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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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The T/A is now a working contract here at AA, most of us have read or should have read all or some of it.

With the requirements of AA and the government social separation is the norm, out and about and at work. To cut down on the number
of people the AMFA Organizers will have to approach since many have said the would sign cards after the contract is voted in, it's NOW up to YOU.

Many Organizers have gotten new hit lists or have a hit list of AA mechanics that need to sign cards if we are to bring a vote here to AA with the NMB
to replace this association.

Assuming that EVERYONE Knows who the organizers are at your station, Go find one of them get a name from his list and find that person.
Ask him to sign the card.

Our Industry is or could be in turmoil if this virus lingers longer than they expect. In order for us to have a chance to deliver our cards to the NMB
have them send us a Ballot we ALL need to participate in this.

The association still isn’t sure how the representation will be at aa. 5 years ago they started this they still don’t know.

ok, it’s time to sign a card. It’s not like you have anything else to do after work.
We have a new contract HAHA! The secret letters of agreement have already started. Some of this contract starts right away some starts in 60 days some starts next year, some starts in 3 years. ARE YOU KIDDING. We have waited 5 years for this, It's tough to tell who is sticking it to us more. The company? The IAM? Maybe the IAM's lackey the TWU. Let's start with the sick leave, for those of us at LAA we have to wait until 2021 to get the additional 40 hours of sick leave. If this lasts past September, the company will come to us and ask for concessions. They had 5 years to get this done and got rich on what they weren't paying us they get NOTHING!! We need to have an AMFA vote ready to go. We cannot have other work groups relying on us to get them a good deal. We must be able to bargain for ourselves with new leadership, and not west coast union officials giving up sick leave or other ridiculous ideas. Sign a card, so what happened to us after 9/11 does not repeat itself.
We have a new contract HAHA! The secret letters of agreement have already started. Some of this contract starts right away some starts in 60 days some starts next year, some starts in 3 years. ARE YOU KIDDING. We have waited 5 years for this, It's tough to tell who is sticking it to us more. The company? The IAM? Maybe the IAM's lackey the TWU. Let's start with the sick leave, for those of us at LAA we have to wait until 2021 to get the additional 40 hours of sick leave. If this lasts past September, the company will come to us and ask for concessions. They had 5 years to get this done and got rich on what they weren't paying us they get NOTHING!! We need to have an AMFA vote ready to go. We cannot have other work groups relying on us to get them a good deal. We must be able to bargain for ourselves with new leadership, and not west coast union officials giving up sick leave or other ridiculous ideas. Sign a card, so what happened to us after 9/11 does not repeat itself.
Where is it listed what starts when (for LAA)? Not saying you are wrong, would just like to see what all it is. I think I saw bonus and VC paid on 5/22 and sick days given 12/31/2020...
Where is it listed what starts when (for LAA)? Not saying you are wrong, would just like to see what all it is. I think I saw bonus and VC paid on 5/22 and sick days given 12/31/2020...

I believe we (TWU) will start to accrue at the new rate on DOR. I cannot remember the old accrual rate but the months of January, February and March should be at that rate. Not 100% sure but I intend to find out next week.
Where is it listed what starts when (for LAA)? Not saying you are wrong, would just like to see what all it is. I think I saw bonus and VC paid on 5/22 and sick days given 12/31/2020...
Im sorry I stand corrected we don't have to wait for 2021 for our sick leave just the very last day of 2020 really.
We have a new contract HAHA! The secret letters of agreement have already started. Some of this contract starts right away some starts in 60 days some starts next year, some starts in 3 years. ARE YOU KIDDING. We have waited 5 years for this, It's tough to tell who is sticking it to us more. The company? The IAM? Maybe the IAM's lackey the TWU. Let's start with the sick leave, for those of us at LAA we have to wait until 2021 to get the additional 40 hours of sick leave. If this lasts past September, the company will come to us and ask for concessions. They had 5 years to get this done and got rich on what they weren't paying us they get NOTHING!! We need to have an AMFA vote ready to go. We cannot have other work groups relying on us to get them a good deal. We must be able to bargain for ourselves with new leadership, and not west coast union officials giving up sick leave or other ridiculous ideas. Sign a card, so what happened to us after 9/11 does not repeat itself.
The secret letters of agreement are an interesting topic. And yes, the TWU has in fact pulled out the secret letters of agreement without the memberships ability to vote on or have ANY say so about. They were agreements between the TWU nego cmte as well as the exec. cmte of the TWU. Not sure if the IAM have done any secret letters of agreements but it is fact that the teamsters tried to do it here at SWA during their last nego contract and was also one of the biggest reasons they were fired in 2 week card drive.
At least with AMFA the members will in fact vote on anything and everything that changes one iota in the contract including all letter of agreements.
You guys at AA need to move quickly before the changes start to come. Get those cards signed before Sep., actually even sooner, otherwise this asso will do the same things they did during the 9-11 concessions as well as how and what the TWU has done in all other past concessions. take control of your Class and Craft guys and get it done now and forever. Good luck Money, hope you guys are successful...

Im sorry I stand corrected we don't have to wait for 2021 for our sick leave just the very last day of 2020 really.
What part of the 40 hours sick were you referring to? 40 hours added to sick bank? Or were you referring to the paid out portion of the 40 hours for this year?? Thx.
We are all dealing with what is going on in the world today, looking out for our Families is a Top priority. Second on our list should be our careers. As the year goes on we need to focus on the goal we started in Nov. 2019. To replace the IAM/TWU Association.

So AGAIN I ask all of you to get with the Organizer from your station, get a Name on his hit list and re-visit with these mechanics. Some still maybe a NO, but they also could be one of those who said once this T/A is voted in I will sign a card.

Let's not waste this chance to have our own Union, when Our country gets through this we all know our industry will again be profitable. Do you want the TWU/IAM to make a deal that we are stuck without a snapback for the rest of this contracts time and beyond?

We all have seen this happen..

Get a card signed and let's tell the Association we the mechanics at AA are moving on.
I see the updated seniority list is still not up. Everybody at the IAM member with jetnet access has been able to look at the TWU side seniority and we still cannot look at theirs. This is only one of many things that keeps us all separate. We must get the cards signed and get rid of this association debacle. Until this is done other work groups will ride our coattails and the will be an IAM side and a TWU side.
I see the updated seniority list is still not up. Everybody at the IAM member with jetnet access has been able to look at the TWU side seniority and we still cannot look at theirs. This is only one of many things that keeps us all separate. We must get the cards signed and get rid of this association debacle. Until this is done other work groups will ride our coattails and the will be an IAM side and a TWU side.

SMTM, As with past AMFA drives AA probably does not want to post a official list that all can seen by all since they will not be able to contest it or ADD names to it
like they have done each time we have had a card drive.

In the past they have added thousands of names to the list so that the number of required cards will be hard to achieve. With the Freedom of information act the AMFA Organizers have the last list given to the NMB when the IBT filed cards here at AA. Even the list provided to the NMB when the LUS and IBT got a vote.

You are correct the Association has made every attempt to keep the Two Unions separate. Putting this drive on HOLD why we all await the passing of CV19
is something we all can not do. So in every breakroom those of us who have signed cards need to be talking about AMFA, showing your support. Asking the station organizer for a name on the unsigned list, finding that person asking him to support our cause to bring a Union that represents our Class and Craft.
SMTM, As with past AMFA drives AA probably does not want to post a official list that all can seen by all since they will not be able to contest it or ADD names to it
like they have done each time we have had a card drive.

In the past they have added thousands of names to the list so that the number of required cards will be hard to achieve. With the Freedom of information act the AMFA Organizers have the last list given to the NMB when the IBT filed cards here at AA. Even the list provided to the NMB when the LUS and IBT got a vote.

You are correct the Association has made every attempt to keep the Two Unions separate. Putting this drive on HOLD why we all await the passing of CV19
is something we all can not do. So in every breakroom those of us who have signed cards need to be talking about AMFA, showing your support. Asking the station organizer for a name on the unsigned list, finding that person asking him to support our cause to bring a Union that represents our Class and Craft.

I sure hope you guys are filing soon.
Would love to see a filing before Sep comes around. I am positive the mechanics would want the new union in place just in case this crisis goes a bit longer than expected. If not, then great. If it does, I would get pro-active and get the C&C union in place before it's too late yet again.
Here's to all of us, wishing we all get through this ok in the end. But always prepare for the worse and save-save-save.
The pilots and the F/A'S both negotiated their own early retirements and leave. We at this current time cannot because anything we get another work group will also get. This is not I got mine, but a case of our profession and members of our craft need to be addressed and taken care of, and other work groups need to work out their own needs. You can say a loaf of bread cost the same for all, but other ground workers did not spend upwards of $25,000 to obtain a license just to work in our profession. No one knows where all this will go come October, but I want our group to have one voice, transparency and our interest as a goal. Sign a card, time to show those who have used us as a bargaining chip and taken us for granted that we are as mad hell and not going to take it anymore.
To ALL the mechanics at AA who are represented by the TWU/IAM Association, this is AMFA National website that will show you how a Union who represents its workforce should respond when after years of negotiations, settled a contract and now that there is Industry glitch which seems to happen every ten yrs or so and the company wants the employees to open the contract or cut some of the long hard fought for items during negotiations.

So rather then putting the article here go to AMFA's home page and read the letter sent by AMFA's National Dir.


If you think that the TWU or the IAM would tell AA something like this you are sadly mistaken. So that we can bring AMFA here to AA it's up to all of us to get a name & a card from your stations AMFA Organizer get that card signed. Return that card to your Organizer so he can check the name of the hit list and send it to the PO Box to be added to the database. When that happens we move closer to bringing the cards to the NMB to bring us a VOTE.

I know that we are in the middle of a pandemic and staying apart is what we are required to do at this time but we can accomplish this task of getting cards signed and bringing us a VOTE. Lets not let this chance for change fall apart. Send the message to the Industrial Unions we want and deserve a Craft Union to represent the Mechanics of AA.
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