AMFA Drive started in Tulsa ?

Nitronut you mentioned you were afraid the same people would be elected AMFA Officers. With this being your union you can always choose to not elect them into office due to their past. Also read the AMFA Constitution and you will find out Officers who are elected can be re-called if they are not performing their jobs to the satisfaction of the membership, think that could happen with the TWU. Take time and stop one of the individuals who are passing out AMFA cards and ask questions. There are AMFA reps in every hangar on the base. I'm in 1-B if you want to talk and I don't go by an alias!
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informer... I dont have an answer. just looking at the amfa track record
informer... I dont have an answer. just looking at the amfa track record

Be specific and spell the AMFA track record as you know it.

We will take it one by one and attempt to explain what took place in each instance.

If you like we can start with Southwest, Alaska, and Mesaba since that is recent AMFA representation.
If I cannot give you an answer right now, I will get one for you.
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I will get my questions together..... With the questions of SWA, Alaska, and Mesaba I would like AMT numbers and pay. Also I want Northwest and United AMT numbers and pay. Numbers meaning those employed and those who were employed ie NW and United. Just asking, that is where I have the problems.
I will get my questions together..... With the questions of SWA, Alaska, and Mesaba I would like AMT numbers and pay. Also I want Northwest and United AMT numbers and pay. Numbers meaning those employed and those who were employed ie NW and United. Just asking, that is where I have the problems.

United AMT's are not represented by AMFA.
Northwest AMT's went on strike SCABs busted the Union, merged with Delta.

I will begin working on the SWA, Alaska, Mesaba numbers and pay.

If you don't mind, get me the numbers and pay of the TWU members in 2002, and then how many TWA mechanics there were upon acquisition that became TWU members. Then compare both headcount and pay numbers from then to those numbers and pay now. You can use the the 3/22 term sheet for current pay.

We will compare track records.

And I am still awaiting your response to these questions:

Are you happy with the direction of the company?
Are you happy with your Union representation?
Are you happy with the direction this profession in going?
Are you happy with the direction of the Tulsa Maintenance Base?
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  • #38
Fair enough, however...United and NW were represented by AMFA before they stated its our way or the highway. Please respond to that
Fair enough, however...United and NW were represented by AMFA before they stated its our way or the highway. Please respond to that

Be more specifc, year and who said what about a highway. And again, whatever happened at those Airlines does not mean that happens here at AA.
I will get my questions together..... With the questions of SWA, Alaska, and Mesaba I would like AMT numbers and pay. Also I want Northwest and United AMT numbers and pay. Numbers meaning those employed and those who were employed ie NW and United. Just asking, that is where I have the problems.

Nitro as you mentioned and Charlie touched on. There will be some maybe alot of the same people running for office,but it is not the people in office that makes the difference it is the rules that hold them accountable. This is what we don't have with the twu. As for as United goes the iam was on the property when Oak and Indy were closed. The twu and all of its cronies lied to you and avery other member during the last AMFA drive. If you google 2003-2009 iam-ual Restructuring agreement the info that I am telling you can be read and it will not be given to you by either side and you can make your mind up to whether the twu has lied to you in the past. It is not a very long document,but it will prove that the iam voluntarily allowed ual to shut those bases not the AMFA and that the twu leadership lied to its members for there own gain.
Since the twu is so predictable does anybody want to make any predictions on how long it will take for the twu or Linda Dill to put out a boo letter for the membership? Just a thought !!!!!!!!!!!

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