debt or liability in the name of or on behalf of the AMP except as expressly prescribed and provided in this Constitution and Bylaws.

This is how we decided to make sure the locals have access to dues for local issue such as health & welfare, office supplies entertainment etc the national will pay all bills and salaries out of one location to save on cost. The part of the board having the option to raise this number is to add flexibilty because we have never put this into practice, that said having a strong central group that is not beholding to any one group politically is the best way to promote unity.

As to you comment about a moving target it is the postion of the steering committee that asap after certification we need to have a constitutional convention and address issues that might need to be changed such as term limits money split with the locals and I am sure you have noticed we left the offical logo's blank so that the group can decide. after the convention we will submit the whole thing to the members for ratification.Now I know you are ready to cry foul but do you really think that 3 guys should write it say this is it no changes that would be arrogant to say the least.

While some things are subject to debate others are not the election of all officers, all officers are subject to recall a strong central leadership that is elected nationally. to prevent local politics from being the decideing factor as it is so many times with the TWU. In reallity there will be some growing pains but the accountablity is the key and will be the BED ROCK WE WILL BUILD ON! it has been done before by the pilots and F/A's and we too will be successful
Informer. If TWU Convention minutes are as readily available as you say, then how can you say that the International is hiding anything from the membership?

I didnt say the TWU was hiding anything. In fact, I believe they are out of the closet on being a company union. When the Local President knows that AMP would inherit the Labor Agreement and then makes a statement that AA Management would outsource Overhaul if AMP won representation, then he appears to be openly admitting that our scope language sucks, and that the TWU kissing the company arse is the only thing preventing the outsource.

They just do not make it known that the minutes are available. There is plenty of good information to read on this fourm, but most members do not know about it. Are we hiding something?

By the way, what is the status of that CFM56 100% Overhaul Outsourcing Grievance? Are they hiding it's status? Because most members have no idea what happened to that issue.
Section 8. Authorization of Monetary Obligations
All bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of AMP shall be made in the name of the AMP and shall be signed by one of the following three persons: National Director, Assistant National Director, or Secretary-Treasurer. Other than regularly occurring payroll checks, all bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of AMP in excess of $5,000 shall require two of these signatures to lawfully authorize the payment. The Secretary-Treasurer should be the second signatory on all checks over $5,000. The National Director shall be provided each month a summary of non- recurring checks issued in amounts greater than $5,000. The National Director or Secretary-Treasurer, may each, from time to time, transfer such sums of money to administrative accounts, including payroll accounts, petty cash accounts, and such other accounts as may be necessary to meet administrative and current obligations of the Association, and the National Director and Secretary-Treasurer may each designate a surrogate, who shall be bonded in an amount consistent with the amount of funds over which he may have control, to sign checks for and draw upon such administrative accounts. Each Local shall be entitled to 25% annually of the amount of that Local’s dues paid to the National for Local business, if needed, as deemed proper by the Local Officers. This amount can be increased if deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. No Officer, Agent, or employee of the AMP acting singly or jointly with others shall have the power to make any bills payable, notes, checks, drafts, warrants, or negotiable instruments of any description or nature or endorse the same in the name of the AMP or contract or cause to be contracted any debt or liability in the name of or on behalf of the AMP except as expressly prescribed and provided in this Constitution and Bylaws.

This is how we decided to make sure the locals have access to dues for local issue such as health & welfare, office supplies entertainment etc the national will pay all bills and salaries out of one location to save on cost. The part of the board having the option to raise this number is to add flexibilty because we have never put this into practice, that said having a strong central group that is not beholding to any one group politically is the best way to promote unity.

As to you comment about a moving target it is the postion of the steering committee that asap after certification we need to have a constitutional convention and address issues that might need to be changed such as term limits money split with the locals and I am sure you have noticed we left the offical logo's blank so that the group can decide. after the convention we will submit the whole thing to the members for ratification.Now I know you are ready to cry foul but do you really think that 3 guys should write it say this is it no changes that would be arrogant to say the least.

While some things are subject to debate others are not the election of all officers, all officers are subject to recall a strong central leadership that is elected nationally. to prevent local politics from being the decideing factor as it is so many times with the TWU. In reallity there will be some growing pains but the accountablity is the key and will be the BED ROCK WE WILL BUILD ON! it has been done before by the pilots and F/A's and we too will be successful

So in a nutshell. The members will be required to pay dues to the AMP National, the AMP National will distribute 25% of the members dues back to their Local annually "IF NEEDED" and the members will never have any voice on how their dues are spent....right?

I guess this will be one of your moving targets you will have to try to tweek as you misrepresent yourselves to the TWU Membership you have already began to solicit....
I didnt say the TWU was hiding anything. In fact, I believe they are out of the closet on being a company union. When the Local President knows that AMP would inherit the Labor Agreement and then makes a statement that AA Management would outsource Overhaul if AMP won representation, then he appears to be openly admitting that our scope language sucks, and that the TWU kissing the company arse is the only thing preventing the outsource.

They just do not make it known that the minutes are available. There is plenty of good information to read on this fourm, but most members do not know about it. Are we hiding something?

By the way, what is the status of that CFM56 100% Overhaul Outsourcing Grievance? Are they hiding it's status? Because most members have no idea what happened to that issue.

I don't know anything about the CFM56 Informer. Wish I did, because that is our future....
So in a nutshell. The members will be required to pay dues to the AMP National, the AMP National will distribute 25% of the members dues back to their Local annually "IF NEEDED" and the members will never have any voice on how their dues are spent....right?

I guess this will be one of your moving targets you will have to try to tweek as you misrepresent yourselves to the TWU Membership you have already began to solicit....

"If needed" capitalized by you for importance is very nice. You see, "IF NEEDED" in the twu means, "Okay, we hear you. But no, we don't think so."

But with AMP, "IF NEEDED" means the membership needs something and they get it because the membership is the union. If the membership is unhappy with those that say, "Okay, we hear you. But no, we don't think so." THOSE people can be removed from office. Do YOU have that with the twu international?
So in a nutshell. The members will be required to pay dues to the AMP National, the AMP National will distribute 25% of the members dues back to their Local annually "IF NEEDED" and the members will never have any voice on how their dues are spent....right?

I guess this will be one of your moving targets you will have to try to tweek as you misrepresent yourselves to the TWU Membership you have already began to solicit....

The intent is to provide the locals with of up to 25% of their annual dues to spend as they see fit if you subtract out what the locals are paying in wages,mortagate and other fixed cost that will be covered by the national the amount of money that the members have a say over will be similar to today and if it is not the board of directors which consist solely of the locals presidents and vice presidents can change it so how do you say the members have no control over them
"If needed" capitalized by you for importance is very nice. You see, "IF NEEDED" in the twu means, "Okay, we hear you. But no, we don't think so."

But with AMP, "IF NEEDED" means the membership needs something and they get it because the membership is the union. If the membership is unhappy with those that say, "Okay, we hear you. But no, we don't think so." THOSE people can be removed from office. Do YOU have that with the twu international?

Get up to speed on what is being discussed or get out of the way....AMP doesn't have the funds to represent us!!!!

Oh, I guess they got your $116. and change...LOL
So in a nutshell. The members will be required to pay dues to the AMP National, the AMP National will distribute 25% of the members dues back to their Local annually "IF NEEDED" and the members will never have any voice on how their dues are spent....right?

I guess this will be one of your moving targets you will have to try to tweek as you misrepresent yourselves to the TWU Membership you have already began to solicit....
You make it sound like we are getting alot for our money now. I see this issue as something that needs attention but, it's not a reason to keep the TWU.
So in a nutshell. The members will be required to pay dues to the AMP National, the AMP National will distribute 25% of the members dues back to their Local annually "IF NEEDED" and the members will never have any voice on how their dues are spent....right?

I guess this will be one of your moving targets you will have to try to tweek as you misrepresent yourselves to the TWU Membership you have already began to solicit....

Man you sure are cynical about this idea. Do you question and mistrust the TWU with the same vigor you have here towards a change?

#1 With direct election of National Officers you indirectly do have a say in how your dues are spent.

#2. You currently have no say in the TWU International Expenditures. And on direct election.

#3. Given the Steve Luis, Al Ball. Jenni Proctor Timms releatives getting paid from your TWU Local 514 funds you apparently have very little say in your Local Expenditures as well. Not to mention $1 Million plus was spent to build the new hall even after the membership voted not to build it.

There is no magic fix all bullet in this process, but would you please at least compare what you are complaining about to our current situation and accept that accountability in your union leadership via the Constitution would offer at least a good chance at improvement?
Get up to speed on what is being discussed or get out of the way....AMP doesn't have the funds to represent us!!!!

Oh, I guess they got your $116. and change...LOL

I am getting out of the way. Out of the twu's way of undemocratic control of our craft. I am getting out of the way of the twu's smoke and mirror defense against the truth.

I am up to speed... in talking about the damage the twu way of doing things has inflicted on our craft. I am up to speed... on acting on what I do if it makes a difference. After handing over my AIP check there were three other people doing the same. Wow, $116.00 grew to $464.00 and that was just four people. Your LOL at people willing to protect a craft we take with pride is certainly worthy of the international's blessing.
Get up to speed on what is being discussed or get out of the way....AMP doesn't have the funds to represent us!!!!

Oh, I guess they got your $116. and change...LOL
We need all brothers and sisters to come together and not be so fearful of change. So many of your comments and opinions reflect your fear in a union (AMP) that models itself after a known successfully ran model (APA). I haven't talked with many pilots that are unhappy with the APA.
High Speed Steel, I am not sure where you work within AA, but I have not seen or heard so many people upset with our International since the day I joined this company over 21 years ago. Our current TA has caused friends of mine who are diehard TWU supporters, many holding current positions within our Union, to question why this was brought to the Membership to vote on. It is dividing us, not unifying us. Is the environment alot different where you are?
I went and watched the AMP video dated Aug. 17, 2010 and heard that guy from DFW state that the members of the AMP control 100% of their dues. If you read the AMP constitution you will see that is not the case. The members only have control over 25% of their dues once a year....I guess if his statement is not true they could always take the position of "Hell we don't know who that guy is, we just needed an extra person for the video shoot." We found him outside the studio and he was dressed pretty nice so we offered him that 116$ we got from Ken and told him all he had to do was read off the cue card and he's not even listed as an AMP contact for DFW... 🙄
I went and watched the AMP video dated Aug. 17, 2010 and heard that guy from DFW state that the members of the AMP control 100% of their dues. If you read the AMP constitution you will see that is not the case. The members only have control over 25% of their dues once a year....I guess if his statement is not true they could always take the position of "Hell we don't know who that guy is, we just needed an extra person for the video shoot." We found him outside the studio and he was dressed pretty nice so we offered him that 116$ we got from Ken and told him all he had to do was read off the cue card and he's not even listed as an AMP contact for DFW... 🙄
I guess they will do or say anything to get elected. Is that type of representation we need?
I guess they will do or say anything to get elected. Is that type of representation we need?
Wrong, everything will be paid from the National, that way we can keep track of all spending. It will be explained in the debate.

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