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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Peterson is so full of shite. He's pulling crap out of thin air about AMFA. He stills has to go all the way back to NWA to try and discredit AMFA. All his info about the finances @ AMFA is completely false. His claim of 3.2 million is the amount at one single local office, what a moron. He says AMFA has done nothing but lost headcounts, false. AMFA has actually doubled the heavy maint in Dallas, added "C" checks, HGR ron, and line ron maint., they also have added the mod line and beefed up the backshops work loads. AMFA has also increased the amount of in house work so well that the under AMFA, the headcount has doubled as well. When we were teamsters we were stale from new hires for decades.
The 11.5 million of dues coming in, as he represented, will still be coming in as dues under AMFA, so with that kinda of dues coming into the system for the AA'ers members, the coffers will be built up in no time at all, think about it people, over 10 million per month, 120+ million per year, it's a no brainer.
AMFA has a huge legislative presence in DC and in fact was monumental in being there in person with other F/A's, Pilots and company leaders to show full support for the PSP (again IN PERSON) to get thru.
For Peterson to say that he expects the company to figure out a way to change existing contract language is just scare tactics. The contract will in fact stay in place and simply enforced even if and when AMFA takes over. Matter fact the new change the members will see over the contract is the following:
AMFA will use each and every available tool to fight for their members rights and contract language no matter what it takes, PERIOD. As proven by AMFA so much at SWA, ALK and other airlines mechanics that AMFA legal was hired or was used to fight for past TWU members when AA fired them for no cause and the TWU couldn't get their jobs back, and AMFA did successfully with back pay.
This propaganda being spread by Peterson is a last ditch effort in saving their arses from the streets. Take notice that Peterson was just promoted yet again within the union to Director, I bet his sole job is to save the TWU and IAM from being removed from the final mechanic and related airline group they represent, so he will say anything, make up anything, and spread complete BS to try and save them.
Remember when Peterson was avidly in support of AMFA?? Yea now all of a sudden AMFA can't do anything right, when he has said in the past and even proved how much better AMFA would be than the TWU at AA. Remember when he was telling the TWU international, why can't we have observers at the table like AMFA does??? And remember the TWU said they would put observers at the table and then when the past votes did not to get thru they never budged on that promise. Peterson was one of the biggest supporters of getting their members observers to the table then yanked it all back once a vote wasn't coming.
It's all PROPAGANDA people, and it's all starting again with the upcoming election.

That representational election cannot get here any sooner...
The asso. is doomed when the election starts, just can't wait!!!

What was the AMT head count prior to adding the work at SWA? What is it now?
Baring any corruption from all parties except AMFA.
Now why in the world would you say that? Not from these industrial unions and a co. that has worked together in the past as well as with the teamsters and the NMB in past card drives, no way, say it ain't so... 🙂

Peterson should explain to the members why the Dispatchers recently left the Association without a fight. He should also research why the American flight attendants also left the TWU back in 1977. Being educated by researching is the best way to make an informative decision.
And how are the dispatchers group doing now that they fired the TWU? Are they still union?? Sorry didn't follow them to a "T", only heard they fired the TWU.
The F/A's saw a tremendous improvement after firing the TWU and going with a class and craft representational union specific to their industry. Just like AMFA will be for the Mechanic and Related. A world of a difference in representation and watch how the company will finally get it once they see AMFA in action for a while.
Bottom line; Peterson knows good and well how well AMFA will do for the Mechanic and Related, he just will no longer admit it out loud due to the position he holds within the international. Trust me, the international will remember how focused Peterson was on AMFA back when he was pushing to go AMFA, he was a big supporter of AMFA, and once they win this election, the international may look back and remember that, remember there will have to be a fall guy for the international loosing all the dues (millions upon millions per month) One of my thoughts why all of a sudden the international just promoted him to director of something. International might be getting prepared for a defeat in a representational election, ya never know, but that's the same way the cooperate world works, keep padding the lower ranks so they can have fall guys before getting to the super big wigs, think about it...
What was the AMT head count prior to adding the work at SWA? What is it now?

I don't know the exact numbers, but I do remember around 1500-1600 when AMFA took over in 03-04.
We are currently around 3K just in mechanics.
When we went from 2 heavy maint lines in Dallas to 4 heavy lines, just those two lines brought in 200 plus mechanics. The added C-checks, line ron, hgr ron, and all overnight maint increased, along with the back shop work as well, also added increased headcounts. Some back shops only were increased by maybe half dozen heads, but when they have been stale for 10-15 years under the teamsters, any improvement was a welcomed sight for a change. I also remember they increased the overall overnight line maint crews by 40 plus with the new maint work brought into them. Some other back shops tripled in headcounts going from 3 per shift up to 7 or 8 per shift.
In the time AMFA was here half the time of the teamsters, they were able to gain more than double work, headcounts, and even increased the QOL by negotiating better schedules to reflect longer weekends, more weekends, 10 hour shifts, and unlimited day trading ect...
AMFA Update

First let me wish you a Happy Easter and Thank you for all the hard work you have done getting us to this point

As you know the last of the challenges & objections where filed on Friday 4/2/21 and after a initial review of the company's response It appears after all the back and forth we still have sufficient cards for a election. Understand this is only an opinion and the NMB makes the final decision so ultimately we must wait for their ruling.

That said we felt it was important to give you a update and share our beliefs.

AMFA 2021

Most of the members who are setup on our text list should have received this msg, the ASSoc. as well seems not to been able to add names sufficiently to disrupt our efforts. So we LQQK forward to the NMB's ruling and the subsequent issued ballot to REMOVE the TWU/IAM from the M&R class & craft.
AMFA Update

First let me wish you a Happy Easter and Thank you for all the hard work you have done getting us to this point

As you know the last of the challenges & objections where filed on Friday 4/2/21 and after a initial review of the company's response It appears after all the back and forth we still have sufficient cards for a election. Understand this is only an opinion and the NMB makes the final decision so ultimately we must wait for their ruling.

That said we felt it was important to give you a update and share our beliefs.

AMFA 2021

Most of the members who are setup on our text list should have received this msg, the ASSoc. as well seems not to been able to add names sufficiently to disrupt our efforts. So we LQQK forward to the NMB's ruling and the subsequent issued ballot to REMOVE the TWU/IAM from the M&R class & craft.
ONE UNION, ONE VOICE. What a concept. Let's make it happen.
The language used, often including in this forum, speaks of "what AMFA will or will not do," unlike the AFL-CIO broken union models, AMFA must fall upon their membership to make this new direction work. For example, a designation is known as a "shop steward" may have a different title in other unions, but it is essentially the same. It is time for those that want AMFA on the property to realize that every member is a shop steward. We must help each other to achieve the goal of a new direction for ourselves. As Aircraft Mechanics and related, we must reach the goal of shedding any workgroup above us; we must be the same.
AMFA Update

First let me wish you a Happy Easter and Thank you for all the hard work you have done getting us to this point

As you know the last of the challenges & objections where filed on Friday 4/2/21 and after a initial review of the company's response It appears after all the back and forth we still have sufficient cards for a election. Understand this is only an opinion and the NMB makes the final decision so ultimately we must wait for their ruling.

That said we felt it was important to give you a update and share our beliefs.

AMFA 2021

Most of the members who are setup on our text list should have received this msg, the ASSoc. as well seems not to been able to add names sufficiently to disrupt our efforts. So we LQQK forward to the NMB's ruling and the subsequent issued ballot to REMOVE the TWU/IAM from the M&R class & craft.

Excellent news.
Sounds like the vote will go on.
Great job to all involved!!!
What a B-Day present...
Excellent news.
Sounds like the vote will go on.
Great job to all involved!!!
What a B-Day present...
I'll just wait for the official word from the NMB before we celebrate an election victory.
I'll remain cautiously optimistic for you guys. TWU has had a long time to make things right, and they've consistently gone in the wrong direction.
I'll remain cautiously optimistic for you guys. TWU has had a long time to make things right, and they've consistently gone in the wrong direction.
Yeah, they've had some really bad leadership. Present company included.
New Update.....

The truth behind TWU/IAM’s desperate measures to silence your democratic will

April 6, 2021

Dear American Airlines Mechanics and Related Employees:

We wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the progress we are making to get you the representation vote that you deserve and to set the record straight on some misleading claims that have been made by an increasingly scared and desperate incumbent union — the so called TWU/IAM “Association.” Read more ... https://amfanational.medium.com/
A new update letter from A.N.D. Painter, sounds like they are still very confident in prevailing and getting that ever so long deserved representational election vote...

Assistant National Director Update to American Airlines AMTs
April 6, 2021 -- We wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the progress we are making to get you the representation vote that you deserve and to set the record straight on some misleading claims that have been made by an increasingly scared and desperate incumbent union – the so called TWU/IAM “Association.”
Download: 20210406_AND_Update_to_AA_AMTs.pdf
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