What's new

"AMP"' level of rEpreSEntaTion....?

The Dues Base of Local 514 alone is $250,000.00 plus per month.

Get rid of Talons Tickets, Oilers Tickets, Big Splash Parties, Labor Fest Parties, Per Capita Dues to AFL-CIO - Northeastern Oklahoma Labor Council, stop paying relatives exhuberant fees for copying and mowing services, replace the $65,000.00+Medical+Pension per year Secretaries and there would be plenty of money to handle greivances and adminster the local.

Just get a copy of the Local 514 Monthly Financial Report and read the huge amount of waste being spent.
High Speed Steel,

Since we were discussing arbitration and grievances earlier and you are in the know and highly trained, what is the current status of the Presidential Grievance filed over the 100% outsourcing of CFM56 Engines.

How long have the members waited now for this to be heard?

Does this issue have a priority with the TWU?

Do you think the scope lanugage is sufficient to protect this work and win this grievance?

No lawyer answer just guy from the floor opinion.

I mean come on Local has $10 million+ in the bank and you and others are unelected but trained to handle arbitration.

WTF is the holdup here?
Side question... who owns the hall? The international, the ATD or the local? If it's the international, then the bus drivers and casino workers are paying for it as well, and will keep paying for it if they lose the AA contract.
The local pays the mortgage to the international, who wrote the loan. If the local was to go away, the international would get the building and keep the cash. It would make for a interesting legal challenge against them because any surplus should rightfully belong to the members, since it wasn't spent on union activities.
Blast from the past. Since we all know the TWU deletes damaging archive from pubilc view and access. I have learned to keep information they communicate.

Here is one of my favorites. My scanner is currntly inoperable so I type the information for now.

April 21, 2003

To: All TWU AA Members

Dear Sisters & Brothers,

Last week I sent a message to all members stating that, by failing to disclose to us that it had intended to provide special retention bonuses and fund its supplemental pension plan in bargaining, American was guilty of a material breach of its obligation to provide relevant information.

The basic premise to the modifications we made to our agreements was clear and was recited in each agreement - "the modifications to the TWU agreements described have been negotiated in good faith by the Company and the TWU on the basis of the best information currently known to the the Company with the intent to avoid reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code..." The Company's conduct has called this basic understanding into question and, in my view, tainted the ratification process that led to these agreements. Because of this, and after consultation with President Sonny Hall and the TWU International Administrative Committee, TWU has decided to resubmit the proposed agreements to membership vote. In that the ratification procedures used to reach agrementby Arpil 15th were authorized by unanimous vote of the President's Council only on a one-times basis, we will utilize the normal mail ballot procedures in the Presidents's Council By-Laws for the re-vote, or by other means the Council believes can expedite the process.

We continue to have the gravest concern about the possibility of a bankupcty filing and its impact on our members. In every instance I know of consenual agreements reached out of bankruptcy are substantially fairer to employees than those reached in the bankruptcy process uner the threat of possible contract rejection. Nevertheless, in order for these agreements to accomplish their purpose they must be credible. The only way to assure credibility is to allow a full re-vote with the full membership knowledge of all relevant company actions.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
/s/James C. Little
Director Air Transport Divsion

Keep signing those cards and soon this and other information stored regarding past TWU actions will be re-issued to the members before we vote.

And each of you should always archive that which the TWU submits for your viewing. They always seem to remove and/or delete these type of items from member available archives.

Everytime I read James C Little talking about credibility, I roll on the floor laughing.
The local pays the mortgage to the international, who wrote the loan. If the local was to go away, the international would get the building and keep the cash. It would make for a interesting legal challenge against them because any surplus should rightfully belong to the members, since it wasn't spent on union activities.
The money doesnt belong to the members, its belongs to the union, you pay them as a condition of employment, that is why there are restrictions on how dues money can be spent.

I belonged to a local the ceased to exist as the plant was closed, all the money in the bank went to the International.
The money doesnt belong to the members, its belongs to the union, you pay them as a condition of employment, that is why there are restrictions on how dues money can be spent.

I belonged to a local the ceased to exist as the plant was closed, all the money in the bank went to the International.
<_< ------- Hey NY! The Local should have thrown one Hell'va party before it folded! Local 530 is in the same position! Will Local 530 do that?---------NO!!!They wouldn't do a thing like that! 😛
The one thing I hope for all of you in this debate is you don't fall into the same line of thinking that took over our friends at United. In my opinion, they have really taken it in the shorts playing musical unions. You know IAM->AMFA->Teamsters, all in five years. Just don't jump into it blindly.
Care to offer a dollar value for the AMP crowd so they have and idea of what they will have to mortgage to fund their representation....There sure wont be any funds available from Local 514 because that money will belong to Fleet Service if the AMP gets their way...But that is a future topic of discussion...LOL

I would care to offer a number 70% thats what the intl takes right off the top of our dues. Now if we go AMP we keep 100% of our money you care to tell me what you think that will pay for, 514 has millions in the bank and that is only keeping less than 30% of our dues a rough calculation of dues is about 800,000 a month if store joins us thats 1.6 million after just 2 months.

As far as halls go at first we will use offices and rent a space for a meeting, after the first elections we will address the issues of buying property. Do you suggest we do it like the TWU intl, at 565 the intl bought the building and loaned the local money to get started now out of our 30% we pay them a mortgage plus interest I heard fairly high interest but my favorite part is after we pay it off in 30 years the intl owns it thats right we don't even own it after we pay for it. is this the way it works at 514?

I think paying lawyers if needed will not be a issue try again!
<_< ------- What do you mean "wouldn't let us"?------ Screw them! What could they do to you, you were going out of business anyway! :huh:

I believe he was referring to the joint effort of the Union and Company and NMB to inflate the numbers of valid voters so that we could not have a representational election.
I would care to offer a number 70% thats what the intl takes right off the top of our dues. Now if we go AMP we keep 100% of our money you care to tell me what you think that will pay for, 514 has millions in the bank and that is only keeping less than 30% of our dues a rough calculation of dues is about 800,000 a month if store joins us thats 1.6 million after just 2 months.

As far as halls go at first we will use offices and rent a space for a meeting, after the first elections we will address the issues of buying property. Do you suggest we do it like the TWU intl, at 565 the intl bought the building and loaned the local money to get started now out of our 30% we pay them a mortgage plus interest I heard fairly high interest but my favorite part is after we pay it off in 30 years the intl owns it thats right we don't even own it after we pay for it. is this the way it works at 514?

I think paying lawyers if needed will not be a issue try again!

TWU Constitution

SECTION 3. Effective January 1, 1982, the per capita tax payable for each calendar month, by each Local to the International Union shall be thirty (30%) percent of the total of dues and agency shop fees received by the Local in each such month, and shall be forwarded to the International Secretary-Treasurer on or before the tenth (10th) day of the following month. Where implementation of this Section would require an increase, in any calendar year, of more than two percentage points in the per capita payments in the previous calendar year, such increase shall be limited to two percentage points.

AMP Constitution

Section 8. Authorization of Monetary Obligations
All bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of AMP shall be made in the name of the AMP and shall be signed by one of the following three persons: National Director, Assistant National Director, or Secretary-Treasurer. Other than regularly occurring payroll checks, all bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of AMP in excess of $5,000 shall require two of these signatures to lawfully authorize the payment. The Secretary-Treasurer should be the second signatory on all checks over $5,000. The National Director shall be provided each month a summary of non- recurring checks issued in amounts greater than $5,000. The National Director or Secretary-Treasurer, may each, from time to time, transfer such sums of money to administrative accounts, including payroll accounts, petty cash accounts, and such other accounts as may be necessary to meet administrative and current obligations of the Association, and the National Director and Secretary-Treasurer may each designate a surrogate, who shall be bonded in an amount consistent with the amount of funds over which he may have control, to sign checks for and draw upon such administrative accounts. Each Local shall be entitled to 25% annually of the amount of that Local’s dues paid to the National for Local business, if needed, as deemed proper by the Local Officers. This amount can be increased if deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. No Officer, Agent, or employee of the AMP acting singly or jointly with others shall have the power to make any bills payable, notes, checks, drafts, warrants, or negotiable instruments of any description or nature or endorse the same in the name of the AMP or contract or cause to be contracted any debt or liability in the name of or on behalf of the AMP except as expressly prescribed and provided in this Constitution and Bylaws.


Correct me if I am wrong here but these appear to read per the

AMP Consitution that the Local receives 25% of dues back from the National

and under the

TWU Constitution the Local keeps 70% of the dues.

aapitbull, I cannot locate in the AMP Constituion a verification of your claim that the Local keeps 100% of the dues money if we go AMP. The way I read the AMP Constitution, all dues go to the National and 25% comes back to the Local. Of course the Board of Directors can increase this amount.

Correct me if I am wrong here but these appear to read per the

AMP Consitution that the Local receives 25% of dues back from the National

and under the

TWU Constitution the Local keeps 70% of the dues.

aapitbull, I cannot locate in the AMP Constituion a verification of your claim that the Local keeps 100% of the dues money if we go AMP. The way I read the AMP Constitution, all dues go to the National and 25% comes back to the Local. Of course the Board of Directors can increase this amount.

The way I read it is that the AMP has adopted the one local concept that has worked well for SWA FA's, except 30% isn't going to the international. From what I gather, each local gets working capital of 25%, and there is only one treasurer at the national, instead of many throughout the country. That ought to cut costs and be able to spend money wisely. A strike fund may even be possible. I do like the part about the money belongs to the members, and not the national if the union was dissolved.

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