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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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I'd call their bluff!
And you would win.....

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In ref. to your post with regards to loss of medical benefits for the IAM side of M&R, as much as I DON"T want to cause any decention between LAA & LUS
the medical disparity is due to the IAM putting that into acticle 29, so they can intimidate the IAM membership to not Vote them out. Just as they threatened them the last time with loss of pension during the IBT voting process. If we the LAA members sign enough cards the IAM members cards won't make a difference.
I hope that they realize that any union that puts out something to intimidate the membership to protect itself is a Union they should not have in the first place.

I guess that's a monkey wrench into the AMFA drive.
Not at all, It's time for this Association to go away, most know that. Even the twu reps don't like this Assoc. So if you, ALL of you want to Bring a Union that will represent us the Mechanics of AA both Title 1 & 2 then sign cards so we can be done with this foolishness.
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Let's not forget ......The Association/IAM adding a codicil to the TA that cancels the IAM medical if IAM members vote in AMFA and they go to the AA plan..... How does the IAM membership feel about that?
Who cares, when it comes to the future? Think about it! You will lose the IAM medical in the future anyways. It does come to an end rather they are removed or not. Most mechs don't even care if they are moved over to the other med.

YET another agreement between a company and a union to insert language to deter the membership from removing this corrupt union. Speaks volumes how they always agree, and work together to keep this fuking pathetic peice of shite asso at the helm. WOW!! Just freakin amazes me to watch this shite go on, and on, and on. Someone really does need to file an FTR suit. This asso has absolutely "Failed To Represent" their members. Good God, what does it take? You guys are idiots if you do not get rid of these industrial unions at AA. Get a clue folks and sign a card to get a much better representation.
Ok boys. The vote is done. It is now time to focus on the card drive.
All you fence sitters and folks waiting until the vote was done need to step up to the plate and hit a homer. Let's get those last needed cards signed and get a chance for the mechanics and related to get a vote on WHO they want to represent them.
The contract is a done deal. This association rubes our noses in it. It passed due corona. The pilots took early retirement. Over 600 pilots that are 62 got a bridge to 65 with full benefits. They got that because they negotiate for their group, not FA's not mechanics THEIR GROUP. They took our bridge and have not looked back. We need to sign cards and get our own group. We need to negotiate for our own needs as a professional group. We no longer can be in so called union that uses us to drag other work groups along. We need to have leaders that can be recalled if the needs of the membership are not being met. It's time we decide and negotiate our own fates and not be told other work groups be part of our coattails.
Let's not forget ......The Association/IAM adding a codicil to the TA that cancels the IAM medical if IAM members vote in AMFA and they go to the AA plan..... How does the IAM membership feel about that?

Isn't every other workgroup at AA on the same plan except for that IAM splinter?
Who cares, when it comes to the future? Think about it! You will lose the IAM medical in the future anyways. It does come to an end rather they are removed or not. Most mechs don't even care if they are moved over to the other med.

YET another agreement between a company and a union to insert language to deter the membership from removing this corrupt union. Speaks volumes how they always agree, and work together to keep this fuking pathetic peice of shite asso at the helm. WOW!! Just freakin amazes me to watch this shite go on, and on, and on. Someone really does need to file an FTR suit. This asso has absolutely "Failed To Represent" their members. Good God, what does it take? You guys are idiots if you do not get rid of these industrial unions at AA. Get a clue folks and sign a card to get a much better representation.

The contract is a done deal. This association rubes our noses in it. It passed due corona. The pilots took early retirement. Over 600 pilots that are 62 got a bridge to 65 with full benefits. They got that because they negotiate for their group, not FA's not mechanics THEIR GROUP. They took our bridge and have not looked back. We need to sign cards and get our own group. We need to negotiate for our own needs as a professional group. We no longer can be in so called union that uses us to drag other work groups along. We need to have leaders that can be recalled if the needs of the membership are not being met. It's time we decide and negotiate our own fates and not be told other work groups be part of our coattails.
Another point to think about.
Do you guys want this asso. who always agrees with what the company wants to be in charge IF something goes bad in our industry? I would think not, but, you never know in our industry. Even IF we all get protected by this financial aid package, it is only good until Sep. 2020 after that, if we are still this bad off or worse you can bet on layoffs, rifs, and furloughs are coming and they will come fast. Not trying to only focus on the doom and gloom but seriously think about this guys. Remember when we (most) all thought AA would never file for and get approved for BK with over 5-6 billion in the bank? Well, never say never again. Instead get yourselves "better protected" with a C&C union looking out for the best interest of the mechanics and related, NOT the over weighted fleet and other groups who will focus on their majority and put the mechanics at the bottom of importance.
Better protect yourselves now and in all future nego's and all issues surrounding the mechanic and related. You guys want better representation like the Pilots get? Then get a union that focuses on the mechanics and related for their class and craft just like the Pilots have done for decades. Sign them AMFA cards and this vote going forward before summer. The clock is ticking...
Approximately 50% of you have signed AMFA cards the rest of you need to decide if the Association is what you want with the remainder of your time here at AA.

In order for us to replace them each one of you that has signed a card need to get one card from the station organizer and one name on his hit list of non-signers and approach that person to have him/her sign a card. If each of us in the M&R class and craft does that we will put our card count over the top and we can take the cards to the NMB and bring us a VOTE.

I know that this virus and the economy are big on each one of our minds, but your career and the ones who will follow us here at AA will only benefit from having a Union that will take care of our Class & Craft going forward. Many of you have been disconnected from the union for many yrs. NOW is the time for you to think back to when you first started, that enthusiasm you had to come to work, back when it was fun, a challenge each day to figure out why a system had a problem.

It's time to make a change the industrial unions have FAILED our industry, TWU/IAM/IBT we the mechanics of the airline industry have given enough to make them rich, it's time for us to think about US. Tell them we have had enough, Get a card and get it signed.

AMFA @ AA in 2020
This video explains a good point about a catch all union. Example here that we can relate too is No retro in lieu of a signing bonus because AA was not going to give retro to all groups in the association so the association decided to hold back the AMT retro and give out bonuses to all. Another reason to have our own class and craft union.

Like to throw these articles out showing how AMFA always works hard in representing their Class & Craft.
AMFA's Legislative Affairs Team were and are involved with the senate and house from the get go to get a deal done with the CARES Act Bill. Some other unions were involved as well that represent our Pilots and F/A's. And these unions did not just get the Act to cover unionized employees it was for all aviation employees. So for the folks out there that hate the unions, your welcome.
A big THANK YOU! from me to all the unions involved as well as the Trump administration and the Senate and House to get this CARES Act Bill done...

AMFA Provides Input to Congress Regarding Potential Airline Industry Bailout Package
March 19, 2020 -- The swiftly developing COVID-19 pandemic has caused a rapid increase in airline passenger cancellations, while also producing a severe decline in future bookings. To date, most airlines have responded with capacity cuts and flight cancellations. The airlines have both collectively and individually expressed immense concern about the industry’s economic health to the US government, and requested a substantial financial assistance package to help navigate through this difficult time. The White House has indicated support, with the President vowing to “back the airlines 100 percent,” and the task of negotiating a package is now with the Legislative Branch.

Press Release: Aircraft Mechanics Across the United States Applaud the Passage of the CARES Act
March 27, 2020 -- Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) National Director Bret Oestreich, released the following statement: On behalf of the over 4,000 aircraft mechanics representing Alaska Airlines, Horizon Air, and Southwest Airlines, AMFA applauds the U.S. Congress passage of bipartisan legislation to provide financial stability to the hard-working men and women on the front lines providing safety and security to the American flying public during this unparalleled time of adversity. In addition to the unprecedented health crisis we are facing, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has brought with it devastating economic consequences. And now, the airline workers are at the front line of one the most economically impacted industries.

Thanks again for looking out for the employees!!!
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