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"AMP"' level of rEpreSEntaTion....?

At the rate grievances are currently heard there is planty of time to train just as you were trained. It isn't like grievances are being handled in a timely manner with current representation. I understand Local 514 alone is over 1100+ backlog. Is this the greivance handling record you are prepared to debate regarding this issue and stand on?

Terminations should be expedited and lawyers used. Where did you get your "no lawyer" training from the TWU? Show me the link to the training manual you were using that claims arbitrators don't like lawyers?

I am no AMP spokesperson at all. This is just my opinion that your concerns are not valid.

Besides, unless you take the postion that you wouldn't accept a majority rule vote to change representation, why wouldn't you and others already trained offer your expert services to AMP? You and your grievance handling are not the problem as I see it, the problem is the Constitution and the International Appointed Dictators. Although 1100+ backlog is an issue with those that filed said grievances no doubt.

Are you saying you and the other trained would offer no assistance to the membership? Are you there to the assist the members or are you a quasi TWU Zealot and if change to AMP occurs your done?

Our recent coversations make it clear you are not happy with your current representation. Why not get involved and do something about that?

PS I did a google search on Lawyers in Arbitration and so much information came up I couldn't begin to sort it out to prove that your training could be in error. Let's just say you owe us proof of your claim and meanwhile the rest of us will assume that if arbitrators didnt like lawyers there wouldn't be such a massive number of lawyers specializing in arbitration.
well the problem with all the locals is that no one in a local position (officer/ eboard) can tell a grievant you don't have a grievance. Once the grievance goes thru to the final step either submitted for arbitration or it is deemed lack of merit or no contract violation, few are willing to close out the grievance, they just submit it to the system board of adjustment where it gets assigned a number and put on the docket. The M&E docket is so long a grievance won't be heard for probably several years. This phenomenom gave rise after the locals split @ 1999. Too many grievances don't have a vilolation of the contract, and the local will not pull it, believing that a grievant has a right to be heard. Utter nonsense because meritorious grievances are delayed, sort of like labor justice delayed is labor justice denied.

As for lawyers in arbitration, there are times on special circumstances a lawyer is needed. But many arbitrators over the years prefer union advocates because they know or should know the contract, know the work place because we all work there, and know the local work rules and how they are enforced. The good advocate knows how to inform and teach the arbitrator those pertinent things, the lawyer would have to be taught these things first before he could present the case otherwise he is flying by the seat of his pants..........not a good thing when the agreement is on the table and open for interpretation. Plus lawyers get hung up on "litigation rules" which are for the court room, not the arbitration arena.
I guess they will do or say anything to get elected. Is that type of representation we need?

Even if it was the case, and I doubt it is - one of the nice things about the AMP is that nobody is UNTOUCHABLE.
Even if it was the case, and I doubt it is - one of the nice things about the AMP is that nobody is UNTOUCHABLE.
Thats right V, their are checks and balances built into the constitution and by-laws that will hold our leadership(AMP) accountable. Its all on the website, in black and white. The debate will filter out all these TWU int and AA mgmt. posts.
Are the senior guys in TUL behind AMP, if I remember right they were the ones that shot down AMFA? Does anyone know what % of cards are signed at TUL? I won't get to built up until there is a high percentage there.
Are the senior guys in TUL behind AMP, if I remember right they were the ones that shot down AMFA? Does anyone know what % of cards are signed at TUL? I won't get to built up until there is a high percentage there.

You need a high percentage before signing a card Duke? I do not mean this post as a jab or insult but doesn't the AMP Constitution speak for itself? The AMP Constitution clearly states that all AMP officers are elected and all AMP officers are recallable. The twu is not structured like that.
Are the senior guys in TUL behind AMP, if I remember right they were the ones that shot down AMFA? Does anyone know what % of cards are signed at TUL? I won't get to built up until there is a high percentage there.

With twu's ability to misinform the membership without any accountibility, I don't see the card drive having a chance. :angry:


I went and watched the AMP video dated Aug. 17, 2010 and heard that guy from DFW state that the members of the AMP control 100% of their dues. If you read the AMP constitution you will see that is not the case. The members only have control over 25% of their dues once a year....I guess if his statement is not true they could always take the position of "Hell we don't know who that guy is, we just needed an extra person for the video shoot." We found him outside the studio and he was dressed pretty nice so we offered him that 116$ we got from Ken and told him all he had to do was read off the cue card and he's not even listed as an AMP contact for DFW... 🙄

You guys just can't get your head wrapped around this, he did not say the local would have control of 100% of its dues he said the members wou;ld have control of 100% of their dues, in this union the members keep 100% of the dues they go to the national. they will only be spent on things authorized by the members, due you currently have any say in what the intl does with the 30% they take?

This system is different than what you are a custom to it puts all the money in one spot you pay all fixed cost from one spot that way you do not duplicate this function in each local. the constitution guarantees acces to 25% of your locals dues as needed to use for what ever the local requires, we think that the local will have access to more free cash than they have today but since we have never put htis into practice we made it so that the board of directors could raise this number if required no one on the committee seeks to control your money only to spend it wisely.

Finally the thought behind this is if we can't even share money how can we ever become a union? it is the fact that each local is pitted against each other for work and resources and againist each other in the presidents concil, this is one of the main reason we are weak. With AMP the three national officers are elected nationally that way they are responsiable to all of us not just one local.

Try again pitbull
You need a high percentage before signing a card Duke? I do not mean this post as a jab or insult but doesn't the AMP Constitution speak for itself? The AMP Constitution clearly states that all AMP officers are elected and all AMP officers are recallable. The twu is not structured like that.

I didn't mention a thing about AMP virtues, I just think a AMP card drive will fail without TUL mech support. I was also wondering how much support they have now, it would be nice to hear from a TUL mech.
I didn't mention a thing about AMP virtues, I just think a AMP card drive will fail without TUL mech support. I was also wondering how much support they have now, it would be nice to hear from a TUL mech.

"Are the senior guys in TUL behind AMP, if I remember right they were the ones that shot down AMFA? Does anyone know what % of cards are signed at TUL? I won't get to built up until there is a high percentage there."

My bad. It seemed as if you wouldn't get built up until there was a high percentage of people in TULSA who did. I believe that the interest in Tulsa is growing each day. Strange how Little visited Tulsa. I'm sure he believes the same as me.
You guys just can't get your head wrapped around this, he did not say the local would have control of 100% of its dues he said the members wou;ld have control of 100% of their dues, in this union the members keep 100% of the dues they go to the national. they will only be spent on things authorized by the members, due you currently have any say in what the intl does with the 30% they take?

This system is different than what you are a custom to it puts all the money in one spot you pay all fixed cost from one spot that way you do not duplicate this function in each local. the constitution guarantees acces to 25% of your locals dues as needed to use for what ever the local requires, we think that the local will have access to more free cash than they have today but since we have never put htis into practice we made it so that the board of directors could raise this number if required no one on the committee seeks to control your money only to spend it wisely.

Finally the thought behind this is if we can't even share money how can we ever become a union? it is the fact that each local is pitted against each other for work and resources and againist each other in the presidents concil, this is one of the main reason we are weak. With AMP the three national officers are elected nationally that way they are responsiable to all of us not just one local.

Try again pitbull

I have read what it says and I understand it quite well pitbull...!

I was wondering if when you're steering committee is approaching the members of Local 514 if they notify them AMP intends to take ownership of their dues, distribute their dues to other locals, reduce and dictate Local 514's financial bases for operation, and allow only 25% of the members paid dues to be available only "once" a "year" as deemed proper by the Locals Officers......
I was wondering if when you're steering committee is approaching the members of Local 514 if they notify them AMP intends to take ownership of their dues, distribute their dues to other locals, reduce and dictate Local 514's financial bases for operation, and allow only 25% of the members paid dues to be available only "once" a "year" as deemed proper by the Locals Officers......

Uh, what you're describing above is called a "budget"... Does the TWU have one? Do they make it public? Seriously, if you don't have an open and accountable budgeting process (which is usually only done once a year as well), they you're just asking for corruption. Just look at Congress or Chicago politics.
Uh, what you're describing above is called a "budget"... Does the TWU have one? Do they make it public? Seriously, if you don't have an open and accountable budgeting process (which is usually only done once a year as well), they you're just asking for corruption. Just look at Congress or Chicago politics.

The twu corrupt? Say it ain't so!!! 😱
The twu corrupt? Say it ain't so!!! 😱
How else would you explain a $1200.00 dollar water bill for one month, or $1600.00 just to have the grass mowed, or to get paid .10 cents a copy to copy stuff at the local. Going from 9 million in the bank to just a little ( no pun intended ), over 3 million in a few years. Please tell me where the MONEY is going. I wish I was family, I could make it rich working for the TWU. Your wasted dues at work, GO AMP!

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