well, well, just read 6 pges of the scabs whining (even tabloid bob got in on it,jfk)
daaaaaave fell off the deep end talking about black birds & hackers etc.
what ever that had to do with anything.
ken mcscab put something in there didn't make sense either. o, yeah we the little stock clerk dance around the issues to.
so, to all you amfa (PUKE) scabs everywhere. tul/jfk/afw/sat/mci/ i write a little tune for y'all.
you sing it to the "wings" old song "band on the run" they were smokin the same stuff y'all are smokin' now & drinkin' koolaid. 🙂
#1 Little polyester guy said "boys i want a bigger piece of the pie"
so, he dreamed up a "scham" (get it hee,hee?)
to BUST as many UNIONS he can
chorus: (sing it SCABS) SCABS on the run,SCABS on the run
thought they were gonna have fun but,
we see SCABS on the run.
#2 So he got Horizon to buy his scam
Then Alaska Air & in the mean time left Braniff
standing STIFF
chorus : (sing it SCABS) SCABS on the run,SCABS on the run
thought they were gonna have fun but,
we see SCABS on the run.
#3 Northwest fell in their TRAP &
Even Southwest bought into their CRAP
He LIED to United & talked them into dumping their UNION
He said come with us boys we'll make you lots of dough
(dough means money, in case you SCABS don't know it)
So United went amfa (PUKE) and
now they see they were duped by SCAMFA!
chorus: (sing it SCABS) SCABS on the run,SCABS on the run
thought they were gonna have fun but,
we see SCABS on the run.
#4 listen up SCABS this is good one (well maybe not for daaaaaave)
So, now he says i want American &
He turned in his CHEATIN' cards
but, he forgot about a couple things you see
one being the TWU and the other the NMB!!!!
thought they were gonna have fun but,
WE SEE SACBS ON THE RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey kenny mcsacb you smell FEAR?????? it is the TWU runnin' your scab butt to the gulf!!! 🙂 it's your own FEAR McSCAB 🙂
daaaaaaaaave just what is it you are trying to do with the shades?
is it when you were a little kid & you looked up & saw an airplane & you decided you wanted to work on 'em when you grew up? and now you're a WELDER!!!!!!
is decision 2004 is that when your gonna leave amfa (PUKE) like you did the TWU?
do your scab buddies know you wanted to be the president @ afw? they didn't like you there either did they? have you got your 90 days in yet? 🙂
yeah, you're right i bring a lot to the table pal!!! I bring the TRUTH!!!!!
so, bring it on scabs, bring it on!!!!!!
if y'all need a further explanation about how the NMB determines who votes you may want to contact a lawyer next time. 🙂
I think we know now how you got the other airlines "duped" into your scam.