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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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I just don't understand why it is so difficult to post contributions amounts including YTD for company contributions like they have been doing since the match started.
Shhhhhhhhh! You're out of Order!
The latest from our embarrassment of a union is, they will let the company make monthly payments to our 401K. Our new contract says they are to pay the match with each paycheck. Now with the monthly payment, they will make money off our backs once again. They will make interest off our money during that month and as the market rises we will lose that money. This flaccid union should be jumping up and down holding the company to the contract. Once again we see that the membership is absolutely the very last thought with this association. One question I have is what is the payment schedule with the IAMPF. We still have no combined seniority list, ARE YOU KIDDING. There is a storm on the horizon, if things don't improve and the latest chance of a vaccine doesn't materialize, this company will try to move us back to what we just voted out or worse. We need our own bargaining group that represents the maintenance group only as a whole, and asks what the membership wants. This three ring circus of an association, will give the company what they want and smile and tell us this is a good deal, and we need to make sure we take care of the ramp. Sign a card, this may be our last chance that we can actually say we have our destiny in our own hands. SIGN A CARD TODAY!

When will it stop?
Had enough yet??
What does it take to sign a card???
I think you guys will see soon enough...
When will it stop?
Had enough yet??
What does it take to sign a card???
I think you guys will see soon enough...
Don't forget.....

As SWAMT has said many times here, and a lot of you have agreed, there would be a drastic change in the way the Union representation would be here at AA if we brought AMFA here. But as we are going into MONTH #6 of our current drive and "YES" I understand that the CV19 has played a BIG part with the slow down of card collection but UNLESS ALL OF YOU Get Involved, we are going to be stuck with this Association. The contract is signed, many around the system said we will sign a card after the contract is in place WELL, what is the hold up NOW?

Some of the Organizers were out sick, So why didn't someone who was at work pick up the ball. This can't be done by the same 10-12 guys each time and have ALL of YOU think it will happen.

AMFA National will need to see that we are serious about getting this done. Reaching a particular Goal set by them to think about getting involved has happened but they are dealing with what is happening with the members they represent at other carries. By US reaching a number far in exceedances of the number set will show that we the MECHANICS at AA are serious.

Tulsa, LAX, ORD, DFW, all of you on the LAA side need to get it done, CLT, PHL, PHX on the LUS side what is it going to take for you to understand that having our own Craft Union will bring us all closer and make us all a stronger UNION. What is with the TITLE 2 Mechanics, can't you see what is happening to YOU?

Your careers and future here at AA is or should be a BIG concern for ALL of YOU. Yet I see that talking about everything else that is happening seems to take up most of your time.

It is time to unplug from all the other BS and get involved, or go to the tool room and get two big scoops of KY Jelly and be prepared.
If you come across anyone that refuses to sign a card just ask them if they prefer the association representing us when the company comes after us for concessions. Tell them that fleet service is representing title 1 and 2. Tell them the association believes on one for all and all for themselves. Remind them our retro was sacrificed for a signing bonus so all association members get a piece of the pie. Next time you hear a non signer talk about the pilots and their union let them know that it's a pilots class and craft union. Remind them that AA flight attendants were once represented by the TWU and dumped them back in 1977. The flight attendants never looked back. There is a reason why class and craft unions represent their members better than industrial unions. See how they respond to that.
If you come across anyone that refuses to sign a card just ask them if they prefer the association representing us when the company comes after us for concessions. Tell them that fleet service is representing title 1 and 2. Tell them the association believes on one for all and all for themselves. Remind them our retro was sacrificed for a signing bonus so all association members get a piece of the pie. Next time you hear a non signer talk about the pilots and their union let them know that it's a pilots class and craft union. Remind them that AA flight attendants were once represented by the TWU and dumped them back in 1977. The flight attendants never looked back. There is a reason why class and craft unions represent their members better than industrial unions. See how they respond to that.
It's easy to get frustrated 1AA! Can't let it get to you and that goes to all seeking change. If Title 1 and Title 2 can't see the Association for what it is, and feel that any future changes to the company won't affect them, then it's on them!
It's easy to get frustrated 1AA! Can't let it get to you and that goes to all seeking change. If Title 1 and Title 2 can't see the Association for what it is, and feel that any future changes to the company won't affect them, then it's on them!
My post was for guys that are out there trying to educate the stubborn members with closed minds. Everyone on this forum is on the same page. Just take my reasons I posted and remember them when anyone of us run into a non signer. You won't find non signers here on this forum. That was my intention when I posted. Sharing reasons to sign a card for the better of the craft. Hopefully we will hit the target number soon and file. We are close.
My post was for guys that are out there trying to educate the stubborn members with closed minds. Everyone on this forum is on the same page. Just take my reasons I posted and remember them when anyone of us run into a non signer. You won't find non signers here on this forum. That was my intention when I posted. Sharing reasons to sign a card for the better of the craft. Hopefully we will hit the target number soon and file. We are close.
I'm on board 1AA! I agree with you!
It's easy to get frustrated 1AA! Can't let it get to you and that goes to all seeking change. If Title 1 and Title 2 can't see the Association for what it is, and feel that any future changes to the company won't affect them, then it's on them!

My post was for guys that are out there trying to educate the stubborn members with closed minds. Everyone on this forum is on the same page. Just take my reasons I posted and remember them when anyone of us run into a non signer. You won't find non signers here on this forum. That was my intention when I posted. Sharing reasons to sign a card for the better of the craft. Hopefully we will hit the target number soon and file. We are close.

I have posted some of the same info here due to the fact that there are Not many mechanics here on the forum any longer and most of AA's mechanics are either on twitter or Facebook, or the chats... if they care at all. It's up to the NON Organizers to keep the word on the floor. We had a Conference call the other day and there is some plan to get info out to the membership but how long that will take is a guess. We are entering month #6 as I said. THE truth is we are not as far along as the info that is being put out. There are still way too many guys here who can't be bothered with the whole union concept here at AA. With this CV19 going on the drive itself has almost come to a halt. After 21 yrs as an Organizer the stupid questions that continue to come from the floor, are beyond me. How the organizers failed, AMFA failed, NWA, I have to sign this again, how many more times are we going to do this, what is AMFA's plan, and so on. Yet these guys still think the TWU is going to change. WE know that is NOT going to Happen. The IAM seems to be in control of this Association. If the guys who are here don't get fully involved with the organizers at their stations there will not be a filing. Not being able to go to outlying stations and talk to the mechanics due to this CV19 has been one of the stalling things, Having the main organizers in DFW and Tulsa out just about stopped it. Some stations have DONE real well, with title 1 but the title 2 mechanics just don't get it. Even though they are NOT Happy with the representation they are getting from their Board members. The membership thinks its just enough to sign a card, but they are just as quick to say we Failed again.

AMFA National is Dealing with its membership so unless we have a serious influx of cards to get over the hump as they say, be prepared for another missed opportunity.
I'm sure some of you have seen this. If not forward it.
What I find hard to understand is the lack of participation from the few here on the forum to keep the AMFA Organizing thread from being quieted.

I get the Virus and the possibility of some cuts but doesn't your future mean anything to all of you. Is the Association the bargaining unit you want to have representing you when the company comes knocking on the door for concessions? Some here over the yrs have bashed AMFA for FAILING well looking at what is Happening around the system we the mechanics of AA are Failing. LAX, TUL, ORD, DFW, CLT, PHX, PHL, all need to get with the rest of the cities who have signed cards. If you know someone at any of these stations contact them and have them get with the stations organizer to get cards signed so we can Bring a NMB Election to AA.

It's going to take ALL of the Mechanics at AA to get involved to make this Happen. If it does NOT Happen this time, you will have no one to Blame but YOURSELVES.
get this A$$ already giving back The Relief crew was to be paid 0.61 cents a hour no matter where you bid on relief. A$$ cut a deal only afternoons and nights now get the 0.61 cents wtf .

On Friday call was told by my union steward twu and iam meeting on how to work things out between the two on how the bid goes and etc . I will tell you the iam gets what they want we have over 7000 they have under 4000 I believe WTF

I hate the twu but the iam is really in the stone age. So fricken sad !
plus union leaders bitching about poor language in contract lmao
plus union leaders bitching about poor language in contract lmao
Would that be the same leadership that bitched all along how the ass has to go, but no will not LEAD the membership out of the association?


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