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Jim Was There - Where Was Delle?

Buck said:
I vote against scab scraper

You know what is most concerning?

The AFL-CIO and Organized Labor used to campaign on "raising the standards of the middle class".

Today, sadly enough the TWU AFL-CIO is no longer concerned about raising the standard of the middle class, they are more concerned with promoting massive numbers of POOR Workers.

I have heard that the Local Law Firm of Fraisier and Fraisier has been completely overwhelmed with Tulsa Based AA Personal Bankruptcies.

There is no longer a concern for good pay and benefits, just reduce those items to save some jobs. Truth is, the NMB filings are clearly demonstrating that THOUSANDS of AA Employees are on a re-call list, which means in reality we LOST-BENEIFTS, and JOBS.

But the brainwashed followers with rings in their noses and no ability to read and think for themselves spew the political rhetoric as if this is not the case.

I think I am more anti-Stupid-Worker than I am anti-industrial unionism.
SKILL..the ability to avoid a direct debate with Jim Little
KNOWLEDGE..the ability to foresee the outcome and embarrassment to AMFA that an old man would offer.
INTEGRITY...still looking for that in AMFA, if it exists it is well hidden.

Your embarrassment is apparent and understandable....He's as bright as Dave and Bob...and better looking. He saved face by having another no-show...well done.
The AFL-CIO constitutional preamble speaks on these issues:

Article II: Objects and Principles

The objects and principles of this Federation are:

1. To aid workers in securing improved wages, hours and working conditions with due regard for the autonomy, integrity and jurisdiction of affiliated unions.

Instead of improving wages, hours and working conditions, the TWU does just the opposite.

2. To aid and assist affiliated unions in extending the benefits of mutual assistance and collective bargaining to workers and to promote the organization of the unorganized into unions of their own choosing for their mutual aid, protection and advancement, giving recognition to the principle that both craft and industrial unions are appropriate, equal and necessary as methods of union organization.