So lets see.
We have the SEC investigating possible insider trading.
We have the OLMS investigating illegal company paid UB.
And now we have the NMB investigating fraudulent headcounts.
Its only a matter of time till its in the DOJs hands.
Cant wait till all the finger pointing starts! "It was Sonny", "no it was Little", no it was the Presidents, no it was the International.
Who knows the TWU may have a regime change after all.
As Stanley Aronowitz said, union leaders often become so entrenched that the only way they are removed is by death or indictment!
We will wish those we leave behind with the TWU the best of luck, and the best opportunity they will likely ever see to fix their broken union.
We have the SEC investigating possible insider trading.
We have the OLMS investigating illegal company paid UB.
And now we have the NMB investigating fraudulent headcounts.
Its only a matter of time till its in the DOJs hands.
Cant wait till all the finger pointing starts! "It was Sonny", "no it was Little", no it was the Presidents, no it was the International.
Who knows the TWU may have a regime change after all.
As Stanley Aronowitz said, union leaders often become so entrenched that the only way they are removed is by death or indictment!
We will wish those we leave behind with the TWU the best of luck, and the best opportunity they will likely ever see to fix their broken union.