AMFA at AA- consolidated thread

The way I read it, "IF" the IBT has enough cards to call for an election any representation can be written in. "IF they don't have enough it does not matter they will not get an election.
Here we go.... after a long ride we get the chance to bring in a real union that works for and by the members. Not a big business union... like IBT, IAM.

There has been lots of mud slinging over the yrs as to which union is best for the Machanics of AA. That includes both Title I and Title II. There have also been some here who have attempted to pit the base against the line.

Now that AMFA and the IBT have filed the TWU will be in a all out push to save itself. Even more of the MUD will be tossed around about each union.

We the mechanics of AA know what the TWU is about, what they have done to us and our class and craft in the eyes of the industry. AA has again lowered the bar when it comes to what we receive for our services.

It is NOW time that everyone, not just the guys whom have pushed cards on all of you to bring this to a vote to do research on which union we should vote for once the NMB sends out the ballots.

AMFA has a constitution, so does the IBT. Maybe you should read each one. Ask the guys at SWA and UAL/CAL, as well as ALASKA how they like the union they have. Ask USAir since we will be with them soon.
How it compares to what they had, if they have changed. How much participation they have in the day to day running of the union. Are the union reps around or is it just like we have here at AA. (scammers)

Can they vote in/out officers since we all know we can't get rid of J. Little and the other TWU Officers.
Don V. Bobby G. do you really want to keep these guys or replace them with some one similar?

We all want to have a union which represents US, Not the ramp or stores, just mechanics. The IBT has promised this but at other carriers they do represent those work groups. Just like the TWU, and the IAM.

Soon we will see which union has provided the NMB with the correct number of Valid cards. We will then be given a ballot to choose which one is best for US.

I hope that between NOW and then YOU do your own research, look at what you want from your union, what YOU don't want, and then make a choice that will bring all of us and those who will follow the best representation for OUR CLASS & CRAFT.

IT will also be in our best interest to VOTE NO on this association as well, lets just stick with the battle at hand, Keep the IAM and the AFL-CIO out of OUR right to choose. This could be a way for the TWU and the AFL-CIO to try to keep a vote from happening.

I did not like some of the others here sign a IBT card, I have been a AMFA supporter/organizer for many yrs.

I support AMFA for these facts and these facts only.

1. I can vote out the TOP Officers when they don't do their job.

2. I can attend negotiations as an observer, this is only done at AMFA, no where else. No matter what is said by any other union.

3. AMFA does not represent the stores and ramp.

All of the other stuff that was said and will get said about amfa/ibt/twu is just the opinion of those saying it. Make up your mind, it's YOUR Future and Your Career. For once be a part of this don't just sit by and let others decided what YOU will have.

VOTE in the UNION best for US
So no one replied to your "Union constitution in play" so you felt you had to duplicate it here? Just curious...
No, he is not sure. As usual, the twu misinformer did exactly what he has been doing for many months. Telling only half of the story.

The big news item left out of this post and others is that the Teamsters filed about 6 hours before the amfa reacted. What does this mean?? amfa may not get a ticket to the dance. The association is scrampling to play catch up and can only hope and pray for some miracle to allow them to join the ballot.

Dont be too hard on the informer, in fact THANK HIM. To file for this election, the Teamsters needed a certain number of valid signatures. twu informer helped the ibt accomplish this by at least one.

Thanks dude.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Vote for the Teamsters or not, your contribution probably helped block amfa from even having a chance to participate. Cant wait to call you a dumba** in person.

Hmm, lets say you are right that AMFA filed too late, rumor is that the IBT and AA management nearly walked hand and hand into the NMB. Is this true? Did AA produce an Eligibility list prior to the NMB even requesting it and not drag their feet like carriers normally do? In the Q&A it says they have to produce the eligibility list by 10am on the date of the Docket, was the docket even written or served? Why would AA walk hand in hand with the IBT into the NMB and provide an eligibility list early?

Here's what comes to mind;
AA knows that the IBT doesnt have enough cards, because the IBT told them, and both were hoping to shut the gate before AMFA, which they fear does have enough cards, got to file. This way AA gets to keep the best union any Airline management team can ask for-TWU, and everyone who said that the IBT drive was nothing but a tactic to keep the TWU in place would be proven right.

If the IBT comes up short then we all will know beyond a shadow of any reasonable doubt that the IBT filed in an attempt to keep the TWU on the property for at least another year. They would never get another card signed at AA. This is a small industry, every mechanic in the industry will see this, and regardless of where they stand as far as which union they wanted they all will see it as an attack upon mechanics rights to make that choice. What the IBT doesn't get is we are A&Ps first, members of one union or another second. It will be the beginning of the end for the IBT as far as mechanics. And AA definitely was not "neutral".

How many weeks ago did the IBT file at USAIR? 3 weeks, how long did it take USAIR to produce an eligibility list? Have they?

Ok so its pretty evident that something unsavory is afoot here, is the NMB an accomplice as well?
Go AMFA. Hope you guys skip this IAM-TWU association nonsense and have a union for AMTs not stock clerks, cleaners, utility, etc.

So no one replied to your "Union constitution in play" so you felt you had to duplicate it here? Just curious...


What ever it takes to get the guys at AA to understand the process and get involved so that this process
won't have to be a repeat and rehash of all the last yrs, bs.

Also so maybe they will understand that they need to VOTE when the ballots are issued by the NMB.

Since so many were looking here it is best served here as well.
Go AMFA. Hope you guys skip this IAM-TWU association nonsense and have a union for AMTs not stock clerks, cleaners, utility, etc.

Once again you stick your nose into something you dont know.

AMFA represents Utility and/or Cleaners at WN and have also at UA.
AMFA blocked by NMB
AMFA is reporting on their National website that the collusion between AA NLRB &
the f----- Teamsters/TWU has kept us from our legal rights to choose who we wish
to represent us again. Even the TWU freaks who take the kool-aid via the needle should be
disgusted with the tactics of the AA & the industrial union greed.
I hope I am wrong about this and I will be the first to admit it if I am, but I can't even
put into words how disapointed I am with all the dumb asses that took the Teamsters
lies hook line and sinker.
Knowing that AA would stack the list with retirees, why would they file when 400 plus
nonsigners were leaving via the early out? They Don't Have The F----- Cards!!!!!! They
never intended on filing, until the AMFA train got rolling. AMFA has the cards and the
names and proof of the numbers needed, and when the early out was fully implemented
they would have the cushion needed.
Dont think this is over, we still live in America & we need to use the legal system, get in
touch with your elected officials in Washington, and make yourself the biggest pain in the
ass to your TWU officials and Company management.

For reasons yet unknown, American Airlines was able to produce the eligibility list and the thousands of sample signature cards, shortly before 4:00 p.m. on the same day as the Teamsters filing—May 28, 2013. The NMB then denied the right of American Airlines mechanics to submit their authorization cards in favor of AMFA’s intervenor status.

Company must love ibt/twu...
B) xUT

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