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Amfa's Strategy

Let us praaay...

Let us pray for twuer...baaah, baaah, baaah...who is at a loss for what he and the rest of his drunken TeAAm TWU cohorts thought was a slam dunk...For he nor they expected AMFA organizers to cleverly unravel their tangled web of a padded eligibility list...but alas they did...and now the company has filed for an extension in order to come up with some game plan with TeAAm TWU to counter the AMFA onslaught...Poor twuer...baaah, baaah, baaah... what will you do?....What will Jim Little do?...For it appears Jim and the boys were out celebrating prematurely...now, after the hang over...they must device a new clever scheme... :lol: :lol:
Seems o'le Jimmy Little might be in a little hot water with the NMB and further legal troubles for communicating directly to AA's Jeff Brundage regarding NMB representation matters.

Surely Jim did not mean to ignore the investigator of the NMB when whining to AA about needing more information to respond to AMFA's protest.

One day he admits to needing to contact the NMB, the next day runs off like a loose cannon and by-passes the NMB and heads directly to the bed partners for help.

I guess o'le Little Jim is so used to ass kissin, he forgot about the law and legal means of communication during a dispute investigation.

Oh my, what an interesting story this has become. 😛h34r:
I noticed that the almighty amfa leader Delle-Femine has yet to publicly comment on the illegal actions of the association that he heads!!!

Is accepting information illegal? Was the information used for any illegal purpose? When is Sonny going to comment on his conviction of violating workers rights?

I do believe that he owes it to his members to explain his actions. Oh, but I can hear it now.....I knew nothing about the goings on of the organizers and their actions are their own. I'M INNOCENT I TELL YA', INNOCENT!!!!

I think you are confusing this with Sonnys performance at the Convention when his minions placed literature calling Local 100 "Friends of Bin Laden". He denied any part or knowledge of it when he saw the delegates reaction. He promised to take action against those responsible but when it was later revealed that Rojer Taust was behind it he did nothing.

There's not even a long drawn out letter from Seham or McCormick. You'd think they would want to clear their names and save their firm's reputation. They all must be consulting with different lawyers!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why should there be? They sent the information to the TWU and the company as a way of proving the duplicity of the company and the TWU as to the number of members eligible. It seems that this plan has been in the works for some time as Bobby Gless was telling members out in California months ago that AMFA will never get enough cards because they would need over half of twenty thousand. We never had that many.

It actually appears that anger and shock is the symbolic reaction to the thwarted attempt to fraud the NMB and the Mechanic and Related Group at American Airlines. That is of course assuming that investigator Hennesey accepts the documents as fact. Of course the TWU's actions are giving great credibility to the provided documents.

The TWU would not be freakin so mad, if the truth had not been exposed by factual documentation.

Although it is apparent that information from very limited access sources appeared for use in making the case and proving the fraud attempt that was in the works, I am personally greatful to whomever pulled that one off.

I do not know who or how that information was obtained, but it is clear that without that source, we would have surely had a democratic election stolen from us by fraudulent means as the company and the company union conspired together.

And all the TWU has done to date is complain about the source of the data. Not once have they acknowledge that AA submitted a list full of known ineligibles. Of course, without knowledge that the revealing source was available to AMFA Organizers, the TWU submitted their own list of fraudulent names. And now, they cannot take back what they have done, and the truth on them will soon be shown to the NMB also.

I am not only angered that we were totally dependent and extremely lucky to have been provided the required and data in question, I am flat out ashamed to be associated with those in AA Management and TWU Leadership for attempting such an anti-American move.

AMFA vs TWU opinions aside, this whole attempt at frauding employees and union members out of a simple Government controlled vote makes me very ill.

Next thing you know, we will be watching news video showing the guilty parties hiding out in a spider hole with a their pants down, money, and booze thrown about, having a love fest that only the TWU and AA could host.
Guys at work are laughing their a$$es of over how un-organized the twu is over the "LISTS". Can someone please send over a copy of the NMB representational election procedures/manual to the 514?? Better yet, stop by the Local 12 and you can make a copy for yourself!!
I hate rubbing in the fact that the company will do just about anything to protect it's cash cow the twu, but I think the few twu supporters left should know that this is NOT in our best intrest....i.e. current contract.
Hopefully the vote will fall right after Memorial Day when everyone has the twu on their minds. The twu will indeed be put out of their misery very soon!!
By the way.............maybe the AMFA guys got their info while management was away enjoying their holiday?????????????

Keep the Faith.......VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Decision 2004 said:
Seems o'le Jimmy Little might be in a little hot water with the NMB and further legal troubles for communicating directly to AA's Jeff Brundage regarding NMB representation matters.

Surely Jim did not mean to ignore the investigator of the NMB when whining to AA about needing more information to respond to AMFA's protest.

One day he admits to needing to contact the NMB, the next day runs off like a loose cannon and by-passes the NMB and heads directly to the bed partners for help.

I guess o'le Little Jim is so used to ass kissin, he forgot about the law and legal means of communication during a dispute investigation.

Oh my, what an interesting story this has become. 😛h34r:

The TWU wrote a letter to Jeff Brundage (AA) requesting the same rights they have supplied to Amfa. AA has denied the TWU access. Now the TWU will request the same access to the Information Amfa has thru the NMB. The TWU has nothing to hide and the letter was forwarded to the NMB and in turn Amfa was made aware of it!

The TWU unlike Amfa has stole nothing from AA! Unlike Amfa the TWU does not have to lie, steal, intimidate, threaten, or forge documents!!!!!!

Amfa Management Favorite Association!!!!!!!
cio, you stated,

"Unlike Amfa the TWU does not have to lie, steal, intimidate, threaten, or forge documents!!!!!!"

The twu lied to me about getting a full revote.

The twu stole money from me and gave it to AA.

The twu intimidates with rented coffins paraded around Tulsa streets.

The twu faithful will forge posts made by myself and attempts to peddle them as original.

Our profession is structured by intelligent, professional individuals. With your above post/quote it is very evident that you possess neither of these traits. But not to fear, your ability to post lies and half truths from behind an alias is a trait the twu respects.

Which is it BOZO er uh CIO?

Did AMFA steal the documents or did AA provide them?

You guys are so shaken by the exposure of the truth and the fraud that your own stories don't make any sense and they are running together without logic.

First you say AMFA stole the data.
Then you claim AA provided the data and AMFA is a management friendly association.

I think the truth is, your asses are on the way back to the toolbox, and we are going to have NEW LEADERSHIP, and a NEW CONSTITUTION. Which is what this has been about all along!

Your complaints are nothing more than sore loser monday morning rhetoric. All being spewed before the final score is tabulated and announced because you know it is over.
Kinda skirted the response!

Anyway Amfa obtained classified information thru AA! I really believe AA wants to outsource work and jobs and the only way to do this is allow Amfa to get in!

Amfa track record speaks for itself! Outsource unlimited!

AA is investigating how the confidential information was achieved! I can see some serious issues being raised and potential job losses over this issue!

The TWU will prevail when the full truth comes out!
Checking it Out said:
Kinda skirted the response!

Anyway Amfa obtained classified information thru AA! I really believe AA wants to outsource work and jobs and the only way to do this is allow Amfa to get in!

Amfa track record speaks for itself! Outsource unlimited!

AA is investigating how the confidential information was achieved! I can see some serious issues being raised and potential job losses over this issue!

The TWU will prevail when the full truth comes out!
We inherit the TWU Contract.

Don't we have "SCOPE LANGUAGE"?

Or are we totally dependent on the company union butt kiss to keep our work in-house at AA?

Potential Job Loss, Outsource of Work, Serious Issues Raised, now that you have provided us with our recommended daily allowance of TWU fear, do you have anything of substance to add?

I hear that incumbent dooms day propagation is one of the last and final acts of the industrial union advocates prior to removal from the property. 😛
Checking it Out said:
The TWU unlike Amfa has stole nothing from AA! Unlike Amfa the TWU does not have to lie, steal, intimidate, threaten, or forge documents!!!!!!

Amfa Management Favorite Association!!!!!!!

You are contradicting Little.

Little claims that the company was working with AMFA, that is why he is requesting access to our personal records.

You on the other hand are claiming that AMFA stole the information.

Which is it?

If they stole it then how would that fit into your "management friendly association" claim?

Does the company pay AMFA officials $3.1 million for UB?
Why is it that when we bring up the inheritance of our "IRON CLAD" contract and the lack of "SCOPE" in it, the twu doesn't want to play anymore?? Is it because Zebco had the same scope that we have at AA?? Is it because the AA flight attendants had the same "IRON CLAD" language in their contract right before they dumped the twu??
How many days have the SWA flight attendants been at a stale mate?? Add that number plus January of 2009 and it equals when we'll see our next contract if we stay with the twu!!
Let the "LIST" from the company leave no doubt that the company and the union are one!!
twu poor.........AMFA in 04!!!!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Kinda skirted the response!

Anyway Amfa obtained classified information thru AA! I really believe AA wants to outsource work and jobs and the only way to do this is allow Amfa to get in!

Amfa track record speaks for itself! Outsource unlimited!

AA is investigating how the confidential information was achieved! I can see some serious issues being raised and potential job losses over this issue!

The TWU will prevail when the full truth comes out!
Well CIO if you are now claiming that the company gave the information to AMFA and it is not stolen as you were saying before then no crime has been committed and we need to thank the company for helping our cause, but before thanking the company we had better wait a couple of days in case you change your minds again and go back to AMFA stole the informatioon, you guys change your story from day to day :lol: 😱 :lol: 😱
I heard the AMFA guys are in the TWU computers as well any comment CIO :unsure:

It looks like everything is going to work out after all, NO harm NO foul and everybody is happy, now lets get ready for an ELECTION. :up: :up:
You guys are a complete joke. There is noone better at spinning things than Dave Stewart and Bob Owens!! Amfa is as guilty as the guy/girl who gave up the information. What would they call that in criminal court.....an accessory to the crime?? People do hard time for being accessories. . .being at the "scene of the crime"!!

In my opinion, I hope everyone involved has a good lawyer to turn to. If it is amfa's Seham than I'm afraid you're screwed. Never know what steps might be taken in all of this. I'm sure glad my name wasn't on any documents!!!! Hold on to your hats, I think it's gonna be a bumpy ride!!

twuer and CIO are twins.

How about Perry Mason? Will the "guilty" be screwed then?
