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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Very good read from the Amfanational site. To the point with relative issues without all of the thug rhetoric that I am used to trying to decipher. AMFA is doing a great job of leading by example.
Very good read from the Amfanational site. To the point with relative issues without all of the thug rhetoric that I am used to trying to decipher. AMFA is doing a great job of leading by example.

Stallid; I am glad you took the time to goto and read from the AMFA Ntl. website, & if you are a Mechanic from AA, you should tell your fellow co-workers what you read, have them go there as well. maybe that will stimulate them to help remove this Association at AA.
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It's a good read on AMFA National, but I would have rather read they weren't going to give concessions rather than saying its premature to.
Very good read from the Amfanational site. To the point with relative issues without all of the thug rhetoric that I am used to trying to decipher. AMFA is doing a great job of leading by example.

Stallid; I am glad you took the time to goto and read from the AMFA Ntl. website, & if you are a Mechanic from AA, you should tell your fellow co-workers what you read, have them go there as well. maybe that will stimulate them to help remove this Association at AA.

It's a good read on AMFA National, but I would have rather read they weren't going to give concessions rather than saying its premature to.

And did you all click on the second letter in response from our National Director (a previous mechanic at AA BTW) if ya missed it I provided the link below. And TopCat, he basically did say no to the concessions at this time by referring to the contracts are not amendable until the end dates of each of those contracts. In a roundabout way it was just a more professional and mature way to respond instead of chest pounding, screaming, cursing and threatening the CEO of a company all the while throwing a temper fit like a 4 year old.

AMFA explained its position to Southwest today, in detail, in a letter from National Director Bret Oestreich, which can be read by clicking here.
A national director who stands accountable and leaves no doubt to the direction in which the union and it's members are going. We have a so called contract, that the people in upper positions are still trying to decide which parts will start now or sometime in the future with secret letters of agreement. The TWU and the IAM are busy divvying up what stations where which ones will be TWU and IAM. We need to sign cards and be one union. The stations need to under one set of rules and one leadership group. If things have not improved by October American will come to us for concessions. We need one union (AMFA) not this hodgepodge of a union where the members mean little to nothing to those in charge
To ALL the mechanics at AA who are represented by the TWU/IAM Association, this is AMFA National website that will show you how a Union who represents its workforce should respond when after years of negotiations, settled a contract and now that there is Industry glitch which seems to happen every ten yrs or so and the company wants the employees to open the contract or cut some of the long hard fought for items during negotiations.

So rather then putting the article here go to AMFA's home page and read the letter sent by AMFA's National Dir.


If you think that the TWU or the IAM would tell AA something like this you are sadly mistaken. So that we can bring AMFA here to AA it's up to all of us to get a name & a card from your stations AMFA Organizer get that card signed. Return that card to your Organizer so he can check the name of the hit list and send it to the PO Box to be added to the database. When that happens we move closer to bringing the cards to the NMB to bring us a VOTE.

I know that we are in the middle of a pandemic and staying apart is what we are required to do at this time but we can accomplish this task of getting cards signed and bringing us a VOTE. Lets not let this chance for change fall apart. Send the message to the Industrial Unions we want and deserve a Craft Union to represent the Mechanics of AA.

Great response letter by a professional organization!

“Proactively Identifying Savings Options."
Followed by a well written response of

Sign a card people!!
Now the next dumbA$$ excuse is wait until October to see if things get better once the government money runs out. In addition let's see what AMFA does at SWA because they already asked for concessions.
Blah, blah, blah. One excuse after another. Come guys, hold true to your word and man up. You hold outs wanted to wait for a JCBA to be signed and delivered. The organizers agreed to wait. Let's move it. Do you really want the association to handle the next crises? Remember the association believes in one for all and all for one. That belief cost us our retro.
With all that is going on in our industry, at Delta, at United, at Southwest, What about your careers here at AMERICAN?

Over the last few years there was all kinds of chatter here, about removing the Association, how they they have looked out for themselves.

Back door deals, and side letters, well, Don't ALL of you think the implementation of our JCBA, is just another way the TWU/IAM is looking out for them
and NOT us. The cards have slowed coming into the PO Box, Some of the organizers have been put into Quarantine. Some may have CV19 or had it.

So don't you think that if you have not seen or heard of guys walking around attempting to get cards signed, something maybe wrong. Is't time for some one at your station to ask if cards are being collected and if not why not? It is time to get a list of those mechanics who said when the T/A becomes our contract we will sign cards.

Many are worried about the CV19 and what could happen if you get it. What is going to Happen to Your Career if we don't get Rid of this Association? When AA comes knocking on the door of the Association about concessions what do you think will Happen?


Instead of trying to figure out what may happen shouldn't ALL of you be thinking of what you can do to help US change our Bargaining Unit to AMFA.

LAX, ORD, TULSA, DFW, Just a few stations that had many say I will sign later well that time is NOW. CLT, PHL you need to get with the program.
It's time we do this tell the Association that it is time for us to move on, get a Craft Union that just represents US.

If all of you stay quiet through the next few Months What ever happens in OCTOBER, through the first part of 2021, IS GOING TO BE ON YOU
With all that is going on in our industry, at Delta, at United, at Southwest, What about your careers here at AMERICAN?

Over the last few years there was all kinds of chatter here, about removing the Association, how they they have looked out for themselves.

Back door deals, and side letters, well, Don't ALL of you think the implementation of our JCBA, is just another way the TWU/IAM is looking out for them
and NOT us. The cards have slowed coming into the PO Box, Some of the organizers have been put into Quarantine. Some may have CV19 or had it.

So don't you think that if you have not seen or heard of guys walking around attempting to get cards signed, something maybe wrong. Is't time for some one at your station to ask if cards are being collected and if not why not? It is time to get a list of those mechanics who said when the T/A becomes our contract we will sign cards.

Many are worried about the CV19 and what could happen if you get it. What is going to Happen to Your Career if we don't get Rid of this Association? When AA comes knocking on the door of the Association about concessions what do you think will Happen?


Instead of trying to figure out what may happen shouldn't ALL of you be thinking of what you can do to help US change our Bargaining Unit to AMFA.

LAX, ORD, TULSA, DFW, Just a few stations that had many say I will sign later well that time is NOW. CLT, PHL you need to get with the program.
It's time we do this tell the Association that it is time for us to move on, get a Craft Union that just represents US.

If all of you stay quiet through the next few Months What ever happens in OCTOBER, through the first part of 2021, IS GOING TO BE ON YOU
just to add to this,if come October 1st when the industry is about to get decimated and a deal is cut by the association to save its self at our expense. "with out further ratification" and we dont dump the association before then we have no one to blame but ourselves, and people start screaming for change im leaving the board and im done. you HAD YOUR CHANCE for change NOW if you did not sign a card tough break you blew it.
DFW GEN your 100% correct the blame will be on each and every mechanic at AA. We as a group have tried to Bring AMFA here many times. A few times we had enough cards but circumstances did not go our way and our drive failed. OUR Drive not AMFA"s. The mechanics here at AA have NEVER overwhelming signed enough cards fast enough to get it done. It has always been a chore. Just LQQK at the number of posts for Maintenance issues and the Negotiations-2020 thread. Now is the time for the mechanics at AA to take stock in their careers, That means both Title 1 & Title 2. Get involved or DON'T complain later when the Association gives you the Pipe. AGAIN
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I see that a new thread about the seniority list has appeared, as a member of our class and craft takes the package or passes, in order to keep AA from keeping those names on the master list make sure that your Stations AMFA organizer gets that information so that proof can be sent to OUR PO Box, so that it will be entered into the Database.
The latest from our embarrassment of a union is, they will let the company make monthly payments to our 401K. Our new contract says they are to pay the match with each paycheck. Now with the monthly payment, they will make money off our backs once again. They will make interest off our money during that month and as the market rises we will lose that money. This flaccid union should be jumping up and down holding the company to the contract. Once again we see that the membership is absolutely the very last thought with this association. One question I have is what is the payment schedule with the IAMPF. We still have no combined seniority list, ARE YOU KIDDING. There is a storm on the horizon, if things don't improve and the latest chance of a vaccine doesn't materialize, this company will try to move us back to what we just voted out or worse. We need our own bargaining group that represents the maintenance group only as a whole, and asks what the membership wants. This three ring circus of an association, will give the company what they want and smile and tell us this is a good deal, and we need to make sure we take care of the ramp. Sign a card, this may be our last chance that we can actually say we have our destiny in our own hands. SIGN A CARD TODAY!
The latest from our embarrassment of a union is, they will let the company make monthly payments to our 401K. Our new contract says they are to pay the match with each paycheck. Now with the monthly payment, they will make money off our backs once again. They will make interest off our money during that month and as the market rises we will lose that money. This flaccid union should be jumping up and down holding the company to the contract. Once again we see that the membership is absolutely the very last thought with this association. One question I have is what is the payment schedule with the IAMPF. We still have no combined seniority list, ARE YOU KIDDING. There is a storm on the horizon, if things don't improve and the latest chance of a vaccine doesn't materialize, this company will try to move us back to what we just voted out or worse. We need our own bargaining group that represents the maintenance group only as a whole, and asks what the membership wants. This three ring circus of an association, will give the company what they want and smile and tell us this is a good deal, and we need to make sure we take care of the ramp. Sign a card, this may be our last chance that we can actually say we have our destiny in our own hands. SIGN A CARD TODAY!

Does making monthly payments have any negative effects on the employee, please explain?
Are you a member of the IAMPF?

The Ramp has been taken care of for as long as I can remember and I hope they do well, but it is time for the Mechanics to move on to self-determination.
The latest from our embarrassment of a union is, they will let the company make monthly payments to our 401K. Our new contract says they are to pay the match with each paycheck. Now with the monthly payment, they will make money off our backs once again. They will make interest off our money during that month and as the market rises we will lose that money. This flaccid union should be jumping up and down holding the company to the contract. Once again we see that the membership is absolutely the very last thought with this association. One question I have is what is the payment schedule with the IAMPF. We still have no combined seniority list, ARE YOU KIDDING. There is a storm on the horizon, if things don't improve and the latest chance of a vaccine doesn't materialize, this company will try to move us back to what we just voted out or worse. We need our own bargaining group that represents the maintenance group only as a whole, and asks what the membership wants. This three ring circus of an association, will give the company what they want and smile and tell us this is a good deal, and we need to make sure we take care of the ramp. Sign a card, this may be our last chance that we can actually say we have our destiny in our own hands. SIGN A CARD TODAY!
our new contract does not say that we will be paid the company match every pay day it says that we will be paid the following month so the company is doing exactly what the contract says. i am LAA so i do not know anything about the IAMPF thank god
our new contract does not say that we will be paid the company match every pay day it says that we will be paid the following month so the company is doing exactly what the contract says. i am LAA so i do not know anything about the IAMPF thank god
I just don't understand why it is so difficult to post contributions amounts including YTD for company contributions like they have been doing since the match started.
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