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Amfa's Strategy

So lets see.

We have the SEC investigating possible insider trading.

We have the OLMS investigating illegal company paid UB.

And now we have the NMB investigating fraudulent headcounts.

Its only a matter of time till its in the DOJs hands.

Cant wait till all the finger pointing starts! "It was Sonny", "no it was Little", no it was the Presidents, no it was the International.

Who knows the TWU may have a regime change after all.

As Stanley Aronowitz said, union leaders often become so entrenched that the only way they are removed is by death or indictment!

We will wish those we leave behind with the TWU the best of luck, and the best opportunity they will likely ever see to fix their broken union.
It appears the sheets are about to be turned back on the bed wetters.

Damn the Luck.

And they have their feathers all ruffled like they are not guilty of anything.

What a classic.

The best we found on the TWU list today.

Mechanic TWA hired in 1972 retired in 1983. We had a good laugh on the telephone. He said "leave me on the list" I will vote for AMFA.

Nice guy, wish we could leave him and give him a shot at the industrial unions which he expressly has a hatred for. Sorry, we cannot do that.

But what a joke the TWU has produced.
Holy cow Dave. You're scared!! What a lot of trash talking from you!! Did you get all that from Seham or Delle??? Such name calling!! Nice touch about the female employee.

I just call 'em as I see 'em and amfa got busted and you and your wannabes are running scared!!! That is obvious!

Keep on with your threats of "see what happens next" because you have been preaching this same sermon for over a year now and nothing has happened except amfa getting caught at it's illegal games!!!
Bob Owens said:
So lets see.

We have the SEC investigating possible insider trading.

We have the OLMS investigating illegal company paid UB.

And now we have the NMB investigating fraudulent headcounts.

Its only a matter of time till its in the DOJs hands.

Cant wait till all the finger pointing starts! "It was Sonny", "no it was Little", no it was the Presidents, no it was the International.

Who knows the TWU may have a regime change after all.

As Stanley Aronowitz said, union leaders often become so entrenched that the only way they are removed is by death or indictment!

We will wish those we leave behind with the TWU the best of luck, and the best opportunity they will likely ever see to fix their broken union.
Dang....amfa gets caught at illegal behavior and you are still blaming someone else!!!!

Enough already.....CONCEDE!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
twuer said:
Holy cow Dave. You're scared!! What a lot of trash talking from you!! Did you get all that from Seham or Delle??? Such name calling!! Nice touch about the female employee.

I just call 'em as I see 'em and amfa got busted and you and your wannabes are running scared!!! That is obvious!

Keep on with your threats of "see what happens next" because you have been preaching this same sermon for over a year now and nothing has happened except amfa getting caught at it's illegal games!!!
Running Scared? Hardly.
Seems the AMFA supports and organizers are in control of their faculties. Unlike the "chair slingers" at the 514. LMAO
Walk into any organizers meeting and all you see are smiles and confidence.
Hey twuer I have spent 16-18 hours a day for the last three weeks calling these so called eligible voters the company put on the list to the NMB. I have talked to retired people , fired people , people who Quit over 20 years ago, But the low life that had us calling people who's spouse passed away to ask for employment history so we can take them off the list deserves know respect from a single mechanic at this AirLines. The sad part is the TWscrew submitted 11 people who spent their entire career paying dues to these sick S.O.Bs for representation and after passing away TWscrew uses them as fodder in this representation dispute. If you think someone pulling a name up on the computer to find someones employment status is more wrong than that come on down to the AMFA hall and start doing some calling. These are all people who can't cast a vote and count toward lack of interest . Thats right TWscrew is trying to ad people thay know will be a vote for the company. :angry:
[/QUOTE]"All they had to do was file with the NMB and they could have had a copy of the list." When did you wake up from your coma? AMFA filed three times and asked the NMB to make AA provide a proper list and AA lied all three times ,just like your local 514 reps at the last meeting when thay told the people if AMFA had the cards the NMB would have called for a vote. Ill show you what I am talking about in two weeks when we dispute TWcrews list of people thay want to add. Why would Twscrew try to add 2200 dead and retired people if thay thought we dident have the cards. Thats right chicken little did that becouse he can do that brother.
What's the matter TWU supporters? AMFA supporters exposed the TWU's and AA's FRAUD to the NMB, and all you TWU people start whining and crying BOO HOO HOO WHAAAAA! It just goes to show that when AMFA goes to war-IT HAS NUKES AND IS NOT AFRAID TO USE THEM! :up:
News Flash!!!!!!!!

Amfa crying Fraud while using documents obtained by false pretenses!! Has access to personal records with sufficient information to forge your signature!

It seems amfa is in bed with AA! I do have to give Dave credit He was smart enough not to use his name on these documents! And seham new the documents were questionable so they made sure they could have scape goats !!!!!!

I wonder how many of those signature cards were obtained by false pretenses? I hope the NMB now reveiws every signature! It is obvious Amfa will lie, cheat, forge, do what ever it takes to have an election by false pretence!

TWU is here to stay! The Truth will prevail!!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
News Flash!!!!!!!!

Amfa crying Fraud while using documents obtained by false pretenses!! Has access to personal records with sufficient information to forge your signature!

It seems amfa is in bed with AA! I do have to give Dave credit He was smart enough not to use his name on these documents! And seham new the documents were questionable so they made sure they could have scape goats !!!!!!

I wonder how many of those signature cards were obtained by false pretenses? I hope the NMB now reveiws every signature! It is obvious Amfa will lie, cheat, forge, do what ever it takes to have an election by false pretence!

TWU is here to stay! The Truth will prevail!!!!!!!!
apparent twu translation, those AMFA guys found the truth and reported it to the NMB, WHAAAAAAAuhuhuhWHAAAAA!!!
It's funny how the TWU is taking the blame for AA's list. I will admit that they could have done a better job at putting it together but the TWU had nothing to do with that. You guys are the ones crying about foul play, complain to the company not me!!! The NMB will determine who is suppose to be on the list in the end. You ahve already said that you ahve enough cards regardless if noone is taken off!!!!

Amfa is the one caught doing illegal things and yet all I hear is the TWU did this and the TWU did that reagarding the inflated list. When in fact the TWU did nothing. THAT WAS THE COMPANY'S LIST!!!!

I believe now the TWU has a case, whatever that may be. I'm sure we will take whatever steps necassary to level the playing field. BUT I BET IT WON'T INVOLVE ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY!!!!!!

So, just keep crying about "the list" and take no responsibility for your illegal behavior and continue to support the actions. Or better yet have Seham contact the folks at the NMB and have him tell them how to do their jobs again!!!! That should help their case now!!!
Let's see here,the EVIL TWU has a data base with my name,address,ssn,and phone number. The TWU uses this information to send me propaganda and have telemarketers call my home to sell me junk benefits or fish for AMFA info. AMFA obtains information necessary to find out what mechanics+related are actually still on the payroll or on layoff at AA,and the TWU CRYBABIES start complaining?! 🙄 If the AA,TWU would have submitted an honest list to the NMB,maybe the TWU-AA could have saved some money on the lawyers they are going to need in the FRAUD investigation by the NMB on the TWU-AA.
What's the matter TWU supporters? AMFA supporters exposed the TWU's and AA's FRAUD to the NMB, and all you TWU people start whining and crying BOO HOO HOO WHAAAAA! It just goes to show that when AMFA goes to war-IT HAS NUKES AND IS NOT AFRAID TO USE THEM! :up:
Actuall Judy, I've had a pretty good laugh at your expense ever since I found out about amfa's illegal activities!!!!

It's kind of the same feeling I got when I heard you were removed from your offical TWU position!!!!!
:shock: :lol: :shock:
AMFA obtains information necessary to find out what mechanics+related are actually still on the payroll or on layoff at AA,and the TWU CRYBABIES start complaining?!

Judy, Judy, Judy!!!! "What we have here is a failure to communicate!!" Amfa obtained information ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!! What part of that do you not understand?????? The TWU had nothing to do with the list the company had, what part of that don't you understand??????

Amfa is so desparate that they have to resort to illegal behavior......this was long before the "list" even came out Judy!!!!!!! Most of you are condoning this behavior and I am not at all surprised. Oh and don't tell me Delle and Seham knew nothing about this either or you would be lying!!!!

Like I said..........BUSTED!!!!! GET OVER IT!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: