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"AMP"' level of rEpreSEntaTion....?

The way I read it is that the AMP has adopted the one local concept that has worked well for SWA FA's, except 30% isn't going to the international. From what I gather, each local gets working capital of 25%, and there is only one treasurer at the national, instead of many throughout the country. That ought to cut costs and be able to spend money wisely. A strike fund may even be possible. I do like the part about the money belongs to the members, and not the national if the union was dissolved.

OK so AMP has a one local concept. Can you explain how the voting would take place in a way that will insure that the overhaul bases with the majority membership do not get out voted by a possible greedy line membership. In other words the TWU is already preaching that the overhaul would be outsourced (which I doubt) ao we have to have the needed information during discussions about AMP. So how does the voting block work in a one local concept?

If you could provide an example a board of directors breakdown and them voting on a simple matter would be helpful.
Break down the AA system as if would be under AMP and show me the voting block. Porve to the curious that there is nothing to fear.

I honestly don't wnat my job outsourced and I am not interested in a change that would remove the so-called "roll-call vote" that has not only screwed us all in the past, it has also helped the overhaul bases with the majority membership. The structure should maintain majority rule voting at the national level and not be some scheme to circumvent that.

After reading some of the postings here I have concern about those that blame everyone else except the TWU and the TWU Structure. So give me information that relieves any hesitation about making the change.
TWU Constitution

SECTION 3. Effective January 1, 1982, the per capita tax payable for each calendar month, by each Local to the International Union shall be thirty (30%) percent of the total of dues and agency shop fees received by the Local in each such month, and shall be forwarded to the International Secretary-Treasurer on or before the tenth (10th) day of the following month. Where implementation of this Section would require an increase, in any calendar year, of more than two percentage points in the per capita payments in the previous calendar year, such increase shall be limited to two percentage points.

AMP Constitution

Section 8. Authorization of Monetary Obligations
All bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of AMP shall be made in the name of the AMP and shall be signed by one of the following three persons: National Director, Assistant National Director, or Secretary-Treasurer. Other than regularly occurring payroll checks, all bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of AMP in excess of $5,000 shall require two of these signatures to lawfully authorize the payment. The Secretary-Treasurer should be the second signatory on all checks over $5,000. The National Director shall be provided each month a summary of non- recurring checks issued in amounts greater than $5,000. The National Director or Secretary-Treasurer, may each, from time to time, transfer such sums of money to administrative accounts, including payroll accounts, petty cash accounts, and such other accounts as may be necessary to meet administrative and current obligations of the Association, and the National Director and Secretary-Treasurer may each designate a surrogate, who shall be bonded in an amount consistent with the amount of funds over which he may have control, to sign checks for and draw upon such administrative accounts. Each Local shall be entitled to 25% annually of the amount of that Local’s dues paid to the National for Local business, if needed, as deemed proper by the Local Officers. This amount can be increased if deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. No Officer, Agent, or employee of the AMP acting singly or jointly with others shall have the power to make any bills payable, notes, checks, drafts, warrants, or negotiable instruments of any description or nature or endorse the same in the name of the AMP or contract or cause to be contracted any debt or liability in the name of or on behalf of the AMP except as expressly prescribed and provided in this Constitution and Bylaws.


Correct me if I am wrong here but these appear to read per the

AMP Consitution that the Local receives 25% of dues back from the National

and under the

TWU Constitution the Local keeps 70% of the dues.

aapitbull, I cannot locate in the AMP Constituion a verification of your claim that the Local keeps 100% of the dues money if we go AMP. The way I read the AMP Constitution, all dues go to the National and 25% comes back to the Local. Of course the Board of Directors can increase this amount.

I stand corrected it is 30% to the intl and 70% to the locals the AMP constitution is on the website all money is forward to the national with a guarantee of at least 25% of each locals dues be available to that local for health and welfare entertainment etc the national will pay all bills and salaries for each local hope this help.
I honestly don't wnat my job outsourced and I am not interested in a change that would remove the so-called "roll-call vote" that has not only screwed us all in the past, it has also helped the overhaul bases with the majority membership. The structure should maintain majority rule voting at the national level and not be some scheme to circumvent that.
Just read it again, and the board can vote with the vote of its respective members. aka. roll-call. The only difference with regard to money that I read is that all bills are paid out of a central location, and the locals keep 25% on hand.
Just read it again, and the board can vote with the vote of its respective members. aka. roll-call. The only difference with regard to money that I read is that all bills are paid out of a central location, and the locals keep 25% on hand.

I suspect there will need to be a more detailed explanation than go "read it again" to get enough cards. And surely on the debate thread this will be an important matter that needs to be addressed with an example AA membership AMP structure. Both one with Stores included and one without.

I am attempting to get detailed information regarding questions I have been asked that I find valid and sincere. I refuse to go tell someone that is interested to just "go read it again". I would rather not answer at all than tell someone that answer.
I am attempting to get detailed information regarding questions I have been asked that I find valid and sincere. I refuse to go tell someone that is interested to just "go read it again". I would rather not answer at all than tell someone that answer.
If you are looking for facts and not opinion based on reading the constitution, then I would suggest contacting someone involved in the steering committee. 😉

Heck, the cards only made it to my shop 2 days ago.
The good thing is the AMP constitution is a work in progress. It has the ability to be changed. The TWU constitution is damn near set in stone.
I refuse to go tell someone that is interested to just "go read it again". I would rather not answer at all than tell someone that answer.

Agree with the sentiment, but I don't think anyone said "go read it again".... Tex-mech said HE read it again...

This is why I like pictures, matrix grids, and graphs when talking to executives who don't speak English as a primary language... No worrying about which context "read" is supposed to be in... 😉
I stand corrected it is 30% to the intl and 70% to the locals the AMP constitution is on the website all money is forward to the national with a guarantee of at least 25% of each locals dues be available to that local for health and welfare entertainment etc the national will pay all bills and salaries for each local hope this help.

aapitbull, It looks like Informer and I have the same concerns regarding your now retracted claim. And I respect Informer for his focus on the issue.

Per your prescribed definition of the issue. Show us, where the members of a Local under the AMP would have a voice in how the 25% of their dues money may be spent....It appears to be an annual availability of funds but must be deemed proper by the Local officers....
The good thing is the AMP constitution is a work in progress. It has the ability to be changed. The TWU constitution is damn near set in stone.

What the hell....! Are you pimping a moving target? Misrepresentations create DFR's.....
High Speed Steel

Is that why the TWU refuses to allow changes to the Constitution?
Fear of DFR
Agree with the sentiment, but I don't think anyone said "go read it again".... Tex-mech said HE read it again...

This is why I like pictures, matrix grids, and graphs when talking to executives who don't speak English as a primary language... No worrying about which context "read" is supposed to be in... 😉

I agree and I stand corrected and mis-read the post.
I'll admit Informer I have no response to this since I've never been elected to attend a convention....

Well you don't really have to attend or be elected to get the real scoop and Convention history.

Call the International ask for publications and request copies of the Convention Minutes from 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, and 2009. They are basiically transcripts of everything that transpired on the record.

Once you have read these, our opinions will not differ as much as they may today.

What I find most interesting is that most members don't even know they are available. Once you read the minutes, you will understand why this is not well known information.
Well you don't really have to attend or be elected to get the real scoop and Convention history.

Call the International ask for publications and request copies of the Convention Minutes from 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, and 2009. They are basiically transcripts of everything that transpired on the record.

Once you have read these, our opinions will not differ as much as they may today.

What I find most interesting is that most members don't even know they are available. Once you read the minutes, you will understand why this is not well known information.

Informer. If TWU Convention minutes are as readily available as you say, then how can you say that the International is hiding anything from the membership?

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