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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Who cares about fleet? Always been us vs. them. Why change that? Title 2 can stay with them too...right? 😵
I don’t believe AMFA National is supporting your drive. They haven’t ever put out anything official stating they were doing so. Can you show me anything official by Brett or anyone else at AMFA saying they’re motivated to take on the TWU/IAM Association?

The AFA has raided the IAM Drive for Delta Flight Attendants and they haven’t shown any fear whatsoever of making it publicly known. They’re all in 100%.

So where’s that AMFA all in showing of support? The crickets are chirping.

Since you haven't been paying attention, this AMFA drive is not a raid. It is a grass roots effort started with AA AMTs who are fed up with the Association. AMFA national is fully aware of this drive at AA, as our organizers have done their due diligence before starting it. Once a certain threshold has been met, the support will become evident. Stay tuned.
All your efforts will be for naught. You’ll see soon lol.
You sad little lonely man.
Make something of your skill set.
Stop being led by the mind and hand on what to do and say. Everyone has a skill of some kind. Your wasting your life away here trying to convince us to stay with the dysfunctional association.
You sad little lonely man.
Make something of your skill set.
Stop being led by the mind and hand on what to do and say. Everyone has a skill of some kind. Your wasting your life away here trying to convince us to stay with the dysfunctional association.
Looking in the mirror? Lol. Is insults all you have?

You’ll see and be so disappointed in failing to get AMFA once again.
Again the NMB merged them into the Mechanic and Related. Read the posted document. I gave you the benefit of the doubt posting false information. If you continue without reading the NMB certification if the Association then you are indeed purposely spreading lies
I just read the filing. There is nothing in the documents that mention maintenance trainers/instructors. All 45 pages.
AMT from BOS asks. Card drive? What card drive? Nothing here.

Well, tell your fellow AMTs to go to the AMFA home page, click the join link, print out the form, fill it out and mail it in. No postage required. Simple! That's what I did.

Or, you can print out a bunch of the forms and pass them out and let each one mail it in themselves.

Here, I made it easy, just click the link below.

As a former AA mechanic and a long time (1999) AMFA supporter who is now represented by AMFA at WN I can say with confidence that you will not be disappointed when you succeed and I will gladly welcome all my former co-workers to the only craft union 100% committed to our profession.
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