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Debate In A Week!


Jul 9, 2003
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The scheduled debate between Jim Little (TWU) and O.V. Delle-Femine (AMFA) is only one week away. Will Delle show?. . . . . will there be anyone from amfa to show????

My bet is that Delle will not show and there will be a presence of amfa supporters in the room.

Next questions. . . . will it remain civil?. . . . .will voices be raised. . . . . will amfa like what they hear?

As for questions from the crowd. . . .HMMMMM??? What kind of questions do you think amfa supporters will ask?? I'm sure questions regarding the concessions/vote will come up, but I can't think of any other subjects that might arise that amfa supporters would be so concerned with. Maybe dues or something like that (Buck's been harping on that subject a bit along with the communist thing).

Anyone care to comment on what might or might not be said?

One thing is for sure, this should be a great day!!!
As Don Rogers put it! He is worried about the card count to have time to debate!!!!!

The way I see it, He sees no need! The card count is short!!!!!! Besides this is typical of Amfa! Running as fast as they can the other direction when adversity comes their way!!!!!!!!!

Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!!!
Delle stated he would allow the twu National a chance to debate approximently two weeks prior to an election and he is a man of his word. :up: :up: :up:
Rusty said:
Delle stated he would allow the twu National a chance to debate approximently two weeks prior to an election and he is a man of his word. :up: :up: :up:
And his word is what? Care to read the Chicago Tribune and read his word ? Typical amfastyle...reminds me of the FW109A's..hit and run tactics..oh yeah..they lost the war also. :shock: B) :shock:
Dell doesn't take his orders from some Sell-out Socialist dispatcher.

Dell will grant the TWU an opportunity to debate before ballots are sent. It is up to the TWU whether or not they wish to debate then. If Jim Little was serious about a debate rather than putting on a show for the sheep he needs to contact Dell to arrange a debate. The April 21 date will be nothing but a circus freak show.

Have a nice day freaks!

TWU-Will bend over if Provoked
proAMFA said:
Dell doesn't take his orders from some Sell-out Socialist dispatcher.

Dell will grant the TWU an opportunity to debate before ballots are sent. It is up to the TWU whether or not they wish to debate then. If Jim Little was serious about a debate rather than putting on a show for the sheep he needs to contact Dell to arrange a debate. The April 21 date will be nothing but a circus freak show.

Have a nice day freaks!

TWU-Will bend over if Provoked
So does that mean you WILL be there???!!!

You say two weeks before the ballots go out.......what if there are no ballots??? At this point it doesn't look like there will be. What does Delle have to lose.....other than his dignity when he gets scraped over the coals by Mr Little??!!!!

Oh, and what the hell's up with this??
Dell will grant the TWU an opportunity to debate.

Sorry pal but ole Delle is not in a position to "grant" anybody anything. He is the outsider here, a "raider". He needs to take the oppurtunities as they arise.

See you next Wednesday!!!
The TWU needs to debate-AMFA does not.

AMFA has turned in a majority of election cards.
Still the TWU will be given the opportunity to debate. It is up to them whether they take the opportunity to apologize to the membership and to attempt to convince them that they will begin to fight for their boss-the membership. I doubt they will because...

TWU-Will bend over if Provoked!
Jim little will be available to ask any questions! Along with other Brothers from the International and the AFL-CIO. Everyone is invited to attend!

The TWU welcomes your input and involvement!
I take it by the lack of response that maybe there won't be too many amfa folk show up at all. I'll give it a little more time to see if anyone comments further on this subject. If anything it will be a good Q&A session. We (TWU and amfa supporters) have been waiting for Mr. Little to come, so now is the oppurtunity to speak with him face to face.

Don't let the oppurtunity pass you by. You want answers, here is your chance!!
twuer...since when has amfa had a history for showing up at legitimate debates. This will show the masses how reluctant amfa is to face the likes of Jim Little.
Checking it Out said:
Jim little will be available to ask any questions! Along with other Brothers from the International and the AFL-CIO. Everyone is invited to attend!

The TWU welcomes your imput and involvement!
Will those who are not eligible to vote on the upcoming election be allowed to attend? You know, teamsters, Stock Clerks, Ramp Personnel , coffin carriers, & management?
Ken MacTiernan said:
Will those who are not eligible to vote on the upcoming election be allowed to attend? You know, teamsters, Stock Clerks, Ramp Personnel , coffin carriers, & management?

That is all that will attend.

Non-Voters to clap for the cameras.
What kind of questions is Jim Little going to ask?

What kind of imput does the TWU want and what is imput?

I doubt that seeing Jim could be considered either an opportunity or an oppurtunity.