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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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A darn good reason to sign a card.
Article is from September of 2018.
We been negotiating before and after this article. I feel the association is not really paying attention to the needs and importance of our profession.
During the AMP drive of 2018 many said wait. This article was released about the same time. Should we still wait and see were this article will lead our industry or should we take control of it here at AA?

and to add from the above link: https://www.boeing.com/commercial/market/pilot-technician-outlook/
Who cares about fleet? Always been us vs. them. Why change that? Title 2 can stay with them too...right? 😵
Do some simple checking. Title 1 and 2 are together per NMB class and craft. Stop spreading crap about title 2. If anything get them to sign cards.
Please educate yourself to the NMB Changes before making postings here!

Technical Crew Chiefs/Maintenance Training Specialists

At US Airways, the Maintenance Training Specialist position provides maintenance training and instruction to Mechanics and Related Employees involved in the inspection, maintenance, and overhaul of aircraft and components. Maintenance Training Specialists at US Airways are separately represented by the IAM pursuant to a certification issued in NMB Case No. R-6677. US Airways, 26 NMB 341 (1999). Following the merger of US Airways and America West, the IAM requested and the Board granted the extension of the IAM’s certification to cover the unrepresented Maintenance Training Specialists at America West. US Airways/America West, 33 NMB 174 (2006). Although the Maintenance Training Specialists have been certified as a separate craft or class at US Airways, the IAM has historically bargained for these employees in conjunction with the Mechanics and Related Employees craft or class.

At American, Technical Crew Chiefs perform the equivalent work as the US Airways Maintenance Training Specialists. The Technical Crew Chiefs at American perform both on-the-job and classroom instruction related to aircrafts systems. The Technical Crew Chiefs are currently represented in the Mechanics and Related Employees craft or class at American.

In several cases, the Board has certified separate crafts or classes of employees performing maintenance instruction. In the pre- and post-merger US Airways cases mentioned above, and in United Airlines, 26 NMB 169 (1999), the Board did so with no discussion of work-related community of interest or other craft or class issues. It can be inferred that such issues were not raised by the participants. In Eastern Airlines, 5 NMB 94 (1976), the carrier argued that the appropriate craft or class should cover all instructors including ground school as well as maintenance and ramp instructors. In rejecting the carrier’s argument, the Board acknowledged that the collective bargaining process is "hindered rather than aided by the existence of a multitude of bargaining units." Id. at 102. The Board concluded, however, that separate representation was appropriate given the record evidence that the carrier "had fragmented

portions of its training program to such an extent that each group is autonomous." Id. In more recent cases, the Board has found that employees performing maintenance instruction are properly included in the Mechanics and Related Employees craft or class because of their direct contact with mechanics and a strong tie to the maintenance function. See Southwest Airlines, 39 NMB 246 (2011); Spirit Airlines, 33 NMB 363 (2006).

In the instant case, the Maintenance Training Specialists/Technical Crew Chiefs possess the same basic qualifications and perform the same duties as those in Southwest and Spirit Airlines. They teach courses to Mechanics and Related Employees in the classroom and in the shop. They must possess A&P licenses. In addition, they provide technical assistance and guidance in trouble shooting and repair of the aircraft and components used by Company. Accordingly, the Board finds that the Maintenance Training Specialists and Technical Crew Chiefs share a work related community of interest with and are properly included in the Mechanics and Related Employees craft or class.


42 NMB No. 15 PAGE 57 & 58

Phoenix757767 you might want to read through this NMB PDF file and get educated about the changes that occurred with the LAA/LUS merger!
Our Maint. Training Instructors are now represented by AMFA and are also included in the Class and Craft set by the NMB ruling.
I got no clue where this guy gets his info but I am sure he is just spinning the misinformation on purpose as they always do during the drives.

Thank you Dave for that reply. I'm sure there will be a spin starting with But........

And in the meantime cards are being signed as we speak.
I know most all of us would like to ignore them all, but there are times when we have to answer their postings so not to allow the misinformation to continue.
BTW our maint trainers are represented by AMFA here at SWA so he is wrong yet again.
Not sure why MTR cares bout fleet. But when it comes time that for example when fleet is courted for support for say a strike they mtr care n vice verus. We as fleet n you folks as MTR are in eyes of this money hungry mgt just pure numbers n expendables at that. It wld be nice to see the 2 groups join forces for the best deals but should mtr break away n join amfa regardless we as active employees should at very least stick together in the fight but somehow i dont think it ever has or will occur
The drive is going strong! I just joined the company about 4 months ago and though I have not lost anything, I can see the lack of growth with the TWU. In JFK the cards are moving strong. Not only senior guys signing, but also many of the new hires like me who are planning for their future.
Outstanding to hear! Keep up the good work and don't let anyone scare tactic you like the TWU/IAM/Asso./or the co. threaten your job for signing. If they do, make the call to the NMB, Labor Board and especially inform AMFA organizers at AA and/or even AMFA National.
Who cares about fleet? Always been us vs. them. Why change that? Title 2 can stay with them too...right? 😵
They do care about fleet. By the mech and related going with their own C&C union, this will allow a better representation of fleet as now their asso can focus on them like the AMFA focuses on the mechs and related. It will be beneficial for all involved to get represented by a more focussed class of representation fitted much better for their C&C. It's a win-win for all. Fleet and others will still be represented unless they decide to do a card drive themselves.
Our Maint. Training Instructors are now represented by AMFA and are also included in the Class and Craft set by the NMB ruling.
I got no clue where this guy gets his info but I am sure he is just spinning the misinformation on purpose as they always do during the drives.
Same DNA as 700 and Weazle.
They can't help themselves. It's a disease like alcoholism.
Spread fear and lies. They need attention. So sad. So sad.
Same DNA as 700 and Weazle.
They can't help themselves. It's a disease like alcoholism.
Spread fear and lies. They need attention. So sad. So sad.

It's what they are paid to do...
Not sure why MTR cares bout fleet. But when it comes time that for example when fleet is courted for support for say a strike they mtr care n vice verus. We as fleet n you folks as MTR are in eyes of this money hungry mgt just pure numbers n expendables at that. It wld be nice to see the 2 groups join forces for the best deals but should mtr break away n join amfa regardless we as active employees should at very least stick together in the fight but somehow i dont think it ever has or will occur
That is why I thought AMP was a better option.

A UNION of ONLY American Airlines employees.
Our Maint. Training Instructors are now represented by AMFA and are also included in the Class and Craft set by the NMB ruling.
I got no clue where this guy gets his info but I am sure he is just spinning the misinformation on purpose as they always do during the drives.

To be fair, prior to this merger and NMB certification, he was correct. The USAir maintenance trainers were in their own craft or class. Read the NMB determination. He was posting the way it was not the way it is now. I don’t think he meant anything misleading. He was just uninformed of the change.
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