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AMFA at AA- consolidated thread

If your problem with AMFA was as you state above, then the membership should have removed and replaced the individuals that were not doing their jobs, not the entire union. Now the UAL boys are regretting replacing AMFA.
You see Anomaly, we are having a recall of an officer right now, you can't do that with any other union out there, period.

For the millionth time, our issue was not just with the leadership, it was with the organization, or lack there of. There was no real leadership. Everyone did their own thing. Thanks for the tip, but we did exactly what you suggested. WE GOT RID OF THE PROBLEM. amfa was that problem.
For the millionth time, our issue was not just with the leadership, it was with the organization, or lack there of. There was no real leadership. Everyone did their own thing. Thanks for the tip, but we did exactly what you suggested. WE GOT RID OF THE PROBLEM. amfa was that problem.

As we have already heard from other UAL guys, yea they are a lot better off with the teamsters, sure, you bet. Watch and learn what happens in the next few weeks and see who all ends up on the ballot.
Where did I post to vote non-union? Never did I state that anywhere in my posts. You still don't understand how this all works...

Previous page.

Signed the IBT card for the same reason, anything but the TWU, rather be non-union then TWU!!!! I would get better representation, without paying the juice to the TWU for the right to work at AA.

Actually you need to educate yourself about filings and what will happen when 2 unions file with or without the numbers. Like the other poster said above, pls keep posting thru this election at AA. AMFA appreciates your support.
There has been lots of mud slinging over the yrs as to which union is best for the Machanics of AA. That includes both Title I and Title II. There have also been some here who have attempted to pit the base against the line.

Now that AMFA and the IBT have filed the TWU will be in a all out push to save itself. Even more of the MUD will be tossed around about each union.

We the mechanics of AA know what the TWU is about, what they have done to us and our class and craft in the eyes of the industry. AA has again lowered the bar when it comes to what we receive for our services.

It is NOW time that everyone, not just the guys whom have pushed cards on all of you to bring this to a vote to do research on which union we should vote for once the NMB sends out the ballots.

AMFA has a constitution, so does the IBT. Maybe you should read each one. Ask the guys at SWA and UAL/CAL, as well as ALASKA how they like the union they have. Ask USAir since we will be with them soon.
How it compares to what they had, if they have changed. How much participation they have in the day to day running of the union. Are the union reps around or is it just like we have here at AA. (scammers)

Can they vote in/out officers since we all know we can't get rid of J. Little and the other TWU Officers.
Don V. Bobby G. do you really want to keep these guys or replace them with some one similar?

We all want to have a union which represents US, Not the ramp or stores, just mechanics. The IBT has promised this but at other carriers they do represent those work groups. Just like the TWU, and the IAM.

Soon we will see which union has provided the NMB with the correct number of Valid cards. We will then be given a ballot to choose which one is best for US.

I hope that between NOW and then YOU do your own research, look at what you want from your union, what YOU don't want, and then make a choice that will bring all of us and those who will follow the best representation for OUR CLASS & CRAFT.

I did not like some of the others here sign a IBT card, I have been a AMFA supporter/organizer for many yrs.

I support AMFA for these facts and these facts only.

1. I can vote out the TOP Officers when they don't do their job.

2. I can attend negotiations as an observer, this is only done at AMFA, no where else. No matter what is said by any other union.

3. AMFA does not represent the stores and ramp.

All of the other stuff that was said and will get said about amfa/ibt/twu is just the opinion of those saying it. Make up your mind, it's YOUR Future and Your Career. For once be a part of this don't just sit by and let others decided what YOU will have.

VOTE in the UNION best for US​
Signed both cards also, but will be voting AMFA.

What I am saying Rusty, is that I doubt you will have the option.

I have been through this process twice. I helped the association get in to UA and was involved. With the IBT I took a step back but still stayed informed. I do not agree with the many posters who claim amfa will be on the ballot. I do not believe it works that way in this type of decert.

On behalf of the majority of members at AA as determined by signed cards, the IBT is asking the NMB to decertify the TWU. This will be verified by a vote of the full authorized membership and will be conducted by the Feds. I believe amfa will NOT be on the ballot. This is now between the TWU and the IBT.

At UA we were slightly behind AA in pay and benefits before IBT. Now we are much better off.
Luck is good to have, but I hope you all are not depending on luck to see you through. The iinformation that comes across these boards is scattered at best. I would not depend on any of our posts (including mine) as we have all been wrong from time to time or express our opinions rather than actual known fact.

from the IBT,

from the TWU

amfa has remained silent on the topic
swamt, one of the many problems with amfa we had at United was the misinformation. The way I see it, you have it wrong. In an unreapresented electioin filing with the NMB subsequent unions are given a sepcified amount of time to show they also have enough interest in order to be added to the ballot. Nerither AA and US Air are un-represented. This Teamster NMB filiing is to decertify a bargaining unit. The way I understand it, if the IBT has enough cards, there will be a run off election with the TWU. If not, TWU has another year.

That's it. There is no window for amfa to file. As it would have been if amfa filed first, the other (third) union becomes nothing but a spectator. Why did amfa file hours after rather than wait a week for a surge of new cards? Why are some of these posts claiming that Teamster organizers eluded to the fact that there could only be one other choice in the election? Why is there NOTHING about any of this on the amfa national web site???

You are truly clueless.

From the NMB Representation FAQ revised THIS YEAR - March 2013

Items 8 & 9


As anyone can see, there is no exclusion for already represented carriers.
What I am saying Rusty, is that I doubt you will have the option.

I have been through this process twice. I helped the association get in to UA and was involved. With the IBT I took a step back but still stayed informed. I do not agree with the many posters who claim amfa will be on the ballot. I do not believe it works that way in this type of decert.

On behalf of the majority of members at AA as determined by signed cards, the IBT is asking the NMB to decertify the TWU. This will be verified by a vote of the full authorized membership and will be conducted by the Feds. I believe amfa will NOT be on the ballot. This is now between the TWU and the IBT.

At UA we were slightly behind AA in pay and benefits before IBT. Now we are much better off.

How many threads are you going to try and float this BS in?

From the NMB Representation FAQ revised THIS YEAR - March 2013

Items 8 & 9

What I am saying Rusty, is that I doubt you will have the option.

I have been through this process twice. I helped the association get in to UA and was involved. With the IBT I took a step back but still stayed informed. I do not agree with the many posters who claim amfa will be on the ballot. I do not believe it works that way in this type of decert.

On behalf of the majority of members at AA as determined by signed cards, the IBT is asking the NMB to decertify the TWU. This will be verified by a vote of the full authorized membership and will be conducted by the Feds. I believe amfa will NOT be on the ballot. This is now between the TWU and the IBT.

At UA we were slightly behind AA in pay and benefits before IBT. Now we are much better off.
Anomaly still posting that he has no clue. Keep it up buddy...
13.304 Vote Determinations
13.304-1 Valid Votes
Voters will have the opportunity to vote for representation by an organization or individual or for "no representative." Where the voter’s intent to vote for representation is clear, the vote is valid and will be counted as a vote for representation. If an organization or individual receives a majority of votes cast, it will be certified as the representative. If the majority of votes cast are for "no representative," there will be no representative certified. In the event of a tie vote between votes for representation and votes for no representation, no representative will be certified.
Valid votes for representation include "write-in" votes which clearly indicate the voter’s desire for representation. A voter must affirmatively "speak in" (telephone) or "write-in" (Internet) the name of an individual or organization to cast a valid vote. http://www.nmb.gov/representation/representation-manual.pdf
The Teamster Horse Fly is back at it again. No pun intended.

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