Amfa Runs From Debate

DECISION 2007 said:
I know this..I know Dave Stewart displayed a letter/e-mail he received in confidence from a good friend of mine. Dave Stewart examplifies what amfa stands for.

We can agree to disagree..but Dave stepped backed to the level he is most comfortable at....the basement. What a jerk.
You mean this e-mail from M.E. Johnson TWU Local 530 E-Board Member?

Dave, I would appreciate you keeping this e-mail to yourself.

There is no way I can defend the TWU. We here at MCI are still in a learning curve as to the ways of the TWU. The mindset of the local and it's members are still IAM. We do not know the history of AA and it's relation with the TWU except for what we read on the BBs and what we learned through the transition team (and that was not much). With what little time I have been involved I can see a daily frustration between ourselves and TWU. I did get involved because it was a fresh start, a new company, a new union and I thought that maybe this would be my opportunity to help shape our local into something positive. That is not going to happen here no matter who the Union is. To many oldtimers set in thier ways. When the oldtimers retire and new blood is here then maybe things will change. The e-board here busts their ass for the membership and still there is no respect from the company or the membership, because we just don't know what we are doing yet.

Let me tell you the way it really is here at MCI... When the IAM left, the IAM people who were involved with the union just switched coats and became TWU. If AMFA was to get in, those same people would switch coats again and be AMFA. People want to #### but no-one wants to get involved. When your members don't want to step up to the plate, all you get is the die-hard rhetoric that we are all used to hearing.

I agree with Chuck Schalk when he said that if the TWU is so sure of itself, then lets have a vote and get it over with. My personal opinion is that you guys will kick their ass at a debate, but which debate will get the headlines?

AMFA@DFW ,(who I think is **** ******* but I'm not sure,) wants to turn this thing into a circus. I am not willing to stand up and debate or defend the TWU because my loyalty is just not there. Like I said in my post, there are more qualified people to do that.

again, this is where I'm coming from and please keep it confidential.

Why doesn't this Officer get removed like Chuck, Bob, Dan, Gary, and Judy?

All you whiners about this e-mail should consider that this man took an oath of Office, each of you complained about Chuck, Dan, and Bob taking an oath and not supporting the TWU. WHAT ABOUT THIS MAN? Why is he treated different?

You guys are nothing more than two-faced unethical B***tards

I never agreed to keep this e-mail "confidential", it was requested that I do so. But given the man wants post images of grown men drinking from baby bottles and claim they are Aircraft Mechanics, well that guy deserves what he is getting.

You can piss and moan about this e-mail being posted all you want. Everytime you do, I will post it again.
James T. Kirk said:
Kirk, you will see the strength of real unionism coming to a town near you very soon, first order of merit, the membership is firing the twu. Any last words, or is that the best you have in the twu's defense???
Checking it Out said:
Wake up Rusty, you are in a deep dream that will never come true!!!!!!
cio, I have seen the lists, and the arguments. If there is not an election and the company/twu successfully keeps the membership from voting then I believe a crime will have been committed against labor as a whole!!!
I know this..I know Dave Stewart displayed a letter/e-mail he received in confidence from a good friend of mine. Dave Stewart examplifies what amfa stands for.

We can agree to disagree..but Dave stepped backed to the level he is most comfortable at....the basement. What a jerk.

To add to that quote Dave, I see you don't even know when you've been played do you? Ever wonder now what info he got from you. you're really easy...HAHAHA!
I personally would never post a email that someone sent to me without their permission, don't care what it is about, to me that is just not ethical, but that is just me ;)
I believe that AMFA is the best organization for the Mechanic craft and class and I think they are the best hope for us to get back what we have lost but we must keep in mind that even with AMFA the officers that we elect are very important we have seen that are Union can only be as good as the officers we elect, no matter what the Union stands for if we elect crummy officers we will get screwed again so think long and hard when voting for officers whether TWU or AMFA and make a good choice ;)

As for the debate CIO I for one am tired of hearing about debates so I am glad that the TWU cancelled it and I hope I do not hear anymore about debates that at this point nobody really gives a &%$ about, let's just get on with the vote and support the winner, I hope it is AMFA as I think they can do a much better job for the Mechanic craft but I will get behind whoever wins for a while at least it is the only logical thing to do, and if the winner can't get their act together I guess we will just have to try to switch again. ;)
Raptor, what is that in your avatar? Is that someone fishing? I can't make it out.
At first I thought it might be a snake...

I'm not making fun, I am just curious

MYworld it is a Vilociraptor one of the most Dangerous Dinosours that ever lived a real lean mean Killing Machine, I kind of wish they were still alive today, I would have one as a pet, I would feed him cows and Lions and Tigers and bears, I had a 4 foot aligator as a pet for awhile I would feed him chickens and rabbits but it is just not the same if you know what I mean ;)
how about your Avatar kind of closed minded isn't it ?
I mean ( Myworld oneway ) maybe you should open your mind a bit to new possibilities. ;)

Just a suggestion. :D
Rusty said:
cio, I have seen the lists, and the arguments. If there is not an election and the company/twu successfully keeps the membership from voting then I believe a crime will have been committed against labor as a whole!!!

:lol: :shock: :lol: :shock: :huh:
twuer said:
No debate, no argument, just faces. Where is your spirit twuer??? You spit in the face of a group rising up to take control of their business when maybe you should commend the action and strength rather than trying to suppress it.. Labor as a whole has been getting their asses kicked for many years and to keep trotting down the same path is to sell yourself to the wolves. When will you personally say enough is enough??? Half again??? If in fact you are in our Craft and Class maybe you should consider joining the revolution.
Rusty said:
No debate, no argument, just faces. Where is your spirit twuer??? You spit in the face of a group rising up to take control of their business when maybe you should commend the action and strength rather than trying to suppress it.. Labor as a whole has been getting their asses kicked for many years and to keep trotting down the same path is to sell yourself to the wolves. When will you personally say enough is enough??? Half again??? If in fact you are in our Craft and Class maybe you should consider joining the revolution. [/quote]
Let's just say that I have my reasons for putting those emoticons up the way I did!!! It was in response to a part of your quote!!
twuer said:
No debate, no argument, just faces. Where is your spirit twuer??? You spit in the face of a group rising up to take control of their business when maybe you should commend the action and strength rather than trying to suppress it.. Labor as a whole has been getting their asses kicked for many years and to keep trotting down the same path is to sell yourself to the wolves. When will you personally say enough is enough??? Half again??? If in fact you are in our Craft and Class maybe you should consider joining the revolution.
Let's just say that I have my reasons for putting those emoticons up the way I did!!! It was in response to a part of your quote!! [/quote]
I said what said because companies and their company unions do their best to suppress labor, yet it adds convictions and resolve to our plight. Would you as a company union member also want to suppress labor actions or do you think adding the dead to a list of voters is the correct and upstanding thing to do??? Do you support the twu's stance on not removing the deceased or other ineligible voters???
My bet is that the 4:00pm video will not be released because Randy will not want anybody to see the question about how he said he was going to build a new Union Hall regardless of the fact that it was voted down 4 TIMES by the MAJORITY :lol:
Thats ok it was a lame meeting anyway not worth watching :D
I personally would never post a email that someone sent to me without their permission, don't care what it is about, to me that is just not ethical, but that is just me ;)

If the E-mail is personal in nature, such as health or marital problems I agree, however if it pertains to the union then its fair game. The TWU certainly was not concerned about ethics when they removed elected officials.

I believe that AMFA is the best organization for the Mechanic craft and class and I think they are the best hope for us to get back what we have lost but we must keep in mind that even with AMFA the officers that we elect are very important we have seen that are Union can only be as good as the officers we elect, no matter what the Union stands for if we elect crummy officers we will get screwed again so think long and hard when voting for officers whether TWU or AMFA and make a good choice ;)

I agree, leadership is very important.The one difference between AMFA and the TWU is that with AMFA all the officers are accountable to the members and the members have the right to recall any officer, with the TWU there is no member recall and the International can and does remove elected officials who do not bow to the International.

As for the debate CIO I for one am tired of hearing about debates so I am glad that the TWU cancelled it and I hope I do not hear anymore about debates that at this point nobody really gives a &%$ about, let's just get on with the vote and support the winner, I hope it is AMFA as I think they can do a much better job for the Mechanic craft but I will get behind whoever wins for a while at least it is the only logical thing to do, and if the winner can't get their act together I guess we will just have to try to switch again. ;)

If you get behind the TWU it means that you support the strategy of concessions. You support the idea that unelected officials can remove elected officials. You support the demise of real unionism and favor business/company unionism. It means that you support a union that accepts a $3.1 million dollar kickback and gives the company over $600 million in concessions paid for by you. The TWU must go. If they win their leaders will be even more entrenched and authoritarian.

I tried to promote reform from within. No doubt that was a major factor in my removal.

There are some good people out there and hopefully our departure will provide them the momentum to make some of the much needed changes that the TWU needs. However the TWU will never meet our needs. We need a full time union, not someone who represents so many different types of workers in so many different types of industies that they do a lousy job with all of them.

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