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"AMP"' level of rEpreSEntaTion....?

Why does not the TWU answer the basic question of why the TWU Constitution is better than that of AMPs? Leave the AMFA stuff alone. The TWU already dodged that bullet. Just answer the question please.
I have read what it says and I understand it quite well pitbull...!

I was wondering if when you're steering committee is approaching the members of Local 514 if they notify them AMP intends to take ownership of their dues, distribute their dues to other locals, reduce and dictate Local 514's financial bases for operation, and allow only 25% of the members paid dues to be available only "once" a "year" as deemed proper by the Locals Officers......

Interestingly enough when we working on the section in question we had to rewrite it because the APA constitution does not address money to individual domiciles so we had to discuss how to do it, I told the guys involved that this would be one of the issues you guys would piss & moan about the most and your point would be you are taking Tulsa's money, typical mind set we don't have a union! Millions of dollars in the bank and for what so you can feel good whille the smaller locals scrape by.

So you know the last meeting I attended at 514 hall there was a motion to consider a request for help from the miami local who's hall had been destroyed I think by hurricane Andrew but I may have been a different one. iI thought this was a no brainer it has been along time but I think they asked for us to donate or loan them 30,000 dollars. before we could even began to debate the issue M.F. the president at the time ruled the thing out of order a few others and i tried to get a motion to reconsider and where told we would not be sending any money to that local.

I left the hall that day never to return because I knew in my mind we where not a union, I don't know if anyone ever helped Miami and here we are still protecting your money.
Interestingly enough when we working on the section in question we had to rewrite it because the APA constitution does not address money to individual domiciles so we had to discuss how to do it, I told the guys involved that this would be one of the issues you guys would piss & moan about the most and your point would be you are taking Tulsa's money, typical mind set we don't have a union! Millions of dollars in the bank and for what so you can feel good whille the smaller locals scrape by.

So you know the last meeting I attended at 514 hall there was a motion to consider a request for help from the miami local who's hall had been destroyed I think by hurricane Andrew but I may have been a different one. iI thought this was a no brainer it has been along time but I think they asked for us to donate or loan them 30,000 dollars. before we could even began to debate the issue M.F. the president at the time ruled the thing out of order a few others and i tried to get a motion to reconsider and where told we would not be sending any money to that local.

I left the hall that day never to return because I knew in my mind we where not a union, I don't know if anyone ever helped Miami and here we are still protecting your money.

Money, money, money....If AMP gets their way, 250 Fleet Service Clerks will be rolling in the dough and retain all facilities and assets of Local 514....
Money, money, money....If AMP gets their way, 250 Fleet Service Clerks will be rolling in the dough and retain all facilities and assets of Local 514....
... so to keep that from happening, you would prefer to be lied to by those you are paying to represent you on a daily basis? Is where the local's money might go the extent of your concerns? It won't last them very long - don't worry.

I'm afraid I can't see where that particular tradeoff has any value. Wouldn't you really rather be a "rich" Fleet Service Clerk instead?

... and yes - money, money, money - to the tune of $250k per month. That's the only reason Little Jimmy made a trip up here as American would be quite a chunk of change to lose out on.
Money, money, money....If AMP gets their way, 250 Fleet Service Clerks will be rolling in the dough and retain all facilities and assets of Local 514....

Owe no that want happen those folks will most likely be rolled into 513 and the so called members 70% will become the intl just like the money at 530 i'm sure there are some protections in the constitution for this right.
Question: Lets just say AMP gets enough votes to force a vote in 2 months time. Then comes the vote, is it 50% +1 of the votes cast or of all eligible voters to produce a winner? What happens to us if neither AMP or the TWU receives the 50% +1 to win representation?
Money, money, money....If AMP gets their way, 250 Fleet Service Clerks will be rolling in the dough and retain all facilities and assets of Local 514....

That is a good point. Where are the AMP union meetings and offices going to be without any money? Also, is it true that AMP has not yet applied to be a representative body?
Question: Lets just say AMP gets enough votes to force a vote in 2 months time. Then comes the vote, is it 50% +1 of the votes cast or of all eligible voters to produce a winner? What happens to us if neither AMP or the TWU receives the 50% +1 to win representation?
The rules have changed, boys and girls - to vote for union representation now, only a simple majority of the votes cast are required. not the 50% + 1 as previously.

Under the previous NMB rules, if neither party received the magical 50% + 1 number, those voting could be facing no representation at all but just recently this has changed.

This is simply more fear being tossed about by TWU supporters in hopes of derailing any attempt to improve our representation.
The rules have changed, boys and girls - to vote for union representation now, only a simple majority of the votes cast are required. not the 50% + 1 as previously.

Under the previous NMB rules, if neither party received the magical 50% + 1 number, those voting could be facing no representation at all but just recently this has changed.

This is simply more fear being tossed about by TWU supporters in hopes of derailing any attempt to improve our representation.
Please cite your source
My source is the NMB website.

This new rule is re: what constitutes a majority in a representational election - still the 50 pct. plus 1 on the card collecting to call for an election.
The simple majority of those voting is for new representation elections. This may be greyer area, since one of the outcomes could be decertification.
Great response. Now your guessing. OMG

I answered your question with my opinion and you call me dumb. The poor old members are waiting now on their grievances and you know that is fact. Are we wating on you to be trained or what the hell is the holdup?

Still anxiously awating proof of your NO LAWYERS IN ARBTRATION CLAIM

They lure you into a Quasi Perry Mason role on the arbitration committee. You pick that issue to defend the TWU. Let me just say even though I respect your intelligence, the current track record of grievance handling leaves you debating this matter with a handicap. Calling me dumb is not my idea of good arguement. When you presented a case, did you stand before the arbitrator and call someone dumb to win the case?
Most arbritraors are retired judges or attorneys please!!
The simple majority of those voting is for new representation elections. This may be greyer area, since one of the outcomes could be decertification.
That's about how I took it reading the NMB site - the difference between "new" and "replacement" representation would be a grey area and would be difficult to demand separate requirements to winning a vote re: either condition without someone screaming discrimination.

I'm not a lawyer and haven't a clue.
Additional Reading ---

Federal Register /Vol. 75, No. 109 /Tuesday, June 8, 2010 /Rules and Regulations 32273
29 CFR Parts 1202 and 1206
[Docket No. C–6964]
RIN 3140–ZA00
Representation Election Procedure
AGENCY: National Mediation Board.
ACTION: Final rule; delay of effective
SUMMARY: The National Mediation
Board (NMB) is delaying the effective
date of its rule regarding representation
election procedures from June 10, 2010
to June 30, 2010. The purpose of this
notice is to notify participants under the
Railway Labor Act (RLA) that the rule
will apply to applications filed on or
after June 30, 2010.
DATES: Effective Date: The effective date
of the rule amending 29 CFR Parts 1202
and 1206 published at 75 FR 26062,
May 11, 2010, is delayed until June 30,
Mary Johnson, General Counsel,
National Mediation Board, 202–692–
5050, infoline@nmb.gov.
11, 2010, the NMB published a Final
Rule in the Federal Register (75 FR
26062) with the effective date of June
10, 2010. Due to upcoming proceedings
in litigation related to the Final Rule,
the NMB is delaying the
implementation of the rule for 20 days.
The new effective date is June 30, 2010.
No other changes to the Representation
Election Procedure Rule have been
made. The NMB will notify participants
if there are any further changes.
Dated: June 3, 2010.
General Counsel, National Mediation Board.
Mary Johnson,
[FR Doc. 2010–13696 Filed 6–7–10; 8:45 am]


NMB Representation Rulemaking

06-30-10: New Voting Procedure
Effective July 1, 2010, the Board’s voting procedures for representation elections will change to add a “No” option and to provide that the majority of votes-cast will determine the outcome of an election. The new procedure will only apply to applications received on or after July 1, 2010. The NMB website will be updated to reflect the changes in the near future.


I see nothing in the posted information on Federal sites (shown above) that affords the simple majority election to the "first" or primary application for representation of a non-union company, ie, an entity being organized for the first time.

"The new procedure will only apply to applications received on or after July 1, 2010."

The text marked in red above is rather self explanatory. The way I read it, the new "simple majority" rule will apply.

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