Amfa's Strategy

Let us pray...

Let us pray for CIO, twuer and the rest of the TeAAm TWU 'chair slingers' ...for they are unabashed in their their adulterous affAAir between the company and the TWU...yea the company posts Randy McDonald raving about the TWU being the 'best union in the absolute world' in it's M+E web site...though the company presents to the NMB a list padded with retirees, fleet service and stores clerks, management and the dead to protect their lap dog union... they allow retired UALand NWA IAM goons to parade around the Alliance maintenance base espoucing their anti AMFA drivel...they allow anti AMFA propaganda on TWU bulletin boards without giving equal acces to AMFA...REPENT! TeAAm TWU of your cowardly and deceitful ways!...The truth shines clear, even through the fog of your lies!...for the end of the unholy axis between TeAAm TWU and the company and for the redemption of CIO, twuer etal...that they become REAL union men and not mere charicatures...we pray... B)
Oh have got to be kidding me????? I heard about this and had to come and see it for myself. Those AMFA organizers ARE as dumb as they appear. What the hell were you thinking????? Well, for starters I guess you didn't think you would get caught! ROLMAO!!!!! This surely takes the cake. Do you think the NMB will take mercy on you and forgive your transgressions??? Maybe if Delle begs enough it will all go away. I don't know, I think Seham pissed 'em off when he was trying to tell them how to do their jobs when he sent in that piece of work appeal. And things were getting so close to being over.

I think someone has mentioned this before but I believe that AMFA is forgetting about one group of workers that were not on "their" list but are legitimate names to have on the list. And it seems ALSO that someone made reference to them at one time and said that we DO want them to be able to vote. HMMMM? Wonder who "they" could be? Hey AMFA, did you not uncover those names in search for the truth???? Maybe you should have had a couple of other moles in strategic places. Oh well, maybe next time!!! If you're not banished for all eternity!!!!

Let us pray...

Let us also pray for BILL ...who chose to come out of his crevis and proclaim his ignorance and duplicity for all to see...for Bill to stop being a TWU follower...a TWU sheep...baaah...we pray... B)
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  • #50
proAMFA said:

Truly Whiney Union
. . .and please tell us proamfa, what is it we are whining about? We are the ones who have stayed quiet, all you guys can do is cry and whine about the list the company submitted. All I did was post some information about you guys getting busted for fraudulent behavior.

Amfa Must (commit) Fraudulent Acts!!!! (because they can't do it the honest way!!!!!!)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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  • #51
Father Guido Sarducci said:
Let us pray...

Let us pray for CIO, twuer and the rest of the TeAAm TWU 'chair slingers' ...for they are unabashed in their their adulterous affAAir between the company and the TWU...yea the company posts Randy McDonald raving about the TWU being the 'best union in the absolute world' in it's M+E web site...though the company presents to the NMB a list padded with retirees, fleet service and stores clerks, management and the dead to protect their lap dog union... they allow retired UALand NWA IAM goons to parade around the Alliance maintenance base espoucing their anti AMFA drivel...they allow anti AMFA propaganda on TWU bulletin boards without giving equal acces to AMFA...REPENT! TeAAm TWU of your cowardly and deceitful ways!...The truth shines clear, even through the fog of your lies!...for the end of the unholy axis between TeAAm TWU and the company and for the redemption of CIO, twuer etal...that they become REAL union men and not mere charicatures...we pray... B)
Hey's that oath of celebacy workin' for ya'???? By your tone it sounds like it's not working in your favor!! ;)

It wasn't you who was committing fraud was it father??? Maybe I should contact the Pope and have you kicked out of the priesthood!! Associating with criminals. . .you should be ashamed father!!
Just for you twuer...
Let us praaay...

Baaah, baaah, baah...getting excited, aren't you?... baaah, baaah, baaah

Local 514...where no sheep dare tread.... :p
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  • #53
Father Guido Sarducci said:
Just for you twuer...
Let us praaay...

Baaah, baaah, baah...getting excited, aren't you?... baaah, baaah, baaah

Local 514...where no sheep dare tread.... :p
I'm not the one typing in large, bold letters father!!!

HEATS ON SCABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

come ken McScab you can do better huh?

what da think daaaaaaaaaaave first HR now NMB whats next?? HUMMMM (169N)
now we know how amfa (PUKE) got NWA/UA/ALASKA/SW hummm
TWU TOOOOOOOOO much for the scabs huh????

I THOUGHT I SMELLED A RAT!!!!! so y'all are "sacb rats" ? or "rat scabs" ?

i like 'em both :)


o, have a nice day........NOT :)
twuer said:
AMFA obtains information necessary to find out what mechanics+related are actually still on the payroll or on layoff at AA,and the TWU CRYBABIES start complaining?!

Judy, Judy, Judy!!!! "What we have here is a failure to communicate!!" Amfa obtained information ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!! What part of that do you not understand?????? The TWU had nothing to do with the list the company had, what part of that don't you understand??????

Amfa is so desparate that they have to resort to illegal behavior......this was long before the "list" even came out Judy!!!!!!! Most of you are condoning this behavior and I am not at all surprised. Oh and don't tell me Delle and Seham knew nothing about this either or you would be lying!!!!

Like I said..........BUSTED!!!!! GET OVER IT!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you would go back and read Jim Little's letter, he states that AA Management is involved in "illegal" activity, not AMFA or AMFA supporters. He states that AA Management has provided access.

You TWU stooges cannot even read your own leaders letter and follow him. No wonder the TWU sucks so bad.

He is seeking remedy from the NMB and AA not AMFA.

Get your facts straight and then return with the truth.
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  • #56
Decision 2004 said:
If you would go back and read Jim Little's letter, he states that AA Management is involved in "illegal" activity, not AMFA or AMFA supporters.

You TWU stooges cannot even your own leaders letter and follow him.

He is seeking remedy from the NMB and AA not AMFA.

Get your facts straight and then return with the truth.
So tell me Decision, who obtained this "illegal" information....the ghost names you claim were on the list??

Quit trying to make amfa out as the victim!!

You've been caught and we will now see what becomes of it. Has the almighty Delle spoken about this yet? Has he taken any responsibility yet?? You certainly haven't!! But I don't look for you too!!
twuer said:
So tell me Decision, who obtained this "illegal" information....the ghost names you claim were on the list??

Quit trying to make amfa out as the victim!!

You've been caught and we will now see what becomes of it. Has the almighty Delle spoken about this yet? Has he taken any responsibility yet?? You certainly haven't!! But I don't look for you too!!
You are the one claiming AMFA or myself have been caught at something.

If you have factual information regarding any of this to be fact, then why do you keep accusing and asking questions at the same time?

You are nothing more than a huge band of liars, still making false claims to defend the most worthless union on the planet.

Nobody has been arrested, nobody has been questioned by law enforcement, nobody has been questioned by AA Management. Yet, you and the gang of communistist sympathizers have accused, judge, and convicted all of us and me personally. Just as you do not believe in a democratic vote of the members, you obviously also reject the innocent until proven guilty Constitution of the United States of America.

Just because Jim Little whimpers and complains about something, does not make it fact. Remember, Jim also said we would re-vote. Jim also said 3200 members did not get pin numbers. Jim also said the TWU Constitution requires membership ratification of changes or amendments to the labor agreement. All of the above later turned out to be a lie. Why then do you now still trust that his allegations are cause for a guilty verdict against AMFA or supporters?

Fact: Jim Little is a proven liar.

Fact: TWU supprters are supporters of known and proven liars.

Fact: TWU supporters do not believe in due process.
OOOOHHH, This dosen't look good. It seems that the TWU is going to give you AMFA boy's another lesson in "ACCOUNTABILITY". When are you boy's going to learn..? So much for AMFA's professionalism huh boy's..?

SKILL, KNOWLEDGE, and ILLEGAL activity......!!!!!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
OOOOHHH, This dosen't look good. It seems that the TWU is going to give you AMFA boy's another lesson in "ACCOUNTABILITY". When are you boy's going to learn..? So much for AMFA's professionalism huh boy's..?

SKILL, KNOWLEDGE, and ILLEGAL activity......!!!!!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
hss, the twu doesn't know what accountability means. If they did jim little and sonny hall would not be in office. By the way when was the first time the twu gave AMFA boys a lesson in accountability? Was it before or after the coffin parade in Tulsa?

Your quote: "Where bargaining means YOU GO... "

Why don't you finish the statement? I will finish it for you.

"Where bargaining means YOU GO to the mat for your membership. If it means striking or a PEB you do what the membership wants."

My quote:

High Speed Steel said:
OOOOHHH, This dosen't look good. It seems that the TWU is going to give you AMFA boy's another lesson in "ACCOUNTABILITY". When are you boy's going to learn..? So much for AMFA's professionalism huh boy's..?

SKILL, KNOWLEDGE, and ILLEGAL activity......!!!!!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

They will probably retaliate by removing a few TWU Elected Local Officers.

Bring on the accountability and watch who loses.

When AA former management enters the picture and tells the truth and the facts, we will see who is held accountable and who is favoring who in this dispute.

I for one fear not the truth, the accountability, the election, or AMFA representing me.

On the other hand, what do you see from the TWU faithful? Threats, Fear, Lies, and Personal Attacks, and intimidation.

That in itself is worthy of consideration.

I find it interesting how the TWU puts all there faith in Jim Little's letter as if it were a new slogan on a t-shirt.

I say PUT UP or SHUT UP stooges. LOSERS :shock: