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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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He can't read because it's against his liberal agenda. Let it go. No matter what you prove he will still deny, argue and push his agenda lies and all. In the meantime cards are being signed.

I would like to have his signed card.
I don't understand how insulting him has any value to the profession or the desire to eliminate the Association. I myself at one time was a loyal sympathizer of the industrial union philosophy.
Why hasn’t AMFA National put out a letter of support and why haven’t they endorsed the campaign and why haven’t they sent help?
again you miss the whole concept.unlike iam and the twu amfa does not pay professional organizers. but as you said "all your efforts will be for naught" dont worry about the silly drive it will fail as usual. theres nothing to see over here carry on, its all good!
Not every airport is the same. DFW has a little history regarding crossing actives to say the least. Logistically turning over the hangar - terminal moves to ramp would require purchasing at least 10 - 12 Goldhofers. Gotta figure on at least 4 or 5 being out of service daily - which is exacerbated by the fact that AA refuses to maintain the Goldhofers per manufactures requirements, with a dedicated Goldhofer repair crew. There are several times per day, that as many as 7 taxi crews are taxiing aircraft between the hangar and the terminal. The thought of 7 Goldhofer crews made up of rampers moving aircraft at the same time - sounds like a recipe for disaster. The feds like to have some leverage for enforcement, when say there is a runway incursion. Ramper has no license to suspend, and can basically skate with minimal accountability. Not that it couldn't be attempted, is it really worth the risk though?
not defending anybody, but the history of tripping over a dollar to save a dime is well documented. and the right donation to the right cause or bank account would approve any nonsensical idea....safety be damned.
not defending anybody, but the history of tripping over a dollar to save a dime is well documented. and the right donation to the right cause or bank account would approve any nonsensical idea....safety be damned.

That is true.
If anyone really believes the Association is close to an industry leading contract, just notice the response to the AMFA card drive.

If their communications are accurate, instead of FEAR and NEGATIVE attacks against AMFA, the Association would exhibit confidence and communicate to assure the Mechanic and Related member that the industry leading contract is about to be placed in their hands, and not be concerned with the AMFA card drive.

The response speaks much louder than their false promises

Why hasn’t AMFA National put out a letter of support and why haven’t they endorsed the campaign and why haven’t they sent help?
LMAO. If you don't think AMFA supports this, then kindly ask Sito to get AMFA to put out a letter refuting this campaign. Please go away where you belong. You are just a former Lav guy. Your handle on here was Lavman. You were previously employed, LM2, by the IAM to be a social media guy trying to blow up the IBT and AMFA raids.
Your own Local ran you off after some things went missing, as it was best for you to just leave. That after you didn't even know that you recommended a TA that contracted out your whole department.

If anyone really believes the Association is close to an industry leading contract, just notice the response to the AMFA card drive.

If their communications are accurate, instead of FEAR and NEGATIVE attacks against AMFA, the Association would exhibit confidence and communicate to assure the Mechanic and Related member that the industry leading contract is about to be placed in their hands, and not be concerned with the AMFA card drive.

The response speaks much louder than their false promises

Just seems extremely ignorant to keep the Association when it is expected that any mechanic will be putting his license and judgement on the line, PERMANENTLY through a permanent injunction which the Association may be forced to be the emforcer, like the temporary injunction.

Let the Association continue fighting their court case by themselves, by removing them and voting in AMFA. Then no mechanic will be fined to pay for the massive fines.

Legally, a union can't pass the fines on to a member, but that doesn't mean that the union can't get the money from the members.

Look at the LM2 of IAM Local 1776. That Local was involved in a criminal settlement with the TWU. It obtained a Loan for $850,000 to pay for the settlement. Then promptly raised dues to ungodly numbers.
Nobody loses one single thing by signing an AMFA card and then voting AMFA in. The only ones that lose anything is Peterson who is set to get a big pay increase again and push him over $270,000. And I guess maybe you since the IAM is almost certainly paying you again. You are cheap though. Dude you spend 18 hours a day on there for what amounts to $50 a day, according to previous LM2s. Eivers is probably making more.

And I liked the story about you just being a concerned caterer businessman. The whole story about how you are concerned about your ex, who still works at the company, is simply not believable. You can come up with a better story.

If their communications are accurate, instead of FEAR and NEGATIVE attacks against AMFA, the Association would exhibit confidence and communicate to assure the Mechanic and Related member that the industry-leading contract is about to be placed in their hands, and not be concerned with the AMFA card drive.

Exhibiting confidence is not how the IAM (or Association) operates. Everything is polemic. Not only is it ineffective, it's actually regressive. This constant pouting and negativity are a turnoff and do nothing to draw people in. It's a large part of why the IAM can't get any traction at DL, while the AFA can.

Your own Local ran you off after some things went missing, as it was best for you to just leave. That after you didn't even know that you recommended a TA that contracted out your whole department.


You are a non-member.

Neither are you. So what?

You and your crazy ramblings don’t matter.

So says the guy who's been reduced to creating burner accounts to yell at (and lie to) strangers on the internet.
I’m about as far left on the dial as you can get. He’s not in our tribe. The agenda you mention has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative.
Now I know where you stand. You ruined my day, now I have to go to the right and find another tribe to place him in. LOL....
Nobody loses one single thing by signing an AMFA card and then voting AMFA in. The only ones that lose anything is Peterson who is set to get a big pay increase again and push him over $270,000. And I guess maybe you since the IAM is almost certainly paying you again. You are cheap though. Dude you spend 18 hours a day on there for what amounts to $50 a day, according to previous LM2s. Eivers is probably making more.

And I liked the story about you just being a concerned caterer businessman. The whole story about how you are concerned about your ex, who still works at the company, is simply not believable. You can come up with a better story.

Well we can't be charged with dual unionism anymore. The association took care of that in our defense for signing a card.
I would like to have his signed card.
I don't understand how insulting him has any value to the profession or the desire to eliminate the Association. I myself at one time was a loyal sympathizer of the industrial union philosophy.
Hasn't he shown his cards already on how he feels about AMFA and the AMT'S wanting to leave the association? Insulting? Nah, just stooping down to a level he understands if that's achievable.
Outstanding to hear! Keep up the good work and don't let anyone scare tactic you like the TWU/IAM/Asso./or the co. threaten your job for signing. If they do, make the call to the NMB, Labor Board and especially inform AMFA organizers at AA and/or even AMFA National.
It’s great because I haven’t been threatened. There’s much more support and positivity for the future than a feeling of betrayal. I’m sure local leaders wouldn’t be happy to hear about it if they don’t already know about the drive, but their lack of knowledge of what’s going on really shows the lack of interest in the well-being of their members. I get a sense of dissatisfaction from our locals towards the Assoc. as well. Since it seems they are at the frontline and aren’t being told a thing about negotiations. So that’s always good for the AMFA drive. It’s time for us, both senior and junior guys to be treated fairly. As they plan for retirement and we plan for our future. Sure, most might not be around to reap the rewards of having a union of aircraft mechanics represent aircraft mechanics, but we are here now to make sure we always take care of the next generation. If not for the company, at least for our craft. As a new hire we make less than regionals and other legacy carriers. That is not ok, and we aren’t told about any of this until we’ve quit our last jobs. I took a pay cut from a regional to join a mainline. Would you believe that!??
Now I know where you stand. You ruined my day, now I have to go to the right and find another tribe to place him in. LOL....

Haha. Sorry man! I’ll be we have a lot more in common than you think, though...

There’s much more support and positivity for the future than a feeling of betrayal.

Working for a better tomorrow is the bedrock of organized labor. Framing that mission in a positive/confident way is much more appealing-and therefore effective- than anything else.
One thing is for certain the longer this drags out and the fact this card drive is going on showing the company the chaos that the Ass and yes the company has created just plays right into the company hands because they don’t have to pay us and extra dime or better compensation of anything and they just continue to sit back and laugh their asses off at us as we think we are hurting them.
It’s a damn shame that it’s come to this
At the rate we are going who knows how long it will take 2, 3 years more and that will just create more misery for the rank an file while the suits in the union and company smoke their cigars drink their bourbon and enjoy the good life and we are stuck with nothing
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