You guys just can't get your head wrapped around this, he did not say the local would have control of 100% of its dues he said the members wou;ld have control of 100% of their dues, in this union the members keep 100% of the dues they go to the national. they will only be spent on things authorized by the members, due you currently have any say in what the intl does with the 30% they take?
This system is different than what you are a custom to it puts all the money in one spot you pay all fixed cost from one spot that way you do not duplicate this function in each local. the constitution guarantees acces to 25% of your locals dues as needed to use for what ever the local requires, we think that the local will have access to more free cash than they have today but since we have never put htis into practice we made it so that the board of directors could raise this number if required no one on the committee seeks to control your money only to spend it wisely.
Finally the thought behind this is if we can't even share money how can we ever become a union? it is the fact that each local is pitted against each other for work and resources and againist each other in the presidents concil, this is one of the main reason we are weak. With AMP the three national officers are elected nationally that way they are responsiable to all of us not just one local.
Try again pitbull