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Amfa's Strategy

Actually Amfa has provided the proof! They made sure the kool-aid drinkers signed their names to the documents! So who will take the fall? If the TWU or AA pursues litigation? Will it be Amfa? All they have to say; it was supplied by the organizers!

I can see the NMB looking closer now at all the signatures on the cards! I would not be surprised if the NMB spends more time and contacts card signers to see if they actually turned one in!!!! In fact I hope it happens!!!!! Any way your game plan is clear!

Amfa will go down in flames!!!!! We can be assured that an election will not be conducted now!

Just by adding back in at least 1300+/- names that amfa has chosen to contest with the 2000+ members the TWU has added puts the numbers well over 19,000!
Clue-less In Oklahoma,

I sure notice alot of "If's" and "I hopes" in your latest diatribes.

Truth is, the TWU turned in a list of "additions" to the voter list that is a bigger fraud than that which AA submitted. In fact over 17 deceased individuals have already been identified on your so-called "last hope effort" to save the TWU. You have submitted numerous names of individuals that have worked for carriers other than AA or TWA for over 20 YEARS. How does that happen? Funny thing, when we call them they want to vote and they want to vote for AMFA. Maybe we should just ignore those that the TWU has graciously provided that are so eager to help us remove the TWU from the industry. You surely cannot protest your own list of AMFA supporters can you? :lol:

AA is asking for an extension.

And the TWU is doing nothing but whining because the information we have will prove the fraud the TWU is attempting to make upon the democratic process.

Whine on and Hope all you want, I predict the TWU will be de-certified on or before July 31st, 2004.

Sniffle, Sniffle, now carry on with the "TWU is a victim" campaign. The members are watching.
Latest Whining by the TWU Leadership.

Update 04-27-04

Letter to AA re: Confidential Info Access-AMFA
April 27, 2004


Mr. Jeff Brundage
Vice President ER
American Airlines, Inc.
PO Box 616616 MD 5235
DFW Airport, TX 75261-9616

Dear Jeff:

On April 22, 2004 both the TWU and AMFA filed objections to the Company’s list of eligible voters. In reviewing AMFA’s submission to the NMB, it is clear that American Airlines Management has provided AMFA with access to our member’s confidential payroll and personnel records.

As you know, no TWU Official has access to this information, and by doing so without Management approval would be a violation of Company Policy as well as State and Federal laws. Moreover, it is clear that the bulk of this material could not have been secured without use of Company computers and the acquiescence of at least some Managers. We strenuously object to a Union with no representation at American Airlines having access to Company resources including access to Auto TA, work history, payroll records, corporate employee information system – Supervisors record of discussion and action (C23), TWA employee OJT history, TWA time and attendance, payroll transaction records (PTR), employee travel and family eligibility records, and various internal American Airlines documents, particularly under circumstances where TWU and its representatives have no access and would be subject to discipline under Rule 29 if we procured such records.

In order for us to respond to AMFA’s objections to the NMB as well as omissions in your list, we demand the same access to information and Company resources immediately that AMFA was allowed.

James C. Little
Director Air Transport Division
Intl. Administrative Vice President

JCL:cjw opeiu-153 afl-cio
C: S. Hall
D. Rosen, Esq.
A. Luby, Esq.
ATD Staff Assigned
AA Local Presidents
Decision 2004 said:
Latest Whining by the TWU Leadership.

Update 04-27-04

Letter to AA re: Confidential Info Access-AMFA
April 27, 2004


Mr. Jeff Brundage
Vice President ER
American Airlines, Inc.
PO Box 616616 MD 5235
DFW Airport, TX 75261-9616

Dear Jeff:

On April 22, 2004 both the TWU and AMFA filed objections to the Company’s list of eligible voters. In reviewing AMFA’s submission to the NMB, it is clear that American Airlines Management has provided AMFA with access to our member’s confidential payroll and personnel records.

As you know, no TWU Official has access to this information, and by doing so without Management approval would be a violation of Company Policy as well as State and Federal laws. Moreover, it is clear that the bulk of this material could not have been secured without use of Company computers and the acquiescence of at least some Managers. We strenuously object to a Union with no representation at American Airlines having access to Company resources including access to Auto TA, work history, payroll records, corporate employee information system – Supervisors record of discussion and action (C23), TWA employee OJT history, TWA time and attendance, payroll transaction records (PTR), employee travel and family eligibility records, and various internal American Airlines documents, particularly under circumstances where TWU and its representatives have no access and would be subject to discipline under Rule 29 if we procured such records.

In order for us to respond to AMFA’s objections to the NMB as well as omissions in your list, we demand the same access to information and Company resources immediately that AMFA was allowed.

James C. Little
Director Air Transport Division
Intl. Administrative Vice President

JCL:cjw opeiu-153 afl-cio
C: S. Hall
D. Rosen, Esq.
A. Luby, Esq.
ATD Staff Assigned
AA Local Presidents
Maybe jimmy's letter to Jeff should have been:


The twu needs to double check our dead people and rampers against your dead people and rampers.


What's the big deal, I don't see a problem here 😉

Justic has been served now let's all go have a beer together and celebrate. 😉
is everybody open for Friday, TWUer know and good pubs where we can all meet and have a good laugh together. :lol: 😱 :lol:
Ken, here is another translation:

Dear Company, that those damn AMFA guys know more than we expected. I am writing this letter in hopes of fooling the membership just one more time. I know we have access to what ever we want but, I have to try and make it look good. I will be home tonight. Love ya lots Jim
I heard the AMFA guys have hacked into the TWUs computers and the NMBs computers as well so this thing should be in the bag, dam I hope they don't hack into my computer as we speak, gotta go I got a AMFA hacker trying to get in. :shock:
How about,

Brother Jeff Brundage,

Since you are new to your position, you are not likely aware of the fact that I have recently been caught telling the TWU membership lies regarding a restructuring agreement re-vote, 3200 pin number problems during AAA voting, and membership ratification of changes or amendments to the labor agreement. It is with great hope and respect that I request information that will deflect the attention away from the deceased and the retired since the early 80's that we requested be added to the list before we knew AMFA could ferrot me out.

If you could allow me to print from my office personal and confidential information, I could claim to NMB Investigator Hennesey that upon further review with new data which we did not previously have, that we have serious errors and technical glitches in our protest to the AA eligibility list. This would hopefully allow us to correct the numerous and fraud based list and exit with some grace.

Your assistance in deflecting this serious matter will be repaid in 2006. The sky is the limit Jeff, just get with me ASAP on your ideas to save your favorite company union.

In Solidarity,

Little Jimmy C.

The modern hacker underground was most probably started with hippie anarchist being Abbie Hoffmans and Jerry Rubin. Hoffman also published a book on computer viruses called "Steal This Book." He later committed suicide in 1989.

Interestingly enough, the very founders of Apple Computer Incorporated were hackers to begin with. They tried to make money selling blue boxes to fellow students in college dorms at Berkeley University, California. A magazine "Ramparts" even published how to create a blue box in the 1970s which of course, later put them out of business due to legal issues involved.

One of the more popular publishing's for hackers jealously carried out by "Emmanuel Goldstein," known as "2600: The Hacker Quarterly." He was an editor and publisher of the magazine, but not a hacker himself. In the words of the author himself, he believed "the privacy of governments, corporations and technical organizations should never be protected at the expense of the liberty and free initiative of the individual techno-rat.

Bulletin Board Systems, called BBS in short, are like oxygen to the life of the digital underground. A "bulletin board system" is actually a computer that connects users over the phone lines through modems and its used as an information and message passing center. Networks for large mainframes existed until the 1960s, but network for PCs run by private individuals was first achieved in the 1970s. The most successful personal "board" was created by Ward Christensen and Randy Sues in February, 1978, in Chicago, Illinois.

Bulletin Boards are managed by system operators (SYSOPS), run on different kinds of software and computers. It is a new form of an unregulated media. Even with global access boards come cheap and is free for a local caller. It does not cost much to SYSOPS so much in dollars as it does in time and energy, because he or she would be responsible for the running of the board. Boards can be differentiated in many ways, for example, by the amount of effort spent regulating them, by their degree of anonymity, their immediacy, their degree of community, their ease of access, their size, etc. There are boards to cover every imaginable and non-imaginable topics. Hackers feed on boards like their life depends on it, actually in the author's words "they live by boards, they swarm by boards, they are bred by boards." By the late 1980s, phone-phreak groups and hacker groups, united by boards, had proliferated fantastically.

Underground boards started around the same time the regular boards started. One of the first ones was EBBS. It later became a very important center for West Coast phone phreak elite. Once it went on-line in 1980, EBBS sponsored Susan Thunder, "Tuc", and "The Condor." These all are nicknames not real names, as hackers call it, these are their handles. Any history of underground boards, hackers, hacking, and phreakers would be incomplete without mentioning "The Condor". In this respect he is special and deserves a special treatment.
The Reproductive Cycle Of Black Helicopters

Black Helicopters have a complex reproductive cycle with different phases. They start out as seed crystals that are injected into a biological host organism -- typically cattle but occasionally humans -- by either human technicians or other Black Helicopters. It has also been theorized that seed crystals have been sprayed from military and possibly civil aircraft in the form of so-called "chemtrails", which then enter the body of a host via the food and/or water supply or direct dermal contact. The inoculated seed crystal uses nanobiotechnology -- a combination of robotics and genetics on a microscopic scale -- to grow with material synthesized from the host's organs. After being injected into the head of a cattle, the seed crystal of a typical BH usually enters the blood stream where it travels to the intestines, along the way gathering various needed compounds from different systems. Once there, it quickly develops into a Microscopic Black Helicopter (MBH).

Juvenile Black Helicopter hovering over pinecones in Cascadian forest, clearly up to no good. These small and simplified versions of BHs will either stay in the host and continue growing to maturity or they will sometimes exit the body at this stage, usually burrowing through the skin. MBHs that grow to maturity in their hosts will go on to become the full size BHs that most people report seeing. After a few weeks, the MBH grows large enough (about 20-30 cm in length,) that it bursts forth from the guts of its host. This artificial live birth leaves the host organism dead and is the source of most cattle mutilations. Bursting is usually timed so that it occurs at night, providing cover of darkness. After the burst, the new BH takes a few minutes for its props to unfold and harden before flying off. Once old enough to burst from its host, it has the ability to gather further minerals and proteins from its environment, allowing it to grow to full BH size (up to 18 meters long.)

An x-ray of a PBH attached to the base of a human skull. Subject combusted shortly afterwards. BHs become capable of injecting seed crystals when they have reached the MBH stage of their development. a MBH that has exited its host before reaching maturity is called a Extracorporeal Microscopic Black Helicopter (EMBH) and typically is between 0.25 and 1 cm in length. They are often the source of seed injections, so they are also occasionally called reproductives or seed vectors. Besides this role, they also act as spies since their small size makes them almost undetectable. They are the proverbial "fly on the wall" for the Liberati. There have also been reports of reinfections where a MBH will re-enter a host, typically a human, through the ear canal and burrow its way to the base of the skull where it will implant itself in the central nervous system. This will allow it to affect and sometimes even control the actions of the host. This is dangerous for the host, since the MBH (called a Parasite Black Helicopter (PBH) in this phase,) can do permanent damage to the brain and may self-destruct to avoid detection, causing what is often erroneously diagnosed as spontaneous human combustion.
Decision 2004 said:

The modern hacker underground was most probably started with hippie anarchist being Abbie Hoffmans and Jerry Rubin. Hoffman also published a book on computer viruses called "Steal This Book." He later committed suicide in 1989.

Interestingly enough, the very founders of Apple Computer Incorporated were hackers to begin with. They tried to make money selling blue boxes to fellow students in college dorms at Berkeley University, California. A magazine "Ramparts" even published how to create a blue box in the 1970s which of course, later put them out of business due to legal issues involved.

One of the more popular publishing's for hackers jealously carried out by "Emmanuel Goldstein," known as "2600: The Hacker Quarterly." He was an editor and publisher of the magazine, but not a hacker himself. In the words of the author himself, he believed "the privacy of governments, corporations and technical organizations should never be protected at the expense of the liberty and free initiative of the individual techno-rat.

Bulletin Board Systems, called BBS in short, are like oxygen to the life of the digital underground. A "bulletin board system" is actually a computer that connects users over the phone lines through modems and its used as an information and message passing center. Networks for large mainframes existed until the 1960s, but network for PCs run by private individuals was first achieved in the 1970s. The most successful personal "board" was created by Ward Christensen and Randy Sues in February, 1978, in Chicago, Illinois.

Bulletin Boards are managed by system operators (SYSOPS), run on different kinds of software and computers. It is a new form of an unregulated media. Even with global access boards come cheap and is free for a local caller. It does not cost much to SYSOPS so much in dollars as it does in time and energy, because he or she would be responsible for the running of the board. Boards can be differentiated in many ways, for example, by the amount of effort spent regulating them, by their degree of anonymity, their immediacy, their degree of community, their ease of access, their size, etc. There are boards to cover every imaginable and non-imaginable topics. Hackers feed on boards like their life depends on it, actually in the author's words "they live by boards, they swarm by boards, they are bred by boards." By the late 1980s, phone-phreak groups and hacker groups, united by boards, had proliferated fantastically.

Underground boards started around the same time the regular boards started. One of the first ones was EBBS. It later became a very important center for West Coast phone phreak elite. Once it went on-line in 1980, EBBS sponsored Susan Thunder, "Tuc", and "The Condor." These all are nicknames not real names, as hackers call it, these are their handles. Any history of underground boards, hackers, hacking, and phreakers would be incomplete without mentioning "The Condor". In this respect he is special and deserves a special treatment.
Damn :shock: How long have you been waiting for someone to say something about hacking so that you could post this. 😉
Checking it Out said:
Just by adding back in at least 1300+/- names that amfa has chosen to contest with the 2000+ members the TWU has added puts the numbers well over 19,000!
So CIO, are you claiming that we actually have over 19000 in our class and craft? Or is it simply a made up number by the TWU to try and stop the election?
Raptor said:
Damn :shock: How long have you been waiting for someone to say something about hacking so that you could post this. 😉

The Reproductive Cycle Of Black Helicopters Above 😉

Or read this:

People sometimes report being observed or followed by black helicopters.

They are unmarked and generally fly late at night. They are completely flat black in color and they show no identification whatsoever. The windows are tinted, preventing observers from seeing inside.

While sometimes seen in conventional traffic patterns, they commonly fly very low, just above treetop altitude, even over residential areas.

This shows a disregard for (or immunity from) FAA regulations.

In a few ground sightings, the occupants of the helicopters have been described as men wearing black uniforms carrying automatic weapons.

Many people have linked them to the Men in Black who are connected to a New World order, UFO sightings and strange disappearances of humans.

Black helicopters have been reported all across the United States.