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Amfa Informational Meeting

DECISION 2007 said:
I believe the union, any union, will not change our profession back to the lifestyle/payscale we enjoyed prior to the fuel cost jump or 9-11.

Well then how about changing unions for the original(7 year old) and still my intention because of the undemocratic system and the cozy pajama party atmosphere the twu operates under with AA? This has been proven to be unchangeable and quite revolting to some.
twuer said:

After TWU beat amfa I decided to take a break. I check in from time to time to read all the BS floating around in cyberspace and when I return I see it is the "same ole-same ole" crap from the amfa supporters.

Bob always has some kind of "Owenism" and most of the others are wannabes who seem to be dissheveled and disallusioned.

I don't think the TWU supporters on this board EVER denied the fact that the TWU has lost members. Have you denied it HSS, how about you CIO? I know I haven't. But what these poor souls fail to realize is that amfa will not save anyone and Delle will not come in to AA on his white horse and rescue anyone. They haven't done it as of yet!!! I will admit that I have not always been happy with all of the decisions made by the leaders of the TWU but the decisions by amfa have been much more devastating for our profession. But because we make a couple dollars less than some amfa mechanics these amfa-ites think that it's okay to lose folks as long as they have that extra buck or two. It's a reasoning that I will never understand and it is sure has something to say about their sense of what "union" is suppose to be. Just go back a few posts and read NH/BBs comments. That is the amfa way of thinking right there.

I am again realizing why I stayed away so long from these boards. "What we have here is a failure to communicate!!" I have listened to the amfa crap and they have yet to prove themselves. It's not that hard to understand. You just have to look around and see what is happening to our profession and see who is allowing it to happen and with what consequences.

If and when it ever comes time to change unions it will NOT be amfa who will be getting my vote.

Talking to yourself again? When did the twu "beat AMFA"? Was it when the group of fools were chanting, "To the doors and stop!", "To the doors and stop!"?

Perhaps it was when AMFA organized a rally against FAR 145 in Washington and the twu was a no show even though they were invited to attend.

You check in from time to time to check on the BS you and your alter egos post?

As for Bob Owens it seems as if twu supporters still can not refute the facts that Bob points out against the twu. Why don't you answer his CPI question?

twu supporters never claimed that members were lost? What powers of spin you possess! At the twu supporters, alias using cowards meeting you must have been patted on the back for this moronic logic! LOL! What was it now? The twu saved 12000 jobs and three maintenance bases? Concessions were the reason for this? But alas, jobs were lost. Now, did the twu lie to their members?

" I will admit that I have not always been happy with all of the decisions made by the leaders of the TWU..."

Your above quote is not taken out of context. Could you elaborate on exactly what you are unhappy about? Perhaps you could identify yourself when you do?

"You just have to look around and see what is happening to our profession and see who is allowing it to happen and with what consequences."

Finally you have said something intelligent. Our, actually "our" meaning AMT, profession is under attack by management on one side and inept, greedy, sell out industrial unionism on the other side.

Next time you decide to "check in" on this BB perhaps you might wish to defend your inept union with something that explains how the twu is democratic and accountable for their actions? Better yet, explain how the concessions saved jobs.
twuer,Apr 25 2005, 07:57 PM]

After TWU beat amfa I decided to take a break. I check in from time to time to read all the BS floating around in cyberspace and when I return I see it is the "same ole-same ole" crap from the amfa supporters.
Well you werent missed.
Bob always has some kind of "Owenism" and most of the others are wannabes who seem to be dissheveled and disallusioned.


I don't think the TWU supporters on this board EVER denied the fact that the TWU has lost members. Have you denied it HSS, how about you CIO? I know I haven't.

Dont you find it hypocritical that they would repeatedly cite the fact that there have been layoffs at other carriers?

The old phrase about throwing stones while in glass houses is one that those two must have never heard.

But what these poor souls fail to realize is that amfa will not save anyone and Delle will not come in to AA on his white horse and rescue anyone.

Whoever said he would? The point is if you truly believe in unionism then you realize that in such a competative industry that workers need to be united across corporate lines. Clearly the system in place does not work.

Thats pretty much the same strategy that Mike Quill used to form the TWU where the NYC Transit system consisted of many competing companies with even more competing unions. The excuses the pathetic unions in place at that time used are the same excuses that the AFL-CIO unions of the airline industry use today. Those unions were willing to keep workers in a faulty ineffective structure as long as it generated dues, the same as the unions in the airline industry today.

The leaders of the TWU knew that in order to be successful, in order to improve workers lives in a competative enviornment they had to unite the workers in all the competing companies. To have set up an industrial union at just one company would have surely led to failure, as we have seen in this industry.

The fact is that deep down the leaders of these union know that what we have does not work, they know what needs to be done, but if they do what needs to be done THEIR six figure job could be at risk. Sonny Hall even admitted this. So, they sit back, cash their checks and blame the members instead. The fact is its not the members fault, its the failure of the leaders to lead and do what needs to be done.

They haven't done it as of yet!!! I will admit that I have not always been happy with all of the decisions made by the leaders of the TWU but the decisions by amfa have been much more devastating for our profession.

Such as?

But because we make a couple dollars less than some amfa mechanics these amfa-ites think that it's okay to lose folks as long as they have that extra buck or two.

$20,000 is a lot more than a couple. Lets not forget the workrules, no doubletime, half pay sick, less vacation etc. The fact is that our profession has been devastated by the TWU for the past twenty years,from B-scale, to SRPs, to siphoning work away from A&Ps to other lower paid classifications, to OSMs to outsourcing, the TWU had led the assault against the profession.

It's a reasoning that I will never understand and it is sure has something to say about their sense of what "union" is suppose to be.

So tell us. Tell us how a union should be honored to provide people like Sonny Hall, Jim Little, Mike O'Brien etc huge six figure salaries for running a union where on average the members earn less than what the average wage for a "union" member earns. A union where on average a TWU members earns what the average non-union member earns, and thats according to the TWU Express!

Just go back a few posts and read NH/BBs comments. That is the amfa way of thinking right there.

I'm not sure of which post you are talking about but I'll admitt that I usually agree with NHBB, who by the way is a retired FSC.You have to remember that NHBB comes from a union area of the country where we really know what unions are about, these are not RTW states like where yall learned from the TWU what they call "unionism", which has more in common with being a member of Oral Roberts klan than being a unionist.

I am again realizing why I stayed away so long from these boards. "What we have here is a failure to communicate!!"

Ah yes, according to Jim Little 9000 mechanics did not fill out cards to leave the TWU because of the 25% loss in compensation, it was that they did not "Communicate, communicate, communicate" right?

I have listened to the amfa crap and they have yet to prove themselves.

Well the idea has yet to be realized, the goal is to unite all the mechanics and related into one union across the industry and remove our compensation as an avenue towards a competative edge.

However the TWU and the current structure have proven to be a failure. We work in a segment of an industry that is the core component of a much larger industry that is one of the most lucrative, highest cash flow industries in existance. Over the last twenty years the industry has continued to see expansion. Along with the expansion productivity in this segment has outpaced just about any other industry yet the workers in this industry have seen a steady decline in compensation.

Such a scenario where an industry is expanding and realizing increased productivity while at the same time lowering real compensation is unheard of since unions were legalized. Even in non-union situations workers usually benifit from increased productivity.

If the workers in this industry acted as one they could cripple the entire economy. Even if just one entire classification of workers stopped it would have similar effects.

If every pilot failed to show up for work, nothing would leave and billions would be lost in the first day. If every flight attendant failed to show up, the same thing would happen. If every baggage handler failed to show up they would bring about the same result. So its not just mechanics who should try and unite their profession, every group should. One thing we know, is that what happens at one airline affects employees at other airlines, therefore being split up between several different unions whose leaders only care about colecting dues, where they can not be held accountable simply does not work.

It's not that hard to understand. You just have to look around and see what is happening to our profession and see who is allowing it to happen and with what consequences.

What we are seeing today is the culmanation of twenty years of incompetant self servinbg union leadership in a faulty union structure that remains unchanged from the days of the CAB and regulation.

If and when it ever comes time to change unions it will NOT be amfa who will be getting my vote.

Why would you vote to have your pay cut down to what you expect the members to work for?
Well then how about changing unions for the original(7 year old) and still my intention because of the undemocratic system and the cozy pajama party atmosphere the twu operates under with AA? This has been proven to be unchangeable and quite revolting to some.

I agree AMFAMAN, pajama parties would not be my style of establishing a rapport with the company. I am told times have changed and the union and company must now work together to become again profitable. Why now? Where was the company years ago, not so chummy during the good times, this situation indeed sux.

It is indeed revolting to AMFA supporters AND to TWU supporters alike. My feeling is this, pay me to be your comrade, to assist you in making a profit. Give my benefits and pay back to me, then discuss how "we" can evolve into a competitive airline.

I suggest you will not see this with the TWU, nor your AMFA, AMFAMAN. AA is the last airline to holdout and retain it's heavy O/H abilities...this I feel is going to be short lived, protectionary clause or not....just my 2¢.
Name: Mike Oxbig
Email: inurass@udknowit.com
Employer: Red Ass
Station: All Over
Date: Tuesday April 26, 2005
Time: 02:52:35 PM

I received my copy of the company rag today (passages) and low and behold the numbers of layoffs that have been announced in msp were incorrect I will quote directly from the company rag (passages).....Page 4 Revenue from page 1...Staff Reductions....Fewer planes to maintain, unfortunately, means less work for Northwest ground staff. as a result NWA will cut 600 mechanics positions in msp this July, atop the previously announced 140 MSP based Technicians .....While details still being determined as the additional 24 aircraft are phased out (30 total) during the remainder of 2005, it is expected that about 700-800 additional MSP based technicians positions could be eliminated...........Ok people 2 months ago we had 3400 people on radar now take 1500 away and you have 1900 left that number sound familiar to any of you???.......Thank you amfa you have completely destroyed a proud membership here at the RED ASS.......And now that the amfags have turned on the leads and the people already on the street and the average age is 53 I would say that if you are in your 50's you will need to find another job soon as you are next to be eaten by the amfags........
DECISION 2007,Apr 26 2005, 07:32 PM]
I agree AMFAMAN, pajama parties would not be my style of establishing a rapport with the company.  I am told times have changed and the union and company must now work together to become again profitable.  Why now?

Well you must be an ex-IAM worker because if you were a long time TWU member then you would realize that the TWU has been saying that they must work together with the company for the last twenty years.

Where was the company years ago, not so chummy during the good times, this situation indeed sux.

I have to dissagree. The company and the TWU have been "chummy" for a long time. The last time the TWU struck AA was 1969.

It is indeed revolting to AMFA supporters AND to TWU supporters alike. 

If you support the TWU then more than likely its simply because they happen to be the union in place. I can understand taking the position of supporting whatever union is in place when the choice is between supporting what the company wants to do and what the union wants to do but as you are learning supporting the TWU is the same as supporting the company.

My feeling is this, pay me to be your comrade, to assist you in making a profit.  Give my benefits and pay back to me, then discuss how "we" can evolve into a competitive airline. 

Yes, and that is a perfectly sensible plan, but the TWU does not feel the same way. Instead the TWU says cut the workers pay as much as you want, just keep the dues flowing.

The deeper you look at the TWU and you can see how they are a company union. Mechanics and related as a whole have actually suffered less as a group than other members who have not had the threat of going to another union to throw at the TWU. Look at FSCs who have been devastated by part timers. The TWU loves part timers because each part timer pays the full amount of dues so the TWU collects more dues from the same amount of work hours.

I suggest you will not see this with the TWU, nor your AMFA, AMFAMAN.AA is the last airline to holdout and retain it's heavy O/H abilities...this I feel is going to be short lived, protectionary clause or not....just my 2¢.

Well what do we have to lose by going with AMFA? What do we have to gain by staying with the TWU instead?

If you feel that OH will eventually be eliminated then why would you want to lock us into the TWU? THe TWU has no interest in our profession, they only care about the dues.

Dont you realize that the company still has another carrott for the TWU? If the company told the TWU that they would not challenge representation of the 20,000 or so ticket/gate agents in exchange for getting rid of OH what do you think the TWU would do? Dont you realize that such an exchange would increase the TWUs dues flow and reduce their expenses at the same time?

As a unionist what is wrong with the idea of having all the M&R in one union across the industry?

How does having our profession being split up between several different unions who compete with each other for members by trying to help their host airline put other union members airlines out of business benifit us when the means through which these unions compete is by lowering our compensation?

WE keep hearing about third party maintenance taking over our work. Well the answer to that is pretty simple, ORGANIZE THOSE WORKERS and bring their compensation up. The fact is that Unions like the IAM and TWU have the money to do that, AMFA would if they got AA. The addition of AA would nearly double the size of AMFA. But, as it stands now, nothing is being done.

I'll admit there are things about AMFA I would like to see changed, but at least with AMFA the avenue for change is not blocked with insurmountable obsticles and everyone in the union is pretty much in the same boat. With the TWU its difficult to get government workers, school bus drivers and transit workers, who dont face the risk of seeing their employer go out of business or see pay cuts understand what we face in this industry or see the need to change. For the most part, with a few exceptions, they simply believe whatever the International tells them

If the McCormick group is using up too much of the money, get rid of them. I certainly do not think that the McCormick group should see an increase in their current rates based upon the number of new members that are brought into AMFA once we go there because first of all the organizing was done by volunteers, not McCormick.

AMFA has no real organizing department. That needs to be changed because like I said earlier we need to organize those facilities that employ mechanics. Perhaps funds that currently go to McCormick could be diverted to organizing with full time organizers on staff. When it comes to organizing non-union workplaces AMFA can no longer simply thow it on the laps of volunteers because in those places organizing for AMFA is even more riskier than it is at unionized workplaces. AMFA must become more proactive in organizing.

AMFA must become more politically active, because our profession is heavily regulated by the government and to sit back anbd only have our employers giving input to the government would be disasterous.

However AMFA is the only avenue in existance for us to unite across the industry. We can not do that within the AFL-CIO structure because of the "No Raid" clause and because the unions we have in place still would not be run by airline workers. In the TWU the head of the ATD is hand picked by the International President, who never even worked in this industry. OUr current ATD Director, Jim LIttle, is a former member of Management whose father in law was also in AA management, not exactly a strong union culture there.
Bob Owens said:
AA is the last airline to holdout and retain it's heavy O/H abilities...this I feel is going to be short lived, protectionary clause or not....just my 2¢.

Maybe not Bob.

The TWU could just suck up to the company a little more and split the O/H and Line Labor Agreements.

They will agree to pay the O/H much less than the line.

This will keep the dues flowing and the bank account full.

The O/H Mechanics that support the TWU are NOT YET working for their bottom dollar. They are producing more and offering free cost reduction ideas at record levels, they already forgot that 50 years of negotiatied benefits was lost.
Decision 2004 said:
Maybe not Bob.

The TWU could just suck up to the company a little more and split the O/H and Line Labor Agreements.

They will agree to pay the O/H much less than the line.

This will keep the dues flowing and the bank account full.

The O/H Mechanics that support the TWU are NOT YET working for their bottom dollar. They are producing more and offering free cost reduction ideas at record levels, they already forgot that 50 years of negotiatied benefits was lost.

Well that was 2007s position, I did not agree or disagree but used it as an opportunity to question 2007s misplaced loyalty to the TWU.
The O/H Mechanics that support the TWU are NOT YET working for their bottom dollar. They are producing more and offering free cost reduction ideas at record levels, they already forgot that 50 years of negotiated benefits was lost.

2004, this might be reaching a bit, but I believe there are AMFA supporters at AA that ALSO have not yet worked for their bottom dollar. Stating, as you did, is slightly one sided. Also, here at MCIE, the personnel that will be left would definitely work for less, and here is why I state that. Those left will all be close to retirement or already hold that option. Those that need one or two years to leave would almost have to accept concessions to secure their retirement. Just one way to look at it I suppose, and I'm sure the company recognizes this.

And Bob, my loyalty has always been to my brothers at MCIE, not to AMFA or the TWU. Misplaced? Perhaps from a veteran TWUer that wants another union in AA, I could see how you would describe it as such. I do consider myself a union man. I do not consider the actions of the TWU and AA as being conducted in a union favor. Again I've been told that the "old way" of doing business is over, and that we need to adjust to the era.

Personally, I'm fried. I am looking forward to the pending furlough with enthusiasm, and would be emotionally struck down if AA called it off. Will I make this money elsewhere? Probably not, but that's OK. The TWAers lived with lower wages for years and still eked an existence, we can do it again. Did AA purchasing TWA assist us? Not really, it kept me from my next profession for 4 years, lost seniority, and fed BS from amateurs posing as AA management.

Anyway, back to the loyalty issue. My loyalty is to my foremost priority, my family. AMFA or TWU plays no role in their future, thank God.
DECISION 2007 said:
2004, this might be reaching a bit, but I believe there are AMFA supporters at AA that ALSO have not yet worked for their bottom dollar. Stating, as you did, is slightly one sided. Also, here at MCIE, the personnel that will be left would definitely work for less, and here is why I state that. Those left will all be close to retirement or already hold that option. Those that need one or two years to leave would almost have to accept concessions to secure their retirement. Just one way to look at it I suppose, and I'm sure the company recognizes this.

And Bob, my loyalty has always been to my brothers at MCIE, not to AMFA or the TWU. Misplaced? Perhaps from a veteran TWUer that wants another union in AA, I could see how you would describe it as such. I do consider myself a union man. I do not consider the actions of the TWU and AA as being conducted in a union favor. Again I've been told that the "old way" of doing business is over, and that we need to adjust to the era.

Personally, I'm fried. I am looking forward to the pending furlough with enthusiasm, and would be emotionally struck down if AA called it off. Will I make this money elsewhere? Probably not, but that's OK. The TWAers lived with lower wages for years and still eked an existence, we can do it again. Did AA purchasing TWA assist us? Not really, it kept me from my next profession for 4 years, lost seniority, and fed BS from amateurs posing as AA management.

Anyway, back to the loyalty issue. My loyalty is to my foremost priority, my family. AMFA or TWU plays no role in their future, thank God.

Well, your tune here has changed, you can see the TWU and the company for what they really are now, I guess the best way to sum it up is "we told you so". It sounds more like you simply dont want to admit that you were wrong.

However thanks to you and your brothers in MCI we are stuck with the agreement that had MCI not been included would have been shot down. In fact, the whole industry has been set back because of what you guys helped AA to do without going BK, and now you are seeing how the company and the TWU are rewarding you.

You claim you are a union man, but you are not. Just as you guys did not care about your union brothers back when you were TWA you carried on the same way when you came to AA. Give the company anything they want because no matter how low they go, we, here in MCI, will still live good. It never mattered to you guys that you were living good off the sweat and suffereing of your union brothers in high cost areas. As you sat back and they struggled you hypocritically used Unionism as your excuse for screwing them.

You have the nerve to say that you eked out an existance back when you were earning $25/hr when the fact is you were living like Kings compared to your "brothers" on the line, you know, the line, where all the money that paid you was generated. The only way your Brothers over there in Hangar 12 (JFK TWA) made it was by living there and working tons of OT. But then again, while you claim to be a union man, the only ones that mattered to you were those at MCI.

The fact is you guys were used. Used to bring labor rates down, now that they have them down they no longer need your vote, so they are getting rid of you. Figure after the company goes for one more last squeeze in 2006 the rest of OH will be on the chopping block too. The company will say they tried, but since everyone else contracts out all their overhaul and they cant get anyone to show up for work out on the line for $20 hr its time for them to do the same. Just as you used your brothers on the line to insure an easy existance for yourselves the TWU and the company used you.

The company will tell the TWU to collect cards from the ticket agents. The TWU will take this as their buy off for allowing and cooperating with the company in lowering wages and getting rid of thousands of overhaul jobs,but in reality it will be a strategic move by the company to keep out the more militant CWA. The leaders of the TWU are so dumb that they dont realize that since a lot of the Res agents are gone, and they are the ones that typically resisted unionizing, that organizing the gate agents would be reletively easy, but then again with the TWUs reputation they may no longer want to go union either.
Ken MacTiernan said:
Talking to yourself again? When did the twu "beat AMFA"? Was it when the group of fools were chanting, "To the doors and stop!", "To the doors and stop!"?

Perhaps it was when AMFA organized a rally against FAR 145 in Washington and the twu was a no show even though they were invited to attend.

You check in from time to time to check on the BS you and your alter egos post?

As for Bob Owens it seems as if twu supporters still can not refute the facts that Bob points out against the twu. Why don't you answer his CPI question?

twu supporters never claimed that members were lost? What powers of spin you possess! At the twu supporters, alias using cowards meeting you must have been patted on the back for this moronic logic! LOL! What was it now? The twu saved 12000 jobs and three maintenance bases? Concessions were the reason for this? But alas, jobs were lost. Now, did the twu lie to their members?

" I will admit that I have not always been happy with all of the decisions made by the leaders of the TWU..."

Your above quote is not taken out of context. Could you elaborate on exactly what you are unhappy about? Perhaps you could identify yourself when you do?

"You just have to look around and see what is happening to our profession and see who is allowing it to happen and with what consequences."

Finally you have said something intelligent. Our, actually "our" meaning AMT, profession is under attack by management on one side and inept, greedy, sell out industrial unionism on the other side.

Next time you decide to "check in" on this BB perhaps you might wish to defend your inept union with something that explains how the twu is democratic and accountable for their actions? Better yet, explain how the concessions saved jobs.

twuer, care to answer the question?
Bob Owens said:
Well, your tune here has changed, you can see the TWU and the company for what they really are now, I guess the best way to sum it up is "we told you so". It sounds more like you simply dont want to admit that you were wrong.

However thanks to you and your brothers in MCI we are stuck with the agreement that had MCI not been included would have been shot down. In fact, the whole industry has been set back because of what you guys helped AA to do without going BK, and now you are seeing how the company and the TWU are rewarding you.

You claim you are a union man, but you are not. Just as you guys did not care about your union brothers back when you were TWA you carried on the same way when you came to AA. Give the company anything they want because no matter how low they go, we, here in MCI, will still live good. It never mattered to you guys that you were living good off the sweat and suffereing of your union brothers in high cost areas. As you sat back and they struggled you hypocritically used Unionism as your excuse for screwing them.

You have the nerve to say that you eked out an existance back when you were earning $25/hr when the fact is you were living like Kings compared to your "brothers" on the line, you know, the line, where all the money that paid you was generated. The only way your Brothers over there in Hangar 12 (JFK TWA) made it was by living there and working tons of OT. But then again, while you claim to be a union man, the only ones that mattered to you were those at MCI.

The fact is you guys were used. Used to bring labor rates down, now that they have them down they no longer need your vote, so they are getting rid of you. Figure after the company goes for one more last squeeze in 2006 the rest of OH will be on the chopping block too. The company will say they tried, but since everyone else contracts out all their overhaul and they cant get anyone to show up for work out on the line for $20 hr its time for them to do the same. Just as you used your brothers on the line to insure an easy existance for yourselves the TWU and the company used you.

The company will tell the TWU to collect cards from the ticket agents. The TWU will take this as their buy off for allowing and cooperating with the company in lowering wages and getting rid of thousands of overhaul jobs,but in reality it will be a strategic move by the company to keep out the more militant CWA. The leaders of the TWU are so dumb that they dont realize that since a lot of the Res agents are gone, and they are the ones that typically resisted unionizing, that organizing the gate agents would be reletively easy, but then again with the TWUs reputation they may no longer want to go union either.

In fact, the whole industry has been set back because of what you guys helped AA to do without going BK,

Well Bob, I guess that shoots the hell out of the earlier statements of Jim Little passing it through regardless of vote outcome, thanks for clearing the issue. Fact is Bob, I wish I could do your status harm as you have ours at MCIE. Many here do not take the loss of seniority lightly, thanks for all you did in support of our strife.

Well, your tune here has changed, you can see the TWU and the company for what they really are now, I guess the best way to sum it up is "we told you so". It sounds more like you simply dont want to admit that you were wrong.

No Bob, the best way to sum it up is that I have a difference of opinion with the TWU locally here at MCIE. You would "tell me so", whether you were right or wrong on any given issue, it's your nature Bob. The fact that I have a difference of opinion still does not warrant me running to Delle's bosom for comfort as you do. I admit I do not share in the TWU's style of operation with the company. That is simply my opinion, nothing more. My vote counts as one.

You have the nerve to say that you eked out an existance back when you were earning $25/hr when the fact is you were living like Kings compared to your "brothers" on the line, you know, the line, where all the money that paid you was generated.

So the line is responsible for all revenue generated now? Hmmmmm...the line then is also responsible for the loss of revenue, correct? The line controls the flow of money withing AA, interesting concept of yours Bob. Your desire to split the line from major O/H brings to mind the same concept of OSMs and mechanics. Yet you throw that in the face of the TWU constantly, regardless of the fact you and yours voted that in prior to the purchase of TWA, (damn, can't blame MCIE).
You desire to set 2 pay scales within the mechanic ranks, sound familiar?

I'll miss your script when I leave this profession, but here's a word of advice Bob. Keep your posts within the union forums, seems you take a real butt kicking when you type outside of your little local following. The finance/company peeps own you on these boards. Now, have a nice day, and take time to think of who will be your next target to lay blame to once TWAers are long gone. And hopefully your AMFA supporters that work major O/H won't catch on to your self-serving proclamations. 😀
Bob Owens said:
The company will tell the TWU to collect cards from the ticket agents. The TWU will take this as their buy off for allowing and cooperating with the company in lowering wages and getting rid of thousands of overhaul jobs,but in reality it will be a strategic move by the company to keep out the more militant CWA. The leaders of the TWU are so dumb that they dont realize that since a lot of the Res agents are gone, and they are the ones that typically resisted unionizing, that organizing the gate agents would be reletively easy, but then again with the TWUs reputation they may no longer want to go union either.

Bob do you think this is in the works?
Amfa meeting was a joke!

Amfa national representative Doug Butts admitted amfa is nothing more than a bunch of losers! This came from his own mouth!

Twist away and try to deny this!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Amfa meeting was a joke!

Amfa national representative Doug Butts admitted amfa is nothing more than a bunch of losers! This came from his own mouth!

Twist away and try to deny this!!!!!!!

And the TWU saved 12000 jobs and 3 Maintenance Bases with the Industry Leading Concessions?

Like we are going to believe you Kevin.